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Rainbow Dash

Everfree Roleplay

About Rainbow Dash

  • Princess of Awesomeness
  • Species

    Pegasus Pony
  • Age

  • Gender

  • Residence

  • Hometown

  • Occupation

    Weather Manager & Wonderbolts Cadet
  • Character Images

  • Physical Description

    She has a light blue coat with magenta eyes and a rainbow mane and tail.

    (Pictures by DJDavid98, DashieSparkle, and blackgryph0n)

  • Backstory

    Rainbow Dash got her cutie mark in the summer flight camp. When some bullies attacked her and Fluttershy verbally, she challenged them to a race. During that race, she discovers her passion for flying fast and winning. when one of the bullies passed her, she speed up until she did the sonic rainboom, which caused her to gain her cutie mark.

    Recently, she had joined the Wonderbolt Academy. She was paired up with Lightning Dust, but Lightning's recklessness by creating a tornado ends up putting Rainbow's friends in danger. After having a spat with Lightning Dust about her recklessness, Rainbow Dash nearly quits before Spitfire interferes and kicks out Lightning Dust instead. Because of this, Rainbow Dash still is in the Wonderbolt academy and still is interested in becoming a Wonderbolts member. However, this has created a rivalry between her and Lightning Dust.

  • Key Moments

    • Preforming the sonic rainboom and getting her cutie mark
    • Getting accepted into the Wonderbolt academy
  • Personality

    Rainbow Dash's element is loyalty, so she will always remain loyal to her friends even if betrail is tempting. This is seen multiple times in season beginnings and finales. She will always help her friends out when they need it. 

    Rainbow Dash is very competitive and she loves to win. She absolutely despises losing, as seen in fall weather friends. However, she understands that being overly competitive can cause problems with her friends. 

    Rainbow Dash is very confident in herself and her abilities, but sometimes she becomes overconfident and that could lead to problems, such as in The Mysterious Mare Do Well.

    Rainbow Dash has been known for being kind of brash and blurting out what the first thing that appears on her mind, but she has acknowledged that it is kind of insensitive and is currently working on this though.

    Rainbow Dash is known for being mischievous sometimes and has often pranked others. However, these pranks have caused Gilda to lash out at her in Griffon the Brush Off, and now they are no longer friends.

    Rainbow Dash is very self-conscious about how she appears in front of others. She often hides the more feminine parts of her, such as avoiding others at the spa, in order to appear more tomboy. 

    Rainbow Dash is often seen wearing sunglasses when lounging around outside.

    Rainbow Dash loves cider and despises pie.

  • Likes

    Winning, competing, pranking, flying fast, cider
  • Dislikes

    Losing, crashing, things going slowly, tedious things, pie
  • Abilities

    Sonic Rainboom, high speed and agility in flight
  • Friends

    The Mane 6, Scootaloo
  • Rivals

    Lightning Dust, Gilda

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