Nightmare Moon
22 -
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Alicorn Pony -
1,000+ -
Female -
Ruler of All, and of None -
Character Images
Physical Description
Nightmare Moon most often appears as a tall Alicorn with a black coat, blue flowing mane and tail with a translucent blue edge and stars glittering across. Her turquoise eyes have slit pupils, and her cutie mark is a light blue crescent moon atop a purple splotch. Her wings are unique, being halfway between feathered and batlike, and she is typically seen wearing light blue ornamental armor.
Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her Alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn, while the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters, maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies.
But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. Despite the beauty brought forth by the illumination of her moon and stars, the ponies chose to lock themselves away, shunning her night to instead sleep. Much to the elder sister's delight, they relished to play in her sunny days. With a smile of self-admiration, she thought that surely there was no pony so lovely and beloved than herself. Consumed by this great glorification, she failed to see the shadow she cast, falling dark upon the young sister she claimed to love, only for it to grow ever darker as days and nights passed. The lack of acknowledgement for her sister did eventually become so sparse that she took notice, but she couldn't accept her actions for being the cause of her sister's growing unhappiness. Angry with one another, the elder sister did nothing to stop the destruction of that who needed her most. The darkness the younger sister found herself in, began to take hold of her psyche. She thought that if only her subjects were made to see the beauty of her nights the way she saw them, they might love her too. She pushed for this idea, waiting, with hope wavering, for her sister or anyone to come around, but she was met with rejection and eventually threats by her sister, for changing anything would be an admittance of wrongdoing, which she saw herself incapable of. The younger sister took these as personal attacks, and realized nothing would change while the eldest continued to hold the reigns as she had. Feelings of abandonment and despair built up, until one fateful day, she had enough and decided to stand her ground.
When it was time for her to perform her duty of lowering the moon for the coming sun, she instead raised it again in defiance. She would no longer yield the sky, if their subjects could not love but one princess alone. And so, to the confusion of many, the moon rose to claim the heavens for its own. The elder sister would awaken to this and rush to the throne room to see what was happening, only to be stopped. The younger sister would declare her intentions of no longer standing idly by while their subjects only basked in the elder's precious light. Proclaiming herself as the sole ruler of Equestria, she raised the moon further to block the dawning sun. The resulting solar eclipse caused a surge of energy, with shadows beginning to swirl about the younger sister, lifting her up into a dark sphere, initiating the physical transformation of the younger sister into the all-powerful being known as, Nightmare Moon! Vowing to enshroud the land in eternal night. The moon still blocking the sun began to glow, returning the sky to it's prior sheet of star strewn darkness, painting the world in a dim blue light.
The elder sister tried to reason with her on their duty to maintain harmony, but the balance had long been broken. She demanded that she lower the moon to make way for the dawn, but instead was met with an attack cast from Nightmare Moon's horn. She just managed to evade it with a leap into the air and flew out of the throne room before nearly being struck again. Nightmare Moon gave pursuit, and the two Alicorns waged a great battle in the air. But the Elder sister was eventually struck down. Happening to land close to where the Elements of harmony lay ready.
Here the story as we all know it ends. Nightmare Moon preemptively celebrates her victory with a long evil laugh, while Celestia musters the energy to harness the elements, and fly up to confront the wicked mare once again. This is not that story.
The elder sister feebly gets up, trying to brush off the blow. She knows that she can't defeat Nightmare Moon alone, and that the Elements are her last hope. Her Horn illuminates to activate them, only for a searing pain to shoot through her entire body. Her horn stops and she slumps to the ground. The stone she lays on cracks as Nightmare Moon lands before her, standing in the way of the elements. Looking down, she scowls at the pitiful state of the once almighty alicorn, beloved by so many.
"It didn't have to be this way." Nightmare Moon says. "I asked so little of you, but you never acquiesced. I confided in you, only to be turned away. You cared so much about the adoration of these little ponies, that you betrayed the one who truly loved you. You may not have actively thrown me in a dungeon and removed me from the history books, but you might as well have!" She Glared at Celestia who looked up with a wince. "At least I'll have the courtesy to make your suffering swift."
Celestia dragged a hoof under her to rise up slightly, emitting a stifled cough before saying, "Luna?"
"Luna is no more, and neither are you."
Nightmare Moon would quickly establish her authority over all of Equestria, and though her subjects didn't so much love her, they became accustomed to their new way of life, and even managed to prosper through a few centuries of peace. They were not free, but they could generally do as they pleased so long as it pleased her.
The rest of the world did not initially witness ill effects either, but for many, eternal night was a step too far from a land where the rulers had already wielded too much power. Trade disputes would escalate, with locked pricing, the seizure of goods, vessels, shipping lanes, blockaded ports, ect. Nightmare Moon had no respect for these defiant outsiders, and they had no respect for the land of weak little ponies lead by the "craziest." of the bunch. Those growing up with eternal night knew not of what happened and didn't believe the rumors or that it could be any different. Nightmare Moon would cruelly demonstrate but a fraction of her power, and Equestria would end up with fewer trade issues and extended borders. These smiting events scared their immediate neighbors into compliance, but the more threatening Nightmare Moon showed herself to be, the greater the lands beyond Equestria's immediate sphere of influence felt the need to do something about it. Small conflicts rolled in larger ones, until she found herself with nearly the entire world against her. She felt secure in her position, for there hadn't been a major success against her or her forces at any point during the global conflict. However, familiar feelings crept back in, and these were amplified when some of her own subjects began to be inspired by outside forces. With every movement and rebellion, she stomped them out with haste, only for another to pop right back up. Ponies and other creatures alike refused to stop fighting, fear was no longer working, but punishment had to be delivered.
With the wave of a hoof, and the glow of her horn, she closed herself off within her throne room. Everyone it seemed was, or would be at odds with her, and this was unacceptable. If they thought the Eternal Night was awful, then she'd present them with the real experience. The Soft glow of the moon faded, and true darkness befell all. Magical or not, plants withered, and crops failed. As the frost set in, they all turned against one another, fighting for food and ways to stay warm, but it was only a matter of time before nothing was left but the cold. She watched as Eternal Darkness worked it's way into each and every home, as the fires burned out and the few left not having the energy to restart them. With this simple act, she silenced the opposition, with the kingdom having grown into a very quiet empire. Snow and ice buried the remains of civilization, all the while she sat upon her throne, watching in a trance like state. Ruler of All, and Ruler of None.
Key Moments
Overthrowing Celestia and bringing about Eternal Night.
The Great War, occurring centuries later in opposition to Nightmare Moon's dominance, and lasting just as long.
Eternal Darkness bringing an end to the conflict as well as all life except her own.
A portal appearing providing her access to other realities within the World Cup of 2023,
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