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Emerald Heart

Everfree Roleplay

About Emerald Heart

  • Mailpony
  • Species

    Earth Pony
  • Age

  • Gender

  • Residence

  • Occupation

    Equestrian Mailpony
  • Character Images

  • Cutie Mark Image

  • Physical Description

    Drawing by @Splashee

  • Backstory

    Born and raised in Ponyville, Emerald Heart is very happy with her life. She (previously) lived with her parents in the farthest corner of Ponyville until they decided that wanted to experience new sights and moved to Las Pegasus.

    Emerald Heart was invited along, but she decided that she'd rather stay in her hometown. Lots of people visit Ponyville and has made many friends through this.

    She visits her parents and cousin Cosmic Spark on occasion, but mostly sends letters because travel expenses to Los Pegasus are insane. 

    She currently works the front desk at the Equestrian Mail service. She also has a pet bat named Rosie.

  • Key Moments

    - Mane Character in Transformation Time!

  • Personality

    Extremely sassy, sarcastic, and short-tempered but is also very caring and kind. 

  • Likes

    Sour Food, SOME Spicy food, hugs
  • Dislikes

    Anything sweet or sugary, sports, Math
  • Friends

    Ursa, Hot Cocoa, Fable, Mariposa, Conch Shell, Cosmic Spark (Cousin)

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