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Posts posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. So. Right. I can't do anything. So, lets see how this is. From my point of view.


    It has been thus far established that there are ALOT of ponies involved in this. Namely unicorns for this example. When you take 5000-something unicorns and put them to one purpose, something is going to happen. Something big. Plus, what did you expect to happen? That I would summon a giant feild of flowers or something along those lines?


    Not to mention i gave you... two of my posts to respond. Thats basically two roleplay rotations. Everyone posted twice after I made the first one. I was largely ignored, the Lunars went to Baltimare, and I blew up Dragon Mountain. Tough crap. Those mages are going to be WIPED after this. Sitting ducks. Like a battery that has been used too much. So if you want to tell me that thousands of unicorns on one of the largest battlefeilds, with bloody gigantic runes sent to power the spell, we get stuck with pasting each other with water pistols.

    You summoned the SUN. Do you have idea what that would do? Radiation? You killed your own Troops. You wiped out About half the people Rping for the Lunar side. I mean its like you have no idea how to Rp balance.

  2. If the show starts listening to the desires of the bronies, then it is at risk of forgetting the desires of the show's target demographic of children. That's what I think separates this show's fanbase from others. The children are more important than the bronies, and they deserve to have a show that's made specially for them.


    I can imagine a child watching this show and being confused about a scene, because that scene was something that only bronies could understand or relate to. This kind of thing breaks my heart. This is why it's bad if the show is pandering to the bronies. Of course, the show hasn't gone down this road at all, from what I can tell, which is the whole point of this thread.


    In other words, yeah, the show isn't pandering to us, and people are getting mad about a problem that doesn't exist. But at least if the problem did exist, they'd be mad for a good reason. XD

    I disagree. Even Disney movies have cute little nods to adults and as long as they are tasteful, I think it s fine. Its okay to give notice to older fans so long as the entire show isn't rewritten for them.

  3. He was able to get his clothes off without incident, and before him stood two very pretty mares, both ready for him. He was barely able to keep from blushing. He wondered if they would mind that he was still virgin... maybe not...

    "So who do you want to start this party? Wait, wait... I'll let you two start... you know... ladies first."

    He grinned and got on the bed.

    Both Vinyl and Winter slid in the bed with Nightfall. It was slightly cold but it would warm up quickly. She really wished she knew what was going on here. She had this nagging feeling that something wasn't right, but the potion had a hard hold on both of them and it wouldn't let up for a while, so Winter just reached over and turned out the light as the night began to fill with various noises of their actions. ::Fade to Black::

    • Brohoof 2
  4. (With Vinyls permission I am posting action from both of us)


    She shook the slight haze from the transport off and looked around. The room was as she remembered it. What was going on with her? She felt so hot...so....it was horrible. It was like she was addicted to something and needed her fix. She knew where to get it. She turned around spoke to Vinyl, whispering. Vinyl smirked and she moved in front of Nightfall. Winter walked up behind her and slowly slid Vinyls dress off. They switched positions and Vinyl did the same to her. They kissed each other deeply and then turned to look at Nightfall...


    "We're ready, Nightfall"

    • Brohoof 2
  5. She whispered something into Vinyls ear and Vinyl whispered something back. Winter giggled and bite her bottom lip.


    "If you think you can handle both of us...if you think you have the skill and the stamina, we agree we would love to go with you. We just can't resist you, Nightfall!"


    She leaned in and kissed Nightfall passionatly.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Winter gasped hearing Vinyl.

     "Vinyl! Thats a little much isn't it? I mean do you really expect us to WAIT that long to get back to the Dorm rooms? I say we take him back behind the blechers. Its a good thing we got warmed up last night. Looks like its time for the main show"


    Winter nuzzled Nightfalls neck "Oh Nightfall, I don't know what got into me today. Its been so long since I've felt a stallion move within me. I want to feel that again. I want...no, NEED to feel you, right now. Poor Vinyl here hasn't had a REAL Stallion in ages. She needs you to show her what true Stallion is like. PLEASE, Nightfall....don't make us have to ask again"

    • Brohoof 3
  7. "Spiked? I don't know about that." She drank a little. "I mean it tastes a little off but I don't know if I would go far as to say spiked."


    She saw Vinyl's expression changed as she looked over at Nightfall. Was that a...sultry look?!


    "What the hell Vinyl! You didn't even like him earl....ier...." she trailed off as she looked at him at the same time the potion kicked in.


    "Oh my...you're right..he is handsome. Hello there Nightfall"

    • Brohoof 3
  8. This is all coming together nicely. I hope you are pleased Flame Dancer. When this gets ready to go I say we start it off at the beginning of the day it happened so everyone can get a glimp as to what peoples lives were before this happened. I can make a sample post to show you what I mean if you guys want. Anywho, looking good!

    • Brohoof 2


    AS the finally appeared on the ouskirts of Baltimare he spoke with Fluttershy and had her group ready for action. She spoke with Dogs and Griffons, who were also ready to go. It was time. No use in waiting. Col Mac would be getting ready to assault Ponyville any time now. She took out a scroll and penned a note.


    To the Leaders of the City of Baltimare,


    I am General Applejack, and Element of Harmony bearer. My Element is Honesty. I say this so you know the words I am about to write are true. The New Lunar Republic is aware the Solar Empire may wish for you to join their cause. This would be folly. We desire to live in Harmony with all of Equestrias creatures, not just a chosen few. We feel that Princess Celestia's dictatorship must end and Princess will lead us to great future of peace, prosperity and tolerance. We ask you take the enclosed flag and draw it up your flag poll in the center of town. If we see this, we will assume you accept our request for Baltimare to join the NLR. I have amassed an army outside your city in the event Solar troops arrive to possible force your head.


    With Respect,


    General Applejack


    Applejack sent the letter with courier under a flag of truce.


    COL. MAC


    "Alright ya'll! Move'em out! We take Ponyville!" On his command, every pony he had in position began to march to retake their beloved town of Ponyville and take a step closer to Canterlot.

  10. I think her episodes teach great lessons and are no worse than any episodes (I found WOnderbolts Academy in particular to be great). She's just labeled as awful because she's not a RD fan.

    THIS. Mare Do Well showed a part of RD that i think has always been there but not explored. It was her worst side and I think it was brave to write an episode that taught RD a lesson about that.


    Hearth's Warming showed a different side to Equestria. It brought it down to earth and showed it wasn't always this great place. They had to work for it. It was a lesson on how the world is and can be. I loved that episode. Yes, it talked about Racism, but racism is a real problem. They made it past it, so can we. I think she gets a bad Rep just because she doesn't kiss RD's ass. I still have no clue why people love RD so much.


    Anywho, thats my two cents.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. Vinyl blushed and smiled gently at Obsidian. "I can teleport multiple ponies. How else do you think I get a pony back to the castle when I don't kill them? I just thought you'd like to walk and talk. Here we go." Vinyl took Winter's hoof into her own and in a flash they were gone. They reappeared at the entrance to the party. They noticed a few ponies they knew, but there was no sign of Eris or Lovely, then Vinyl spotted the punch bowl. "Ooh, look. Punch."

    She laughed as Vinyl made a bee line for the punch. She was pretty thirsty herself actually. She followed Vinyl and leaned in close.


    "You know, I wouldn't have minded walking. I just know you really wanted to get here."


    She walked over to the punch and poured both her and Vinyl a glass.


    "Here you go lovely." She smiled and handed her the glass.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. "No no. I'd rather find something else. I don't want to take a chance of hurting you." Vinyl smiled back, but her answer was completely serious. She had a tendency to let herself go. It's part of the reason why she has to have two guards with her during an interrogation.

    "Well lets not dwell on it any longer. We need to head to the dance. Can you teleport two ponies or do we need to walk? I don't know enough about the college to teleport safely there. I may end up going over the cliff or something."


    She stepped next to the ever beautiful Vinyl, ready for the teleport or to start walking.

    • Brohoof 2


    Col Mac looked at the Pony in front of him with a smile.


    "Whudda we got here now? I'ma guessin' my sister sent ya'll this way didn't she? Shes got somethin' big planned. We'll be doin' our part here. Current orders are ta march around ta White Tail Forest and hit Ponyville from ta west side. We'll be usin' ya'll flyin' ponies for our air support. Now go on and get yer pony folk somethin' to eat before we march on out. When we get to ta Forest, Ill be wantin' ya to fly on ahead and scout out Dragon Mountain and Ponyville. Any questions for me before ya'll go get rested up?"

  14. General Applejack was peering over the Map. Everyone should about be in place. Sky Warden would be on his way to meet with Col. Mac. He had sent letters to Golden Eye and Vanguard about her plan to capture Ponyville and Baltimare. All everyone had to do was follow orders and this was locked in place.


    A group of Mages stood outside, ready to teleport them to the Outer rim of Baltimare. There, she would meet up with Fluttershy who would by now have amassed a lot of supplies and raised hundreds of animals to help fight and spy on what was going on in the city. Luna bless that pony and her gift to talk to animals.


    Col Mac would be left in control of the Sweet Apple Acres and Dragon Mountain Defensive. Apple Mint would be heading North from Appleloosa to join up with Macs forces and help seal that damn road they blazed through. That was a huge job and she hoped Apple Mint could handle it.


    She didn't want to, but she would be an arrogant fool if she didn't plan for failed missions. If Ponyville wasn't taken, they would fall back to sweet apple acres. If they pushed that far, they would retreat from the Farm and split up. Some to Dragon Mountain and the rest to shore up defenses in the Everfree Forest.


    Baltimare was another story all together. She had worked too hard for that to be lost. Moved to careful. the only thing that she worried about was that Vanguard pony getting all high and mighty and not following orders. But that couldn't lead to the loss of the city...could it?


    She thought for a moment. She wanted Baltimare. Badly. But what if the Solars had a trick up their sleeve? What if there was something she didn't plan for? How could she cut the massive loss of life if she was wrong?


    Everyone Major player she knew was already in play in this battle. Everyone had assignments. They were either heading for Ponyville or Baltimare and the battle began in the morning. She hadn't pulled one card yet and figured best be safe then sorry. If nothing else the 304th had been cooling their heals making Uniforms and such for far too long.


    She wrote a letter to Brig General Rarity and gave it to a scout after it was magically sealed.


    "Make sure this here makes it to General Rarity at the 304th. Highest Priority." The courier nodded and was off. She looked over to her personal Honor guard, mostly made up of Mages and nodded.


    "Lets teleport on down to Baltimare. I sure do hate this here part...."  With thaat the school surrounded her and she closed her eyes. In a giant puff of purple smoke, AJ was gone and at the NLR frontlines in Baltimare within the hour.

  15. Don't worry, he most probably would take a cowards way out and kill himself before you could do anything. He seeks personal gain and now he only sees it from the Solar's. Problem is he had less than 450 pegasi to work with, less than a third even under his command. Nothing is to stop them turning him in other than a slight sense of loyalty to their commander. Trust me when I say he'll probably fail and be at the mercy of the NLR very soon.

    PLease understand, I'm not raging at you. You played this true to your character and if anyone is to blame its Luna, because AJ warned her about Vanguard and she just shrugged it off. Its just sad that weeks of Rp could all be for nothing, but such is the way it is sometimes. I just wanted to make clear how I feel about it, and thus how Applejack will as well.

  16. If I may ask, who will roleplay as Col.Macintosh? My next order is to meet him, and I'm not good at playing as him.

    I am.


    First, you can't Destroy Dragon Mountain. Its like me saying I'm going to take over Canterlot. Thats our stronghold.  Unless you have some way of knowing everything about our defenses (Sorry, a renegade Rogue LT. wouldn't know all of them) then I wouldn't go making any stupid moves.


    2nd, this is Directed at The Master\Lt. Vanguard


    I want you to know, if your betrayal costs us Baltimare, I will make it my personal mission in this Rp, to find you, torture you and Castrate you before I turn you over to Luna for execution...IF I even let Vanguard see her. I may not be able to kill a character but its amazing what a pony can live through.


    This does bring up something else. If people are allowed to give themselves their own ranks there should be rules about defection and such. I mean whats stopping Applejack from going Solar? Just something I wanted to bring up. I know there is nothing that can be done about Vanguards choice, but I hope he is prepared for how it will cost him.

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