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Posts posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. Applejack was snoring in her tent, having troubled dreams as usually when the courier came with an emergency letter. She fell asleep at her desk again and was drooling on the map. She got so little rest these days. When the courier ran in she startled awake.


    "Ya be takin' me alive Solar ponies!" She drew her sword with her mouth and nearly struck the courier pony with it. He stop and she stopped at the same time.


    "Heh, sorry 'bout that....nightmares, ya know? heh...heh heh..*Cough* whut is it ya got there?"


    She read over the scroll and nodded, signaling for him to write back.


    Dear Golden Eye,


    Your presence is required at Dragon Mountain. I believe you have a certain hot head down there with you, Lt. Vanguard I think his name is. I want you to get him and both of you take your regiments up to Dragon Mountain and report to Valkyrie. I am promoting you to 1st Lt. Good work. Your orders are to secure the mountain and then head east if you are able to the West side of Ponyville. If my plan worked, Solar ponies will be occupying 3\4 of that space. I am dispatching another letter to Col. Macintosh who will approach from the south along with Sky Warden once they are wrapped up dealing with Steeleyes troops. Should you need more reinforcements, please let me know. The goal is to have secured Baltimare and Ponyville by weeks end.


    General Applejack


    She had the scroll magically sealed and sent off to all four ponies mentioned in the letter; Col Mac, Sky Warden, Golden Eye and Valk.


    She peered over at the map she had been reading.."Give up Ponyville that easy? Ya'll solar ponies must be dumber then ya look." She laughed as her plan fell together nicely.

  2. I kinda like that idea... We would also need some people to be...People, Maybe like, Two unicorns, Two Pegasai, Two Earth Ponies... And Maybe two Weak alicorns... I totally have dibs on one of them, If we decide to have them in it.


    Also We dont want to start Sign ups just yet, and I will handle them.

    Well, You can use my Alicorn if you want or I can play a mane 6 pony. whatever you need sugar cube.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I got it!!!! EVIL Scientists using trans-dimentional tech open a portal and suck 6 random ponies (or the mane 6) through! Then the story is what they got through and how they escape! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! INSPIRATION....maybe....

    but no, seriously..not a bad idea....Evil BRONY Scientists!

  4. Well first PonyEcho and I were all like "grrrrrrr" but then I was like "Oh no you didn't!" and then he was like "Oh yes I did!" And I was all like "Well screw you then!" and then he sent me a PM asking me what the hell my problem was and then I responded and now we're all like complimenting each others accents......<.<...Yeah I don't know how we got there but he's kinda sweet now........*cough*

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Okay everypony. Lets just calm down. Maybe things got a little out of hand and everypony just needed to take a step back. PonyEcho and I have been talking in PM's and working things out. I think the Rp can be saved and we can wrap up all the confusion so everyone hang tight. I need to eat and do some chorses but I'll be back.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. ooh CALLED SECON POST (damm you obsidian)!

    Do you do shipping? cause' i got two Oc's if you wouldnt mind?

    if not then hers just the one, bright spark (give him a fedora too)

    Bright spark

    Yes I know Darklord..I suck. Next time I will try to wait a little longer so you can get the first post in, if thats okay with you? :-)


    Good to see ya around!

  7. Ponyville is kind of the center point of the war its under SE control but NLR has been putting pressure on it from there advantage at dragons peak and there control over the every free forest (also for anyone RP Fluttershy, that's her forest and she can tame the creatures there if she has the courage to).


    so most of the battle and conflict will be over that vantage point (note ponyville get taken NLR have and base to stick attack on canterlot )


    but that just the idea at the mean time MetaKnights orders, if he wants to attack another place he can either way Whirlwind has been hired to remove Steel Eye from the battle and that gonna happen, if he's already out the 2000 gold given and my last two post were for nothing. 




    hmmm well...... if its automail or anything like that i'm calling hax 

    I really think at this point the best thing for me to do is just to bow out. Your worried about wasting your two little posts when Luna and I have spent several posts setting up our plan. Its not our fault you didn't read the Rp and see what had happened. POnyville serves no advantage at all other then for Solars and we have them blocked off at Sweet Apple acres. Its just more of a head ache to go back and argue points. Frankly I'm exhausted answering question and commenting on stuff thats already been played out in the Rp.

    To prevent this from going further I'm gonna go. I have 3 VA projects I'm working on and two other Rp's. I didn;t want to admit it to myself because I poured a lot of thought into this Rp but I think the ones who have left were right to do it.


    Have fun. General Applejack is now open.


    Obsidian Winter

  8. O_o orely let me get my nerf wand, can't rely say i like this since he's still going to be taken out of the battle in Ponyville.


    but plz run me and the other DM's though the detail plz

    Why is there going to be a battle in Ponyville? Lunar forces have pulled all the way back to the southern most river and only hold about 3 miles north of Sweet Apple Acres and then everything south. That leaves 3\4 of ponyville left to the Solars. Luna and I decided the fight for ponyville was an emotional one and holding ponyville Vs Baltimare of Filly was far less important.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. erm i have a complaint, and you're gonna listen (this isn't me abusing my power it me doing my job)

    wait so steel eye has lost a leg? he should be taken out of the rp then as not fit for duty 

    BTW the plan was for Whirlwind do assault steeleye on the battle field and push him back and out of the next battle damaging his reputation.

    also cut down you loses you were likely to have more unicorn units on the battlefield who would assist in teleporting you troops out.


    now feel free to edit and remove some of those losses.


    as for Celestial, she has taken a political blow after her forces attack a settlement filled it civilians and refuges, increasting the amount of Luna Sympathizer with in Canterlot  



    now that over the way

    i don't suppose people could go into more detail about the OC prowess in battle i.e. what they use, how they use it, what are they like in battle.


    also i am allowing the use of heavy catapults and Ballista's for future battles they are heavy duty weapons, take 3 ponies to operate and the SE have more then the NLR 

    Okay, this going too far. I mean really? REALLY? No one has been more critical of Steeleye then I have. In fact, I have called BS on nearly every single move he has made. But that crap about "your going to listen", I mean that was a dick move. How about he just pulls out of the Rp all together and then you lose one of your major people even keeping this running. He tried. He really tried. And I'm sorry but unless YOU are going to play every single character in this RP, learn to be more laid back. So he took heavy losses. It really doesn;t matter because they are NPC's. If he lost too many, well he can make more appear.


    Just because he lost a leg, doesn't mean anything. We are in a land of Magic. I was looking forward to seeing what he was going to do with it. Its like you have this perfect little way you want this to go. As a DM our job....YOUR JOB, is to keep it interesting, not prevent creativity and Certainly not to abuse your power. I mean you just walk up in here after joining late and start taking over. Then you go on to ADMIT you don't fully know whats going on because you just joined. Well, how about you shut your mouth, go READ whats happened, then come in. All I have seen from several DM's is ego trips, arguing who is over who, who has more power, well I will spell it out for you, the PLAYERS have the most power because they can get up and stop playing, then you have the all powerful DM sitting alone in a world they created.


    I am one of the Strongest Rpers in this damn Rp right now because I have been Rper for over 15 years. If you guys don't knock of the God complex, you won't have any players left to boss around. And, just because this reminded me of it, something for your listening pleasure.


    The first like 10 seconds you can skip. Its just the video makers trolling people who say D and D was evil and such.


    • Brohoof 1
  10. Can you please give him orders to reinforce Valkyrie? pretty please with a cherry on top? 

    Anyway sorry bout the delay


    Yes, I will give orders for Golden eye to help Valk..tomorrow, when I post.


    I am finally at a computer and need to get something off my chest...


    I am VASTLY disappointed at how this Rp has been run. We've lost three people already for various reasons. Most of it could have been avoided with better communication. We have like 5 DM's now I think and not enough questions are being answered.


    At the same time if I read one more pony asked to be 'filled' in on whats going on.....READ THE RP!!!

    Its brand new and really not a lot has happened. I don't understand the folks who say "Its movning too fast" because really, what has happened in the past week? Steeleye made a stupid move and the rest of the time has been spent trying to repair that move. The only thing really Rped out was the one battle that happened today and moving ponies to Baltimare. Yes, the OOC thread blew up. That was because of a lack of leadership by the DM's. I take responsability too. I was at work with no laptop to help.


    If you feel your character isn't getting enough play, put them in a place that they will or come here and ask. If you are on the Lunar side, I can put you someplace. If you are on the Solar side, well there are bound to be ponies in Baltimare. Rp yourself starting there.


    PS..Steeleye, that was a great post you made in the RP. NO COMPLAINTS...ack, caps..

  11. Pardon. You asked me to cut the Solar armies from the south, while I'm marching to Baltimare. Where's exactly the battle take place?

    Whoops....your right....in that case you can attack general steel eyes mages when ever you want to Rp that out. After you deal with his forces you were to head to Baltimare. Sorry, at work and distracted.

  12. I feel both loved and needed. I feel missed. Guess this was a bad day to work over time.....


    Sky Warden, your orders were to arrive on the outskirts of Baltimare and meet up with general Fluttrrshy. So your next move is to Rp yourself to her moccasin to the west of Baltimare.


    Golden eye, i didn't issue you orders because it seemed you were going rogue with Lt. Vanguard. If that's not the case i would be happy to write you in some Rp.


    To everyone, communication is breaking down. Page one of the ooc thread list territories. Right now hot zones are dragon mountain, Baltimare and ponyville is up for grabs for the solars since i gave up all but a quarter of it. The Rp really needs to be read for all of you new folks. Oh, another hot zone is just north of Appleloosa, but if your a solar pony i wouldn't go down there since that group is about to get erupted out.

  13. Actually, Ponyville has been mostly left abandoned. Lnr pulled back to the southern most river. We have up that ground to move forces to Baltimare. We only control a few miles north of sweet apple acres. Seriously though. People need to read the ooc comments and rp. Most people would know what is going on. I'm on my phone so no rp for me till late tonight. I can't help but notice people don't seen to be reading the rp. You need to. And for the love of Celestia, everyone stop going to Baltimare. Only me, luna, fluttershy, sky warden and Big Mac knows its a target.if none of those ponies talked to you, you don't know about it. The map is big. Find a place to fight and go do it.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Meta Knight, no napalm

    the reason it the technological time line of equestrian it more toward the mid-evil in term of weaponry with the addition od crystal manipulation as well as weather manipulation the Air force aka Pegasus can rain thunder thunder and rain down an mist, thet can also provide other support depending on there gear such as throwing spears and arrows.


    napalm is to advanced and is too much of an advantage i recommend you edit your post  

    Hey pony echo, mets knight didn't use the napalm, steel eye did. The reason i moved troops down to the south and meta knight mentioned the napalm had been an attempt to Nerf the original Godmoding that stayed all this a few pages back. When Col. Macintoshs ponies showed up, steel eye threw a few canisters of a crystal powered napalm made up of motor oil and gasoline. Meta knight just nerfed what it did. Basically, the way i look at all this, Appleloosa is about half gone and fighting back thanks to applemint, who will meet up with Col Mac after the battle. Sky warden is out flaming him from the south, ghastly gorge had him blocked to the west, col mac is to the north . I planned all this out so that very few if any of the invaders would make it out. From there

  15. I guess the date 12-12-12 will forever be the date that Bronies prevailed, even though Doctor Who has been on for years, MLP beat it....  I never actually realized how big this fandom actually is.

    Whats also amazing is that it beat out Firefly AND Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Both of those have HUGE followings. The fans of Firefly resurrected the franchise for a movie with a 2nd one rumored to eventually make its way down. I never would have guessed the Bronies and Pegasisters would have beat the Browncoats and Buffyverse. Good job!

  16. "Yes, it's tonight. I guess I'll be getting ready back at my place. I should be done in about an hour." Vinyl gave Obsidian a hug and teleported to her room. Let's see... I just took a shower. I need to put on makeup, pick a dress, pick out shoes, fix my hair and tail...I should be able to do that before the hour's over.

    She nodded farewell to Lightning and headed off towards the Hospital. She made it all the way to front desk on Nightfalls floor and stopped. Why is she here? She doesn't have to explain herself to anyone. All she owed him was a 'thank you' which she gave already. He lied to her. He did have a thing for Lovely, at least at some time. She had Vinyl and Vinyl was good to her so far. She turned around and left. Screw it. She was done. She went into Canterlot to finish her shopping and then headed back to Vinyls dorm.

    • Brohoof 3
  17. Heres my take on things....Since no one actually acknowledged the return of Appleloosa, I just played it out and have spent two days surrounding Steeleye so I can kill every single NPC he has, if not he himself. We can rebuild and we will, but really we would have to undo a lot of RP because everything I have done has been to recapture the south and capture Baltimare. Kinda fighting a war on two fronts. It would make me a sad pony for it to all have been for nothing.



    Question. How do you know to go to Baltimare. I didn't send any messages to you about it did I? I can't remember how you know. I only ask because I don't want our side godmoding. I don't think I mentioned it to you because that would leave our Western Front unprotected.

  18. Yeah, go general Applejack!

    yeah shell do fine. It'll start when somepony plays RD and one more OC is added.

    Oh yeah! Hey Fluttershy......and the most adorable battalion anyone has ever seen. So, no one to play RD yet? That's a shock. Its okay, a RD episode just got leaked so someone is bound to come out of the woodwork.
    • Brohoof 1
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