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Posts posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. General Applejack frowned as she heard the grim news from Big Mac. There was a heavy advance that destroyed much of the Everyfree forest and most of Appleloosa. (I'm going to go with this and just kind back track it a bit) She paled and was near speechless with fury and sorrow all at once.


    "Whadda ya wanna do Aj?" Big Mac said, his tone no different then usual...calming but firm.


    "Oh, those damn Solar ponies!" She spit and kicked the dirt. "They wanna play that game, well alright then. Send a full Corp and 1 Special forces regiment. Cut. Them. Off. They ain't about to run inta the heart of our territory and be coming out alive. Big Mac, I need you to stay here and execute the evacuation of everythin' in ponyville down to tha river. Move all blockades, air support and such thats assigned to ponyville's defense to that part. Then go ahead and send the troops that were there on to Baltimare. Fluttershy, bless her heart will have to start that shindig without me. Make sure to keep your main defense here, including Air support and Mage support. Sweet Apple Acres is a stronghold, but all the same. I wanna be careful. Thanks big brother. Dismissed"


    "Eeyup" Col Mac said and trotted off.


    "Scribe, take a letter to Sky Warden" The scribed and began to write as she spoke.


    Sky Warden,


    Your presence is required to stave off an invasion of epic proportions. The murderer known as Steeleye has entered our land, burned our villiages and there are reports of missing children. I need you to head out with me, along with my personal regiment and honorguard. Bring every pony with wings under your command. I cannot afford to wait any longer then a single night. I shall hope this finds you will and our dear Princess blesses you with speed.


    General Applejack


    "Alright, magically encode that and send on the wings of our fastest and most stealth flier in this base. The entire war could be at stake, ya hear?! Go!"


    The pony didn't even take time to salute. He just ran. Fast. Applejack, who usually was so friendly with her troops to the point no one really even called her 'General', just 'AJ'. Not today.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. HI guys! I just got word I was promoted to a DM position! Yay! But really, I wanted to post to you about my own restrictions in this. During the day, while Berry or Meta are on, I yeild to what they say if they are on. If they aren't, I'll step in. My job is also to help out as we grow with approving ponies(Which I will most likely not do unless urgent) and make sure the Rp stays fair. Its a war, everyone wants to win., totally cool. I will make sure it stays fair, MOSTLY after hours, like after 6pm central when the primary mods aren't on. Pretty much consider me useless unless its after 6.  Berry and Meta were kind enough to let me do this. I thank them both.

    • Brohoof 3
  3. Which Element (Light Dark Nature Chaos) And what level (1 (beginner) - 9 (Embodiment of the element)) are you?


    This brings up an interesting question. How do these elements work in contrast to the Elements of Harmony. Example: Is a level 9 Light\Dark\Nature\Chaos user the same as a Mane Six Harmony user or are they lower\higher?


    Is L,D,N,C the only elements non mane 6 characters can level in or can the have levels in the elements of Harmony. ex: level 6 Honesty


    How do people level up and how is it determined who is the awesome level 9's vs the lower levels. DO people gain levels as the advance in the rp? Can they be promoted via the Generals and commanders in the field? Is a DM the only one who can level up a player?

  4. Also, I believe that there is no such thing as an 'unwinnable argument'. There is either objective truth to a situation, or such a thing as 'truth' does not exist.


    Not everyone sees it that way. One mans truth is another mans lie. If both people believe what they are saying is the truth, who wins? In court cases people go free who are guilty and people who are innocent go to prison. Even in a court system based on facts alone, sometimes those 'facts' lie or can be skewed to be seen another way. People aren't machines who calculate fact alone.


    My few words on 'Love and Tolerance'. I actually fought about this not long ago. To me, 'Love and Tolerance' do not mean 'Passive and disinterested'. It means I will make every attempt to love everyone or at least tolerate them. Tolerance only can go so far. I think it more reflects our natural state of mind as oppose to the end all be all path we will always walk. Its our first course of action, what we prefer. Love also means defending those we love. Protecting what we love. I think our general way of going about things is Loving and Tolerating. Sometimes though you are going to run into stupid people who just won't let you be that way and you have to fight.

    Just 100 years ago, a man who adored the thought of pastel-colored ponies WOULD have had to fight tooth and nail for his right to be different. In some parts of the world this is still the case.


    But we can't beat them into accepting something either. All this sounds more like war mongering then anything. I get what your saying about defending ourselves but what would you rather our catch phrase be? "Tolerant, but Firm?", "Love, unless you cross us", "Strength throught Unity, Unity through Faith?".


    I'm not really seeing your point here.

  5. It gets added to nearly daily. Golden Age is NLR. As for everyone else, I'm sure it will get sorted tomorrow.









    I recommend we use this map of Ponyville as a way to show who was what as far as ponyville is concerned. Right now at the start of the Rp, Ponyville is cut in half so I picture it splitting just north of Townhall with Townhall being where blockades, trenches, etc would be. When the NLR gives up some Ponyville land, they will have all the way down to the river. But that doesn't happen till the Battle of PonyvilleBattle of Baltimare begins. I need people on the NLR side to let me know if you want in on this battle.






    Obsidian General Applejack





    • Brohoof 1
  6. Vinyl thought for a moment. "Well, not much really. Nightfall seemed to have a thing for Lovely, but she was either too ignorant to realise or too much of an arse to acknowledge him. That's pretty much how it's been from day one. She said she was homeschooled, so it could've been just plain ignorance, but how do you not notice something like that?"

    "I don't know.....so how was your morning? I went to go see Nightfall. He's doing better but still denying everything about Lovely...he didn't even acknowledge he had a thing for her? Why do males lie so much?"


    She scratched at the ground with her hoof.


    "Anyway, so Lightning is your brother? I don't see the resimblance"

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Obsidian read the text and Vinyl suddenly appeared...."whoa, that was....I should have read the next when I first got it...' She laughed and nuzzled Vinyl.


    "Yeah...about your sister Lightening......ummm....." she trailed off.


    "Vinyl, I need to ask you something. What can you tell me about Nightfall and Lovely?"

    • Brohoof 1
  8. "Oh Nightfall and Lovely? Erm...sorry to disappoint but...I don't have any clue about them being together, I'm just as new as you are....Again sorry, but I do believe that Night fall had or has a crush on some pony I know." Lightning winked at Obsidian. " Oh by the way you textin?"

    "I'm just letting Vinyl know where I am"


    She thought about what he just said. She neded to find a pony in the know. If she knew for certain, maybe she could get over this. But she was also with Vinyl now. She had to think about her in all this as well. She wasn't about to just screw her and leave. Things were complicated....

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Applejack looked at a map of Ponyville. Right now is was torn right down the middle and it was going to be hard to give up even a little space and let the Solar Empire get closer to their Military Stronghold at Sweet Apple Acres. This would mean they would get Rarity's place and that was going to be hard on her. Back in the day when the war just started Rarity swore none of those Solar "Ruffians" would set foot on her property...but then again we all said things back then that were wrong. Plus, Applejack knew that the Battle for Ponyville was all about Moral. To gain ground would certainly give a boost to Solar but to gain the resourses of Baltimare would be a huge step in the right direction towards out flank (snicker) ing them. She found a nearby Soldier.


    "I need ya to find Col. Mac and have'em meet me here, please?"


    The soldier nodded and departed. It was time to go over the plan and start moving the pieces. She looked out over Ponyville again and sighed. She hoped Fluttershy had made it to their forces in Baltimare safe and the process of gathering supplies was underway.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. What's going on in Ponyville right now? Ice Opal, as you saw in my post, is ready to go down there, and I need a brief summary (Boy, I'm using that word a lot) of what's happening down there so I can cope and plan what I'm going to do next.

    As far as I know, Ponyville is torn in half and in constant conflict. I'm going to be giving up about a quarter of it up in an attempt to take Baltimare. So if that happens as I plan, Solar would have 3\4 ponyville and we would have the southern most part. Solar would control Sugarcube corner, Library, Carousel, RD's place, Fluttershys place and so on....We would have everything a few miles out from Sweet Apples Acres. I just checked a map of ponyville to get this info by the way. Sweet Apple Acres is a Military Stronghold however. Its run by Col. Macintosh.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. She raised her eyes up to the pony in front of her. "Oh, hi Lightening. If anyones flank needs kicking its mine. I've made a mess of things and there is no way to fix it. There is something you can help me with though. Can you tell me all you know about Nightfall and Lovely in regards to them being together? I've heard Nightfall was trying to hook up with Lovely but now I'm not sure."


    Just then the phone she got on the way to the Hospital and then texted Vinyl her number so she could text back (saved ya there Vinyl) began to play the MLP theme song like her phone in Real Life buzz. She checked it and saw she had a text from Vinyl. She replied:


    I'm at the southeast rainbow waterfall relaxing. Lightening just show up.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. @Obsidian_Winter


    They burned and slashed. Meaning: They literaly burnt a path through the forest and anything else that hapened to bein their way. Roman legion style. I had no awareness of units stationed in the area, so I didn't mention them. (They very well could have been there and simply not mentioned in the post.) Though I must point out this is hardly canon, think about this: In any group, even those that find peace with their enemies, there are bound to be dissidents. Put those dissidents in power, they all go back to hating Apple-Loosa. To my awareness, Apple-Loosa is a farming community. The vast majority of troops (at least in my mind) for both sides would be either at Dragon Mountain or at the Border duking it out. (If Apple-Loosa happens to be the capital, it honestly hasn't been stated up to this point.)


    On another note, the Lunar's had most of a page to retaliate to his first attack. They didn't. So I went ahead and continued.

    You made a post complaining that we were posting too much so I backed off. All we were posting about was some inner conflict and such. I gave you time to post like you said, I didn't know it was going to cost us the entire Mid south.




    I know what you mean, Higu, but you need to tone down a bit. I mean, all the way to Appleoosia is a little overpowered, and I am a DM. Retract what you said, please.




    He does have a good point, though. He just marched through an obvious space. AJ does know the exact location of any nearby troops, and this one literally marched right by her.




    I don't know... do I unleash my first few LV.9's to deal with this? I don't know...

    I think this is just a time to set some ground rules. You can't take over a major city without allowing X amount of time to pass to allow the otherside to post or something. Or any major advancement. Keeps it fair. I mean obviously we are going to lose places and gain. The winner should be dictated by who out thinks the other. Whos battle plan would have worked the best.


    I just find the Everfree forest to be a major thing. I mean its full of nasty magical creatures...I can't imagine someone wanting to go through there....Plus there is Zecora who I doubt would have just let people burn her all to hell. Slash and burn does have its place but I think even the Romans would have had trouble burning down the Everfree forest and all the nasties inside.

  13. @higurashi


    So, I was looking at the map....how in the world did you make it through the Everfree Forest, past the bogg, past the ruins and to Appleloosa without running into a single battalian of our own. PLus, Canon dictates the Buffolo are allies to Appleloosa now, not enemies. Frankly, I don't see how you can destroy a major town without us being able to fight for it. It would be like me Typing out a take over of Ponyville or Canterlot and saying I burned it all down without anytime for anyone else to apply........Appleloosa is the Heart of the Southern territories.

  14. Lightning was walking back to his dorm so he could finish his song when some mare ran past crying."Huh who was that and why was she crying?" Lightining thought about just staying out of if, but he couldn't just let a mare be in such a distrought state. "Hey wait!" He called after her, when she didn't stop he started running after her calling out after her."Hey! Wait up! Stop!"

    She ran and ran until she could hardly stand and came to edge of one of the waterfalls leading out of Canterlot. She set herself down and tried to dry her eyes. Great, another pony running to her rescue. She wasn't worth of the attention she got. She laid her head down and waited.

    • Brohoof 1


    "If you're saying, even indirectly, that I had something with Lovely... well... I didn't. Things didn't... well, things never felt quite right around her... And she just hates me now, so things will never be quite right around her... The same cannot be said about you."

    He blushed.

    "Everything feels better around you..."

    He sat there, quiet.

    "Great... hopefully that wasn't too cheesy..."

    "Um... I- I can do that..."

    Maybe the talk was over.

    "If- if you haven't already been asked-"

    He hesitated.

    "Would you want to go to the dance with me..? It would give me something to want to get better for..."


    She was shocked when he asked her out...shocked, sad and furious...


    "Wha....You're asking me out? Now? After its too late?" Of course he hada no idea what she was refering to, but she couldn't help but be overflowed with guilt.


    "You're telling me you didn't have anything to do with Lovely, well I've heard different. I heard you wanted her and I will not be someones second choice, Nightfall! You weren't straight with me and...and.....No, I can't...won't go to the Dance with you or anypony else. You are so frusterating! Why does this have to be so hard!"


    She started crying and ran out of the room. Great. Emo-much? She felt bad on one hand, justified on the other. This was all a mix mash of raw emotion, compiled with he said, she said gossip crap. She ran passed everypony and into the afternoon sun.

    • Brohoof 2
  16. " I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for putting you in that position. I knew you wanted to confront Eris, but I shouldn't have just taken it upon myself. I also wanted to thank you again for the kindness that you showed me when I first arrived." She looked down for a moment and chose her next words carefully.


    "I also wanted to tell you that I'm not upset at you for not sticking up for me. I was disappoint, but not angry. I also believe that you should have told me about Lovely. I know I wasn't the only one who was feeling something that night I was in your room and at least a warning would have been nice." She took a deep breath


    "But thats in the past. I want you to focus on getting better. I spent some time with Vinyl last night as she helped me see things a little more clear."

    • Brohoof 2
  17. General Applejack was flustered and furious at Vanguard. It was all she could do to not show that pony his place. Instead she took a deep breath and calmed herself. Luna had gone to bed and the hall was quiet. She hoped Fluttershy got the message to head to Baltimare. Applejack took of from the Basecamp and galloped all the way out to visit Sgt Golden Eye. She would need his help to pull off this plan to give up some ground in Ponyville and take Baltimare. When she arrived at the encampment, she found a scribe and had the following letter penned for Fluttershy.


    Dear Fluttershy,


    I know this war must be hard on you. No pony could want all this anger and pain around, but we must do what we can to end this quickly. You know I would never ask you put your animals in harms way, so I was hoping you would instead ask that they gather supplies for the coming battalions. We should already have a camp there for you to establish a place to stay on the outskirts of town. I will be there as soon as I am finished here.


    Your friend,




    She looked at the scroll and smiled. The scribe had removed all of her southern dialect from it. She admitted it make it easier to read. She gave it to the scribe to be magically sealed and be send off by way of Courier.

  18. Do I fear Death itself, no. Do I fear dying? Yes. I think about my family that needs me so very badly. I think of all the things I enjoy in this world and how I wouldn't be able to do them anymore. No experiences. No more community or ponies. No more family and hugs and kisses. Obviously I wouldn't miss them after I was gone, but the thought of just being taken from that makes me sad. I don't live in fear of it happening. When it happens it will happen. I try everyday to make it not happen, but in the end I know it will. All I can hope for is to live long enough to reach a point in my life where I can say I've mattered and made a difference. I've done what I needed to do, even if I didn't get to do all I WANTED to do. If i'm honest with myself, I also fear that last 7 minutes as my brain dies...will I be awake? Will it hurt but will I be unable to cry out? Will I feel my body shutting down or will I just slip away....not how those last minutes will be is terrible.

    • Brohoof 1
  19. I can see the Church of Ponies having all of Celestias stained glass windows mapping out the various history of important events. I mean you basically have a "Sun" goddess, Celestia and a Moon goddess, Luna. They vanquished Chaos, Discord, from the Land and saved it which reminds me of "Let there be light" from the Bible. You have moral teachings and examples of how to live a healthy 'pony' lifestyle...oh yeah people could do this. Would I? No. But I would SO go see their church.

  20. Would you abandon your faiths and join the new religion? do you think that it will be better for society compared to the older religions?


    I don't see why it can't be if Scientology manage to be recognized as a religion and it should be pretty interesting to see haters get charged for hate crimes.

    Mormons......Some guy digs up a book in his backyard and says its the lost testimate of Jesus Christ AND it can be only read with his magic glasses.....Hey, I wasn't there but if that can become a religion, anything can.

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