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Posts posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. "Tea would be great actually...I need something to help me relax and calm down. I have no idea how I'm going to tell Nightfall or Vinyl. I feel so dirty......so......I don't even know. The pour foal would never live down the shame. I have to make certain no one finds out."


    She looked over to Whirlwind.


    "So how do we convince people its yours. Everyone knows I'm in a relationship with Vinyl."

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Rarity didn't force any Stallions to take them to the Gala. She used her charm to ask them and agreed to help BECAUSE they have chivalry. They were doing something nice for a pretty girl. Ponies still do that with no strings attached. 


    He was a total jerk. In a land ruled by females, he should be kissing Flank when he meets one like Rarity. Royalty usually has a code of manners they follow as well. He had none of that.


    As proof, watch this youtube video of him Rap Battling Big Mac...


    • Brohoof 1
  3. I also can't understand why you keep calling five months ago "back then". It's practically still present tense. It wasn't all that long ago. 


    We are dealing with "Internet Speed". On the internet, 5 months is pretty damn old. People can change all the time. People can change in a single day based on an event that happened. Again, 5 months is a long time for a person to change. He didn't know me back then.


    Oh and your sentence structure really blows. Is English -your- first language?

  4. After a long while she sighed in resignation. She nodded and laid her head against his neck and closed her eyes. Everything had come to a head finally. She was exhaused even though she had only just gotten up not to long ago. She would tell Nightfall tonight. He deserved to know....he at least deserved that.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Obsidian couldn't bring herself to tell whirlwind what their relation was but he seemed to understand the gravity of it. Deny Nightfall as the father? How could she? Yes her reputation and more so Nightfalls would be shattered. I mean she was raped, but Nightfall knew what he was doing. It would be crushing for him if this information got out.


    She cried a little more as Whirlwind held her. Finally she stopped and looked into his eyes. "We need to go see Nightfall....now."

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Man this topic is soooooo old. He isn't even an anti brony anymore. Don't worry guys, I'll straiten him out. He's gone through a lot and the community can be jerks sometimes. He's in (I'm an asshole) rehab now. Personally, I do understand why this thread was made. Things were pretty harsh back then and the community forgot its "Love and Tolerate" motto all around.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. After she gained control of herself she sniffled and continued to speak. "You know I'm pregnant with Nightfalls foal...but...I can't believe the obvious escaped me. I can't believe it escaped him." She took a long pause.


    "All Alicorns are related in some way. There are so few us that if you back far enough, we all share a common thread. Its why you never see Alicorns with other Alicorns. I was raised by a Unicorn...I guess she didn't know or thought it common sense......Nightfall and I are related....we're.....we're......."


    She couldn't bring herself to say it.

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Okay. I'm at the Dentist office right now, being told I have to have Oral Surgery. Yay......I'll get to it as soon as possible.

    Why do I feel like Im on center stage with all eyes on me......<.<...Echo, could you please check out Dawns OC she wants to put into the Rp. If the OC meets your standards, I'd like to approve her. With the permission of those in the Rp I would like to take over for Shank till she gets back approving people and kinda directing the story. We need new players to keep it fresh but I don't want to step out of line. Most of you have been here longer then I have.

    • Brohoof 5
  9. She walked in, totally dejected. She mindlessly walked over to his bed and sat. "I'm sorry Whirlwind....I didn't know where else to go..."

    She spoke so quietly it was as if Fluttershy was sittingin his room other then the usually strong, confident, even defiant mare she usually was. 


    "I don't know what to do....I don't know what to tell Nightfall....as if being slipped drugs at the party wasn't enough....as if being taken advantage of while I wasn't in control of my own self...as if getting pregnant was punishment enough..." she trailed off.


    "That bastard....he should have KNOWN! I should have known! I should have stayed away from others...from all ponies regardless!"


    She broke out into tears, crying uncontrollably.


    "H-how...c..ccan I....carry...a child..l-like t-t-t-this..." 

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Obsidian awoke the next morning early. It actually was still night out. She had an appointment to keep with her Princess. She was lucky she was being seen at all but Luna always seemed to be happy to take time to see her subjects. Where Celestia always seemed busy with the day to day running of Equestria, Luna seemed to enjoy the luxury that most ponies had that worked night shift: Not a lot to do and a whole lot of time to do it in.


    Obsidian used her magic to arrive in an open grove. It wasn't far from the Campus but still took a lot of her magic to teleport there. The Princess of the Night stood waiting. Obsidian approached and bowed down respectfully. 


    "You should know better, Obsidian. Family has no need to bow. All Alicorns are related in some way or another if you go far back enough."


    She rose quickly and smiled a little. Luna had come so very far in how she spoke to ponies. No more Royal Canterlot Voice, no more  royal we and she stopped talking in old equestrian. It was nice.


    "Yes, Luna. Sorry. Thank you for all you have done for me, but your message in my dream seemed urgent. Whats wrong that you couldn't tell me in the dreamscape?"


    "What I need to tell you must be said in person." She said grimly. "There is something you must know about your history, your family and your child."


    Obsidian listened quietly. First in deep interest as luna explained her blood lines, then in mild shock as she went further. Shock gave way to disbelief which in turn gave way to sheer horror. She couldn't help but cry. Her beads glowed brightly but Luna embraced her, wrapping her large wings around the young Alicorn. 


    "We...'I' am so sorry Obsidian. Do not fret for I am with you in this."


    Obsidian cried for what felt like hours as the moon began to lower and the sun began to rise. She was shattered. She had no idea what she was suppose to do.


    Finally when she was able to stop crying and gained a fraction of strength, Luna and her parted ways with a promise to meet again in the dreamscape later. It was time to meet up with Whirlwind. She walked...she didn't fly. She didn't have the heart. Her magic felt sapped and she couldn't feel more utterly defeated. She walked to the male dorms and knocked quietly on Whirlwinds door, hoping he was home. She lowered her head and let the tears fall freely again.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. I'm not mad if that was your true intention.


    In fact, if you permit me, I want to point out a few flaws. (I was about to do it anyways even without your permission)


    your OC's cute mark seems like it doesn't belong into the picture, perhaps the gradients colors are too different, and it is not applied correctly. In fact, I think I've never seen a cutie mark with so much gradient.


    The fore hoof that it's touching Rarity's butt, is incomplete, where is the beginning of it?  :huh:


    overall is a pretty good vector. It has to be very easy to trace one of "Wonderbolts Academy" scenes, and use Thunderlane's body as a base. Very good  :wacko:



    PFFFFT! keep dreaming, actually your christmas vector, in which I didn't comment was much better compared to this one. 

    IN your last statement, are you saying that he traced the image? I don't know, your entire comment just seems like you're trying to intentionally come off harsh. Even if the image was traced, the vectoring is amazing...Good job!

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Surprise had overwhelmed Dogboots​The stallion sunk in his chair flabbergasted by what just happened. He already knew what he was going to be doing for community service. More than likely it was going to be janitorial except this time he wasn't getting paid. The colt shook it off and approached both Vinyl and Obsidian. "Why? Why did you do that? What was the point? Do you plan on just holding my sentence as a threat to get me to do what you want? Or is this Nightfall's way of paying me back for what I did for him?" The stallion asked. Dogboots wanted answers badly. He was content with going to prison but being let go of all of a sudden and having an enemy speak good about him didn't add up for the colt.

    Obsidian just exchanged a smile with Vinyl. "You're not going to jail or Prison Boots. Why not just enjoy your victory? You're a student now, free to do what all students do. We'll see you around Dogboots."


    Obsidian and Vinyl used their shared magic to return to Vinyls room. It had been a long day of magic use and Obsidian was just spent. She still had one final place to visit; Whirlwinds room. She was still so exhausted and figured she would visit him first thing in the morning. Vinyl and her showered together, cleaning each other off and laid down to sleep. Everything was falling into place for the better, but she couldn't help but feel her other dark self was also pleased with what was happening. She shivered and prayed to Luna that she could maintain control so her Darker self didn't ruin all she was trying to repair.

    • Brohoof 3
  13. (i've based the large passing of time on the last few post because you would not be able to see a judge so quickly after being brought into custody )


    ((Its called night court...have you ever been a cop and gone through these proceedings? No? Okay thank you. I have.))


    "Obviously sleeping with a student is moral wrong and an ethical one. However it is obvious the sex was consentual. After careful consideration it is the court decision that you are to serve 1,000 hours of community service for the school you worked at. Also, you are to undergo a work training program at the school as well. You are to maintain no less then a C average and conduct yourself reasonably. If you fall below a C average or cause any trouble at the school, you will instead be sentenced to 5 years in jail without parole. You should really thank your friends, this was their idea and are paying for the expense. Dismissed"

    • Brohoof 4
  14. The judge nodded and reviewed some papers. "I spoke with two classmates of yours today, Ms. Obsidian Winter, an Alicorn and Vinyl Blade, a Unicorn. Both of them spoke at great lengths about your character and actions. Ms. Winter is even a roommate of the student you have plead guilty to sleeping with. I have spoken with your supervisors and the Dean of Students from the school you worked for.'

    "First let me say that you are hereby forbidden from working in the Security profession ever again. You have proven that you cannot be trust in a place of authority. Hence, the school and I both agree you are terminated from your job. Do you have anything to say before I move on to the other charge?"

    • Brohoof 3
  15. After a long talk with the judge, a few calls made to some important ponies in the middle of the night from the judge, there was finally an idea of what to do about Dogboots. Obsidian and Vinyl left for the court room as ponies from Security took Dogboots from his cell into the courtroom.


    The judge entered and everyone was seated. Dogboots was brought up front and the Judge spoke: "Please state your name and respond to the charges against you which are as follows, Sleeping with a student while a member of the Faculty of the school you worked for and falsifying an official report on a felony crime."

    • Brohoof 2
  16. I thought I didn't :L, but then I remembered that I took her down because I'm trying to rewrite or keep what her appearance looks like in the storyline. She'll be back on the list soon.

    When you are ready for her, I know a girl who does a great Dash voice. She works with me in Dramatic readings of Fimfictions. I can hook you two when you want.

  17. Honestly, it could go either way. It would just depend on who got in the cheapest shot or who let their guard down first. They are both equally powerful. Of course if it turns out Discord IS Starswirl the Bearded, it would add a whole new level to his power. I'm going to go with Discord on this one. I adore Q but I think discord would be able to win in the end. Again, Its like asking who would win if two beings of matched power were to fight. Its a tough call.

  18. Vinyl and Obsidian appeared at the jail and sure enough Dogboots was being booked and placed in a cell. His arrainment was going to be in about an hour in the Caterlot night court. Obsidian and Vinyl walked over to the desk officer and got the information they needed. Obsidian thanked him and made her way to the courthouse. Court was in recess and she spoke to a guard regarding the location of the judge who was preciding. They walked to the judges chambers and knocked gently. He called for them to enter.


    "Thank you for seeing us on such short notice your honor. I wanted to speak about the case of Dogboots. I am a witness to all that happened."


    Vinyl looked around nervously, wondering what Obsidian was up to. Were her beads still working? Did her enchantment still hold? She could really do nothing at this point but just trust her and hope she knew what she was doing.

    • Brohoof 2
  19. "Well, everything is cause and effect my dear Nightfall. You are here now because of something you caused and I was the effect. On the same note, my loss of control was the cause of you being here, and you losing a wing was the effect. We both have had trauma and we both have to work to over come it. As for us being related.......I don't think you're ready to know exactly how related we are so saying we are cousins is best."


    In truth she didn't even know, she was due for a meeting at the Canterlot archieves tomorrow to find out.


    "Anyway, I have 2 stops left to make. One, is to deal with Dogboots. Secondly, I need to go see my ex, Whirlwind. You take care."


    She looked over at Vinyl. "I'm heading to the jail to see if they have picked him up. Meet me there?"


    She vanished in a poof of frost and snowflakes.

    • Brohoof 1
  20. "A bit," he managed.

    "It was Dogboots. He's turned himself in and told me to tell Rockshire goodbye."

    He shivered, and his shaking slowly stopped, but one could easily tell he wasn't well at all. He was growing a bit pale.

    "Cousins... Why don't I ever think..? I should have known..."

    "There aren't many Alicorns out there Nightfall. If it makes you feel better, I hear cousins have had foals before in the past not knowing they were relation. I'm sure some Alicorns in the distant past even had closer relations......or maybe this is why Princess Cadance married a Unicorn....anyway"


    She sighed. "Whats done is done. Now, I need to handle this Dogboots situation and finally go talk to Whirlwind. He's going ot kill me. Its been longer then I thought it would be before we could talk."

    • Brohoof 2
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