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Posts posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. She paled hearing Vinyl and but shook it off. "Alright everyone, to the Red Hoof Inn, Room 13." She closed her eyes and a sudden flash of cold and brilliant Icy light overwhelmed their senses. After that, they were standing in Dogboots room.


    "Alright, we're here. Lets see what we can do to fix this."

    • Brohoof 3
  2. Rockshire finally saw Obsidian enter the room, and was just about to explain until Parso broke in the room. ((and a whole bunch of other crap, sorry, fell asleep)) She couldn't even feel the text she got.


    "Obsidian... Dogboots might be going to prison... He's been caught... He left and went to a motel... I'm scared right now..."


    She then went and hugged Obsidian, trying her best not to cry at all...

    She smiled and hugged Vinyl then turned to Rockshire. "We need to go to him and figure this out together. Do you know where he went? What room he is in? He obviously can't go to us, so lets go to him." She sighed and cringed as she remembered she was suppose to meet Whirlwind. He must think horrible of her. This was not the time, She needed to help her friend. Only now to small, misty images of memories from when she was her otherself begin to form, but she had yet to discover she was the one who called the Campus authories.


    "Come on Rockshire, lets go. Vinyl are you coming or do you need to be someplace else?"

    • Brohoof 5
  3. To me its not that striking. Rarity is the representation of order, fashion, poise, elegance, etc. Rainbow dash is basically the anti Rarity. Applejack and Rarity may disagree, but Applejack at her core isn't as different from Rarity as some may think. Both are hard workers, both are mature, both operate their own business and both are responsible. Its more of a culture war between then a personality war.


    Fans that are die Hard Rarity Fans Vs Die Hard RD fans, its a personality war. Rd is carefree, lazy, plays all day and aside from weather patrol has little responsibility. AJ fans have more in common with Rarity at her core while RD fans and Rarity fans couldn't be more different in terms of personality. Of course I am speaking in general. 

    • Brohoof 5
  4. She smiled back at her, and took them, sliding off her very old ones and sliding on the new, stronger made and recently enchanted ones. Her eyes slowly went from an icy blue to deep blue and the frosted rims around her eyes faded away. She took a few steps back and cleared her head.


    "Ow, my head....." She clearly seemed disoriented but she tried to shrug it off. "S-see...I'm fine..."

    • Brohoof 3
  5. Vinyl's mouth opened, but she stayed silent. What Obsidian was saying was right, but she wasn't herself. She didn't know the enchantment for Winter's beads and she knew she could never calm her down with Rockshire, or anyone else for that matter, in the room. She closed her mouth and sat down on the bed. She closed her eyes and sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry for worrying too much." All she could do now is go along with Obsidian and hope for the best. She felt weak and completely powerless and it showed.

    She looked over at Vinyl and sighed. She was furious her own marefriend didn't trust her but that look of defeat in her eyes....the way she just gave up...no...gave in because of her.....she felt a slight crack in her heart, like ice breaking and her eyes for a moment went soft. 


    "My sweet Vinyl. If it means so much to you, I will prove to you I am myself." She went to her dresser and produced a beautiful new strand of beads. It was her latest work used all the rest of the materials she had. She levitated it over to her Vinyl and placed them on her lap. She then whispered in her ear the enchantment she used.


    "Go ahead. Enchant them so you I don't try and trick you. Enchant them and I shall put them on, proving to you I am myself"

    • Brohoof 3
  6. I agree with TC here. The terms "brony" and "pegasister" were derived and each gender have been classified into each. I know I'm going to get alot of hate for this comment but, I believe many girls want to be called a brony because they want to be considered "one of the guys." Don't get me wrong. I'm not sexist. But, I believe that girls should stick to pegasister. I feel that they are jealous that guys get all of the attention whenever the word brony is brought up.

    If by "one of the guys" you mean the same guys that media outlets scream up and down are perverts, pedophiles and immature or under developed men, yeah.....right. Bronys have been called all that. There is so much negative, pegasister would be less problematic.


    I haven't heard a single negative rant about Pegasisters, but several about Bronys. Yet despite this I still call myself one even though I am female and even though there is so much negative out there. I subscribe to the actual history of the name Brony. Another poster above mentioned how in the show the mane six will call themselves "guys" but I can assure you, I doubt its from penis envy or wanting to be one of the guys.

  7. Parso's phone buzzed, he opened it to read the text, when he did he nearly shat himself

    'fuck me, Rockshire was with Obsidian, I have to get there fast'

    he galloped to Rockshire's room and opened the door

    "'scuse us, but can I just borrow Rockshire, we have things to discuss"

    She turned and her eyes frosted over for a moment. "Actually Parso, WE have things to discuss and frankly I am tired of your intrusions."


    She used her magic to seal the door, slamming the young colt outside in the hall way. She sealed the door around the edges with Ice and then turned to look back over and Rockshire, her eyes returning to their previous non frosted over form.


    "There, no more interuptions. I swear some ponies these days have no manners."

    • Brohoof 1
  8. She looked more frustrated then anything at this point. "Vinyl, I am fine. You worry too much. I need to be here because Rochshire says she needs me for something. She looks terrible and I fear I may be responsible for whats troubling her. When Star Keeper came to us earlier I told him to go talk to Dogboots about his questions. I think....I dare believe Rockshire was there and he saw them doing something maybe they shouldn't have been. If thats true, I simply have to help her! It would be fault, in part, why she is suffering and I simply cannot let my Roommate suffer more then she has already. She may be with a child! Then there was the Rape by Eris! Then somepony didn't report it so she was made to suffer even more! Vinyl, you must understand I have to be here for her."


    Her eyes looked of concern, pure, passionate concern. They looked just like Obsidians except for their icy hue and frost ring surrounding them.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I said this in another post, you can tell we didn't have an episode this week.....the subject matter of posts are greatly declining....I can't wait to see how things look by the time we reach week 3....In an answer to the question....Ah, HELL no......

    • Brohoof 1
  10. You know... now that i look at one of your roleplay's, i see why mine always fail. I ALWAYS over complicate things, i try my hardest to get it to perfection, just for it to fall like a metal brick. Valuable lesson. Thank you, even though you did nothing... return to your roleplay now, and forget i ever posted.

    Perfection is impossible, you have to level your rp up or down, depending on who it is you play with. Simply put, be fluid.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. "I-I said I was sorry, guess all I ever do is fuck things up. fine, I'll find her, just take it easy and she'll be here sooner"

    Parso sniffed a bit and picked up Obsidian's scent, guess living in a jungle has its perks. he followed the smell to Rockshire's room and opened the door

    "Obsidian, listen to me, Vinyl os in a state of worry and she needs you badly, please help her"

    She looked over at Parso, damn that pony got around, how the hell does he do it? "I'm a little busy right now Parso. Rockshire seems to be in distress and its my duty as her friend to help her. why don't you fetch Vinyl and lead her in here?"


    She smiled and looked back at Rockshire. "Now tell me darling, whats wrong? How can I help?"

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Looking back on Season 3, in comparison with the other Mane 6, Applejack has gotten a ton--I mean a TON of screen time. And a song! (a damn good song, I may add) But seriously, look at this:


    Only naming Mane 6 characters being focused on

    Episode 1+2: Crystal Empire--all of the Mane 6, focus on Twilight

    Episode 3: Too many Pinkie Pies--Pinkie Pie

    Episode 4: One Bad Apple--Applejack is the only Mane 6 with a big part

    Episode 5: Magic Duel--Twilight

    Episode 6: Sleepless in Ponyville--Mostly Dash (we can count Rarity and AJ as a half)

    Episode 7: Wonderbolts Academy--Rainbow Dash

    Episode 8: Apple Family Reunion--only Applejack (PLUS she gets a song)

    Episode 9: Spike at Your Service--Applejack


    So, to recap: Twilight 2, Pinkie 1, Dash 2, Rarity 1/2, Fluttershy 0 (*sadness*), AJ 3 1/2


    Applejack is getting more screen time than Twilight Sparkle. Rarity and Fluttershy have had no episodes about them. Does anyone else think this is unfair? We have a ton of stuff about AJ and the whole Apple family. I want background on Fluttershy, I want an episode with Rarity and her dressmaking, I WANT PINKIE PIE'S PARTY CANNON!!! Am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous??

    Actually you counted wrong. You can't lump episodes one and two as the same. They are still separate. So really is Twilight Sparkle 3. I don't think giving AJ half credit for a CMC episode is fair. I mean everyone I have heard says thats not a Mane 6 episode but a CMC one, which I agree. I think AJ deserves the spot lot. she handles it well and frankly, its long over due. She is best pony after all.... 

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Parso finished up at the range and an idea came to his mind

    'maybe I should spend some time woth Vinyl, get to know the mother a little more'

    he left the range and headed for Vinyls room but something was up, there was frost seeping through the door. he tried to open the door but it was frosted shut, he unsheathed his knife and used it to pry the door open. he run in

    "Vinyl are you ok? there is ice everywhere. Obsidian, you look out of the ordinary, I want to help"

    She slowly and reluctantly slipped out of Vinyls embrace. Her eyes grew colder and she smiled at the young colt. 


    "I'm fine, truly. I...have somewhere else I need to be anyway. I'll leave you with my marefriend, but please be warned Parso...if your colthood goes anywhere near her, I will freeze it and break it off next I see you..."


    She smiled gleefully and ported to her Dorm room, leaving only snow flakes and frost where once she stood. She was surprised to see Shire there but she smiled warmly. "Rockshire, how are you my dear?"

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Really? Because I just had this playing.

    Get what you deserve you cheating scoundrel! Ha ha, that'll teach you to mess with Star E. Keeper!



    Fun Fact: Did you know Star Keeper is bi? Looks like I have to get in contact with Ice Beam again, he's been a bit left out and I think it's my duty to make him feel welcome. ;)

    Who plays Ice Beam? I haven't seen him around since the dance. I honestly can't remember who's OC he is.

    • Brohoof 2
  15. "I..." She sighed and looked down. "I do. I really do love you, Winter." She gasped a bit when Obsidian put her hooves on her flank. Vinyl hugged her and lead her to the bed. She tried to get past the cold and the fact that this wasn't her Obsidian, but she couldn't. "No! Obsidian, this isn't you. There is something really wrong."

    She sighed and huffed in agitation. "This is a better me, Vinyl. This is a stronger me. This is a me who isn't afraid to stand up and take action against those that hurt and cause suffering to other ponies. Did you see what I did to Nightfall? Rockshire? Dogboots? All of them caused harm and suffering. I am simply the method fate has used to balance the scales."


    Her eyes narrowed as her horn began to glow frost blue and small icy flakes began to surround it.


    "You aren;t.....against me are you?"

    • Brohoof 1
  16. To be honest, I've been thinking about Percussive going to Nightfall for a while, just so he can get something in.



    To be honest, I've been thinking about Percussive going to Nightfall for a while, just so he can get something in.

    When you first said this I thought "going to Nightfall" as in..."Going TO Nightfall". I was thinking, hell yeah, lets get some guy on guy action in here since we have girl on girl already happening.....heh

    • Brohoof 2
  17. going against an alicorn with powerful magic that's on par with the princess's


    For the record she is strong and she is powerful but she is no way on par with them. Shes just meaner and people with desire to hurt can do so with little magic, however her strength is also her weakness. She is a mare torn in half. She has two personalities, one caring and loving, the other dark and sadistic. She isn't "evil" so to say, just has an odd sense of whats right and wrong. Shes a good antaganist because you have to deal with her carefully. Shes super strong when she loses control but shes just so damn nice and truly good mare when she is IN control, so how do you defeat the bitch without hurting the innocent trapped inside? 

    • Brohoof 2
  18. 1.) Applejack - Shes a hard working southern tomboy just like me. She is the most mature of the Mane 6 and is often the most practical.


    2.)Rarity - I know she can be a handful but shes a lot deeper then people give her credit. Every episode that focuses on her she learns          

         something pretty valuable. Shes one of the most responsible. 


    3.)Pinkie Pie - Shes just damn random....


    4.)Twilight Sparkle - Her episodes usually progress the story. Plus she is constantly learning new lessons on just  

         living life, let alone friendship.


    5.)Fluttershy - Shes always trying to overcome her own personal issues.


    6.) Arrogant little blue Pegasus - I think I made my feelings clear.

    • Brohoof 1
  19. *she giggled again yet continued kissing the neck of her marefriend* "Are my kisses not just as sweet my darling? Is my mane not just as soft? You know I have a pension for frost magic and I'm sorry if its showing a little more then usual." She whispered, nearly a whimpering sound.


    "Please don't deny me...I need you...I need this....I love you.....don't you love me?"


    Her forehooves traced down the beautiful mares mane, done her withers, down over and past her cutie mark......

    • Brohoof 2
  20. I just wanted to point out, they wouldn't know about the false report unless you told them or they figured it out. Obsidian didn't tell that to them. She has no proof you didn't file the report and Rockshire could just lie to them to protect you anyway. 


    Sorry for suddenly turning bitch, but with Shank not here, we needed some kind of conflict and I felt the pony for the job.

    • Brohoof 3
  21. Vinyl tried hard to contain a bit of laughter. "That was great. Do you think we're being a bit mean? I mean... Nevermind. Lets get outta here." She held onto Obsidian and teleported them back to her dorm. When she looked up, she noticed Winter's eyes. "I really love what you did with your eyes to-...” Then she remembered back to the night when Winter lost control. "Um... Sweetie? Are you alright?"

    She giggled. "Why of course darling, why wouldn't I be?" She waved a dismissive hoof at her marefriend. "They brought this on themselves. Rockshire could have told Star Keeper about Dogboots when she had the chance. Dogboots should have reported the Rape, but did not. Justice has been done, one for the slut and one for the trader. Do not feel bad for them my love."


    She gently stroked the positively gorgeous mane that belonged to Vinyl and began kissing her neck, her breath a chilling breeze.

    • Brohoof 1
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