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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Magpie

  1. Anyone know hoow often coal has to be put into an old-timey train?

  2. Maybe might be writing another fic maybe.

  3. Actually updated finally! Took me damn well long enough, but chapter 5 of the end of magic (AKA the nees a better title) is uploaded!

  4. Finally done with testing! Now I can get back to writing less than I should be!

  5. I gots me some new Rainbow Dash headphones.

  6. New favorite quote: "You don't want peanut butter on it? What are you, a communist?" Jon Green.

  7. Trees are jerks. (Except fluttershy) They keep throwing snowballs at me while I shovel.

  8. Typing with limited lft hand usage is harder than i though

  9. I love how SWAG.MOV tied the Jappleack blog into it all. All her multidimensional adventures, defeating Appleox, all summed up with a "No one cares."

  10. As you can probably infer from my previous posts, I highly recommend The Fault in our Stars to anyone who hasn't read it. It's gripping, emotional, and also hilarious. John Green, you are magnificent. Your book was the first to make me cry in public.

    1. qqq


      My brother is loves John Green. He went to a book signing in Swindon with his girlfriend.

  11. "Ma'am, your daughter's car has just been deservedly egged by a blind man. Please close the door and go back inside or we'll be forced to call the police."

  12. "I'm sorry sir, but we don't speak Swedish" "Well of course you don't. Neither do I. Who the hell speaks Swedish?"

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ProjectRKA


      @Nouth: I thought I was on a Chinese forum.

    3. Nouth
    4. Magpie


      Anyone here actually know what I'm quoting?

  13. Read 170 pages of The Fault in our Stars since this morning, with class today, too.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Magpie





      A 16 year old girl,named Hazel Grace, who's been living with terminal cancer for 3 years. It's a miracle she's lived this long. She goes to a support group in a church, where one day she meets Augustus Waters, a survivor who came at the request of a friend who was going blind in said support group. He is probably one of my favorite characters in a long time. Very metaphorical about everything, from always c...

    3. Magpie




      I don't yet know the significance of this, but Augustus has a deceased girlfriend, who looked very similar to Hazel. She does not want to get close to him for fear of hurting him because of this, and that she knows she's going to die.

    4. Magpie


      I can't quite describe why it's so good, but it is. John Green, you are magnificent.

  14. Conquering Germany to the sound of Shake-a-booty. Glorious.

  15. Finally finished chapter 2! Been putting that off for too long.

    1. Magpie


      Now to write chapter 3...

    2. Magpie


      Now to write chapter 4...

  16. Yay! I got John Green books for my brithday!

    1. Magpie


      I mean, I bought them, but it's still a birthday present.

  17. Oh, wait. It's my birthday. Almost forgot.

  18. Butterfly rank get! (I think I got it a while ago, but didn't notice.)

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