(OOC: That's fine, the power going out gives it a thrilling experience! Oh, BTW the chicken idea... i was eating some KFC chicken legs, please don't hate me!)
Cracker flinched when he noticed the power going out.
He grabbed Kites hand and walked with her up the stairs, and to the main lobby, SnowDream and River Front were near the fireplace. He approached them and asked them if they were ok, but before he could finish the question he couldn't help but looking at the mare's leg, it was bleeding! "Hmm, ma'am, there are some bandages behind the counter, in the first aid kit, i'll be back to cure ya'." He jumped over the counter and grabbed some alcohol and bandages and started to place them on the wound, she screamed in pain but soon she was cured.
"Ma'am, i learned this in mah barn, i tend to get hurt while workin' there, and my ma' taught me first aid lessons." he said blushing.