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Everything posted by Mortimer

  1. "Of course darling, i'd love to!" he said smiling, he then put his hoof on her chin and lifted her head, then kissed her. When he leaned back he looked at her with glimmer in his eyes. "Hey, don't fear, i don't care if you get nervous, you are my first love in a lot of years".
  2. "Get ready to roll the dice, bro!" John Torque.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mortimer


      LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Tell me you know the guy John Torque right? The Grape Popsicle Guy rolled the dice and was caught in a space-time loop! You must wait over 9000! roll dice to start another space-time loop!

    3. go away seb

      go away seb

      You're doing it wrong. Look up TF2 Dice Mod :P

    4. ParsoOfEquestria


      you have run me over with the truck of nostalgia, and then attached weapons to it and blew me up as i struggled to stand

  3. (OOC: That's fine, the power going out gives it a thrilling experience! Oh, BTW the chicken idea... i was eating some KFC chicken legs, please don't hate me!) Cracker flinched when he noticed the power going out. He grabbed Kites hand and walked with her up the stairs, and to the main lobby, SnowDream and River Front were near the fireplace. He approached them and asked them if they were ok, but before he could finish the question he couldn't help but looking at the mare's leg, it was bleeding! "Hmm, ma'am, there are some bandages behind the counter, in the first aid kit, i'll be back to cure ya'." He jumped over the counter and grabbed some alcohol and bandages and started to place them on the wound, she screamed in pain but soon she was cured. "Ma'am, i learned this in mah barn, i tend to get hurt while workin' there, and my ma' taught me first aid lessons." he said blushing.
  4. Mortimer felt love flowing through inside him, he felt good, so he continued kissing her. After a while, both got up, and sat down again, Mortimer blushed and giggled nervously, she was such a perfect mare, kind, nice and cute! He opened the cider, teleported to cups and told Desetrose "Want some, honey?".
  5. Before continuing his conversation with Desertrose he heard someone knocked at the door. He rushed to it and to his surprise there wasn't anypony. Just a basket wifh food and cider. He took the basket inside and read the letter, he smiled, it was from his friend Rocket. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote: Dear Rocket, Thank you for your presents, i hope you are ok. I want to send you this amulet as a sign of grattitude, it blocks any harmful spell casted at you. Yout pal, Mortimer. He casted a spell and teleported the card to Rocket's door. He then sat down besides Desertrose and smiled at her. "Look what my friend got us!".
  6. Hello, sorry to bother you guus but on the tv there was this music video which i really and sadly they didn't put it's name. The video is about a black man who sings in a black background and sometimes golden spots appear, there are also shots of the cities buildings and in one part of the video there is one baby with a lollypop, willya' help me please?
  7. There a three candidates for this: One: Gone with the wind. Clark Gable acting was beyond marvelous. Two: Cape Fear. Robert DeNiro shone in this movie, his psychotic nature made him one of my favourites actors of all time. Nick Nolte was also splendid. Three: Ghost, not only Patrick Swayze was great in this classic but Whoopi Goldberg won me over.
  8. "That's ok" he said, scratching his forehead and trying to take the anger out of him. Mortimer sat besides her and gave her a kiss back. "You know... It's hard to tell you this, it's been decades since i tell somepony this, but... I love you." Mortimer started to feel very nervous, he hoped she felt the same. He stared into her beautiful eyes, hoping the answer would clear his mind.
  9. As Desertrose ran through the thick forest, his temper had alread reached it's boiling point. "This can't be happening!" he yelled in a fit of rage. He casted a huge thunderbolt into the sky, he didn't care if anypont got hurt, they ruined his day. He flew into the forest and found Desertrosr, who was shaking in fear and she was very wet. He took off his cape and covered her with it. He then lifted her onto his back, with the cape above her to avoid getting more wet and flew into Mortimer's house. He laid her on the sofa and brought her a cup of coffee.
  10. OK, as of day two, will classes start? Of course there is the classic wake up. Ok, i'll stay, it's just that 7 pages in day...
  11. Yeah, but what i mean is, what the fuck!? Where is everybody and what time of the day and dafuq? Sorry guys but i'll have to drop out, this goes waaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast and it's almost incomprehendable.
  12. Yeah, so have i! There's Marathon and Rockshire who are now talking about zombie stuff, if you guys could catch me up, i'll stay.
  13. I'm sorry to bother you, but could someone explain me what the crap is going on? I really can't read everything as i quite don't understand, since in some posts somethings skips.
  14. As Mortimer was about to lay besides Desertrose, a cry of help was heard all over the forest. "Oh for Celestia's sake!" he yelled angry, he wanted to spend time with Desertrose. "I'll be back in a few minutes, mkay?". He then ran into the forest and saw Rocket being attacked by a strange snake. He quickly turned the snake into a mouse that quickly ran out of sight. "Please, be careful next time ok?" he said as he flew back to where Desertrose was. He laid besides her and grabbed her hoof while gazing into the sky.
  15. (OOC: HOLY CRAP! That's a lotta posting for one day!) Mortimer stood from his bed and started to walk around the hall, aimlessly. "Oh well, this day has been pretty much calmed, i must say" he thought. He looked around as lots of ponies walked through the halls.
  16. "Seems good" Mortimer said quietly. Mortimer and Desertrose flew down quick into the lake, it was precious, the wild-life was abundant, unlike the city who only had around 20 inhabitants. "What do you think 'bout this place? This place is nice." He said looking around.
  17. Mortimer entered his room, 130. He sat in the bed and took a book out of his saddle bag. "Let's read this once more time." he said as he opened a book named "How to adapt to a new school". "Meh" he thought as he closed the book. "I lost 15 minutes of my life. Now i hope i get a roommate, even though i'm used to sleep alone."
  18. Done, but please, next time take your time and read. I just hate, HATE when this happens. Bill Cosby is not happy.
  19. Oh well, i'll just go to the edit machine and type a whole "Ignore this" chunk of monster where my post was supposed to go.
  20. Ehmmm, @Opalicious i did answer your petition, didn't you read it? Because i'm getting quite lost now with that post.
  22. "Yeah, why not? Not only is the city calm this day but the sun is shining and that little breeze in the air makes this day perfect!" he said excited. He then lifted Desertrose onto his back and began gliding into the sky, just above the city. "Hey, where do you want to go, darling?"
  23. Cracker blushed red. "He he" he started to laugh nervously. "i guess yeah, if you want o' course! It's just that i wanted to follow dat' ol' tradition in which the gentlepony had to pay for the first dinner. But if ya' say so, a' guess it's ok" he said smiling. As the waiter came with the food, he delighted his eyes. "Hey, Kites, what do ya' think? Like it? I also ordered some candles."
  24. (OOC: Ooopsie, i misread that part! ) "Yeah, i hate to just sit on a table and look at my students while i speak nonsenseless words to them, it's just plain boring. I rather talk about the subject a little, while chatting with my students, and things like that. Oooh, pity you planned your first day. I'm just going to make it random." he said smiling.
  25. @, "Phsicology, i spent 9 years studying and i must say that i feel proud" he said grinning. "Rules?" he supposed, all teachers must have. "Meh, i really don't care, as long as nopony hurts nopony, i'm cool". He then fixed his glasses and his cape, "So tell me, is the staff here nice?"
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