Okay, the last two days I have been reading about lucid dreaming, and keeping a dream journal. Yesterday, I tried the technique of pausing every so often ( I probably did it about four times in a day) to be fully around of my surroundings (sights, sounds, smells, details) and assessing reality. I would perform a reality check too. Then last night, I actually in the middle of my dream realized I was dreaming. However, the dream immediately faded and I started rubbing my hands together. I thought I felt myself waking up so I gave up, and then had a false awakening. I also stupidly didn't remember do a reality check after the false awakening. I highly recommend any time you wake up to do a reality check. Anyway my other mistake was to give up, and also I should have prepared myself to be aware I would be in another dream. So, if you do become lucid and the dream fades, either rub your hands together repeatedly or spin and repeat to yourself "the next scene will be a dream".
I am very much a beginner, but I am very excited after such a quick near success. I hope this can help you.