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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Swick (ded)

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Status Updates posted by Swick (ded)

  1. Yeah I should probably mark this account as inactive

  2. I still can't believe my Finding Your New Best Friend Thread got so popular. o-O

    1. Kiri


      It's been helpful! ^^

  3. Aww yus I love the new banner :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      I don't have any Rainbow Blitz flash puppets, unfortunately. :/

    3. galaxysquid
    4. galaxysquid


      Could you do something like, Applejack bouncin' around being cute? xD

  4. This seems like something I would make:

  5. How do you like my avatar? I thought it was pretty good. Admit it, you're jealous.

    1. Standard User

      Standard User

      ...only slightly. Did you make it or what?

    2. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      I did make it and you're jealous because it's an adorable Twilight.

  6. Ha, there we are. This avatar is much better. :3

  7. Hoorah for my badly animated avatar I just made

    1. CheeryFox
    2. CheeryFox


      It looks good, actually...

    3. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      Meh. :P I'm working on another one anyway.

  8. Updated my request post. Looking for artists to help with my action platformer RPG-thingy game! :Dhttps://mlpforums.com/topic/140330-artists-needed-for-sidescrollingaction-platformer-game/

  9. Check out this post for NaNoWriMo! Write a novel in a month, or team up with other MLPForums members to do it! https://mlpforums.com/topic/140272-national-novel-writing-month-2015/

    1. Standard User

      Standard User


  10. Diamond Tiara "reformed" rather quickly. She was just acting. SHE IS STILL EVIL I SAY

    1. Wardaddy


      Naw man, this redemption is legit. As for Spoiled Rich, she can go suck a lemon.

  11. Nice job not spoiling the episode, banner.

  12. Wow okay About Me page you're really outdated I'm gonna fix you up

  13. Yasss you do animation I love it

    1. LiraCrown


      I do a lot of things XD

  14. But what is Babs's cutie mark

    1. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      A pair of scissors with an apple-shaped handle ("Bloom and Gloom").

    2. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      Ohh yeah I forgot about that. They only spent like two seconds acknowledging it XD

  15. Today's episode is definitely my new favorite!

  16. "Wait on that thought" -Kolth

    1. Standard User

      Standard User

      Can you maybe not.

    2. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      I could, but I won't.

  17. "Hold on that thought" -Kolth

  18. Is the banner glitching out for anyone else? This is weird.

    1. galaxysquid


      Nope not at all! :o


      What browser are you using?

    2. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      Never mind, it went away. It was pretty strange, though. I'm using Chrome.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      I love you. <3 How do you guys find these videos?

    3. catnet


      This one was pretty easy to find, just searching up the story's name on Google. Videos like this are normally put on YouTube or Dailymotion very quickly after an episode airs, and searching for 'YouTube/Dailymotion {story name}' should get you the video you're looking for very easily :)

    4. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      I did that, but couldn't find anything. Weird.

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