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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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  • Birthday 1996-06-27

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    Memes, classic literature, science, Yu-Gi-Oh, webcomics, music, movies, video games, Pokémon, Digimon... I dunno, lots of thing. These were only the tip-of-the-tongue things, I'm too lazy to think hard about everything I like.

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  1. This is so confusing. We know next to nothing about Alicorns, but what we do know is mostly self-contradictory. I know there is a reasonable explanation for all that, but we don't know what it is. In my opinion, the best we can do is wait for this season finale. It must have some sort of answer. Even if it doesn't explain everything, we need at least an answer that makes sense. Until then, it's impossible for anyone here to guess right anything about Alicorns, considering all the contradictory information we've been given. @@himanuts, I think the reason Twilight didn't change much is because she's still young. If ponies aged like humans, I'd say Celestia looks about 30 to 35 years old, Luna 26 to 27 years old, Cadance 21 to 23 years old and Twilight 14 to 18 years old.
  2. ^ Sure do > I can't wait for school to start. Then I'll be able to play D&D with my friends again. I'm the DM, and I've been looking through lots of variant rules and stuff that I'm certain my players will like, such as Flaws, Traits, Gestalt Characters... (although that last one I'm not sure if I should use). v Do you like videogames? What's your favorite console and game?
  3. I am really sorry about what I've done. Mostly it was just answering someone, but I should've known better than to do that. I'd delete my posts if I knew how. About the point of the thread, I don't think there's anything else we could find that SasQ hasn't pointed out. I mean, dude, you study this kind of thing. I doubt there's anyone on this forum who could notice everything you noticed here, let alone anything you missed. For now, all we can do is wait for new episodes to see if we can find any new symbols. And if I may ask, since I'm already writing something you're most likely to read anyway, have you done any progress with that pony alphabeth thing, SasQ? Have you given up? Or are you awaiting for those glyphs to be used again? I found it really interesting, specially when you pointed out that if it worked how you said it, Dark Magic would be pronounced "Mana". Wait... what if we combined the searching for alphabeth with the searching for symbols thing? I mean, in the other thread, someone mentioned how the illustration of NightMare Moon in the book (A moon in a purple sky, with one star in each corner of the image) would translate to "dark heaven". What if there are stances like those in the show where simple symbols, like stars and moons and suns appeared, and people dismissed it as decorations? What if they actually meant something? If the symbols fit with the ten glyphs you mentioned then there might be some meaning behind it! EDIT: Currently, I am not able to watch episodes of MLP:FIM. But as soon as I am capable of rewatching the show, I'll start looking into this!
  4. On a good day? 3 hours. Otherwise I tend to not fall asleep at all. And I hate so much how my parents, my uncles and aunts, my teacher are always saying that "I should sleep earlier". I TRY, I TRY!!! But it can't be helped that I have insomnia, and a very energetic mind. I can't stop thinking, and I can't think right unless I'm walking back and forth. I know that last part is weird. But I can't change myself like that damnit! DX EDIT: Something I left out I just realized I shouldn't have: In days I don't fall asleep, I can pretty much sleep whenever I want the next day. It's just falling into bed, and then BAM! I'm unconscious.
  5. ^ Dueling Network. > I can't wait for school to start, and then me and my friends we'll play D&D again. v Play Tabletop RPG?
  6. Actually, no. I don't just say whatever comes to mouth, I triple-check my posts before being sure I said what I wanted to say the best way I could. If there's a contradiction there, could you please point it out to me? Because I don't see it. When I say there are multiple truths, I'm thinking on how everything is relative. One person might say "This food is bad", and the other "This food is good", both talking about the same thing, and both are right. Why? Because What they mean is "I don't like this food" and "I like this food", respectively, and taste is relative. Meanwhile, Two people might live completely different philosophies. One might decide to abandon all physical possesions, while the other might simple decide to live the luxuries of life. Are either of their philosophies wrong? No not really. Because everyone has the right to live their life however they want. I do admit that there's a great universal truth, but this truth does not acknowledge sapiency. There are just too many variables caused by humanity, because we don't follow our instincts nature never knows what we'll do next. The "greater jigsaw puzzle" is too big, you need to walk a few steps back to see it. And once you do you'll realize Earth is just a pale blue dot (anyone familiar with that Carl Sagan quote?), and that if you want to see the big picture, you won't even be able to see earth. The universal truth does not account for something that can have two mutually exclusive characteristics at the same time, and that's why we must remove earth from the equation. I feel like I'm just repeating myself over and over. Sorry, I have an habit of doing that if I don't know how to finish what I'm saying. So I'll stop now. Did I use it wrong, or did you simply thought I was using it wrong? Well, as far as I know, disillusioned means to willingly believe something that can be disproven. Can you tell me wheter I used it right or not? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Frankly, I believe that those symbols are there, and that someone intended to put them there. I just don't believe that they're the reason some people like the show so much. They're there for the same reasons there are masonic symbols in Wshington D.C: Someone in charge of making the show/building the city though about putting symbols everywhere, just because. Some of it, I believe was too circunstantial (like the double helix) but most of it made sense, to the point where, in my opinion, it's more likely that the symbol is there than that it's a coincidence, which brings us to the burden of proof. But let's not talk about that, since we're talking about opinions, not assertions. And please, don't come saying "it's not a coincidence, it's just one guy believing random cr*p" (Tiina, I'm not talking about you, just skeptics in general. I don't think you'd say something so rude). It's not one guy, because about half of the people who posted here agree with him, and can too see it, and we would have seen it by ourselves if we just had as much knowledge about symbolism. SasQ, sorry for the little take over of your thread. Regarding new symbols, that'll be a rather hard task. I mean, I don't know about the others, but I'm certainly no expert. Unless I see a Möbius Strip, a Void Cube or Menger sponge, it isn't very likely for me to notice anything that wouldn't normally be in a children's show. But I'll try looking for something. It'll be an excuse for rewatching all the episodes again in fact, the crystal empire, and crystal formation and structure come to mind. I think I'll study a little of this. Er... Dangit, I never know how to finish. Well, I guess I'll leave it at that. Ciao.
  7. Ok. I know I shouldn't say this on the internet. But come what may, I'm not the type of guy to keep my thoughts to myself. Your first mistake is talking about religion on the internet. And my first mistake on this post is answering that, but oh well. To put it simply: God has no effect whatsoever on your knowledge or wisdom. Usually, he's a step back, if anything. Because people who believe in some sort of god tend to just dismiss anything they don't understand as work of god, and make no effort to learn more. Of course you're different, you managed to learn a lot. Your problem is that your belief in god has made you believe you already learned everything you could learn. One does not need to find god to learn more, and there is nothing one can only learn if he believes in god. And this is you second mistake. Believing that there is a single truth. That's an understandable mistake, since only philophers tend to discover this isn't true. What's really a shame is that you believe you know what this truth is. To be so disillusioned... (ohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyi'mjustmakingmyselfatargetforflameain'tI?) The truth is, the world is more than one thing. It is simply too big to be just one thing. And it might be true to you that the world is screwed up, but you know what? To someone else, the truth is different. To some people, it might be just like you say, to some it might be slightly different than what you say and to some it might be the complete opposite. But one way or the other, whatever you believe is the truth, that's YOUR truth, so don't assume it goes for everyone. Because the truth is not absolute, and two things that contradict themselves may both be true. Mistake number 3. Man, I really didn't plan to make this a running theme, but you make this too easy. No you did not watch the world on every level. And even if you did, watching is not enough to understand something. You need to live it. Were you ever a hobo? A CEO perhaps? You know that "watching the world on every level", implies you did so regarding every place and every culture right? Well, tell me about the polictical situation on brazil. Yes, that is relevant, because in brazil we talk about polictics casually. Even if you didn't follow the elections you should know what people were talking about the candidates if you were "watching that level of the world". Now, the last thing I'll talk about. This isn't a mistake you commited, it is just something I want to give my opinion on. Why should you bother, you ask? Well, that depends. To some people, it is "the goods outweigh the bads". To others, it's "I have nothing else to do", and to others yet the only thing stopping them from committing suicide is fear of death. And you know what, I used to ask myself that question too. "Why should I even bother?", I thought. But unlike most people, I didn't stop questioning that until I got a satisfying answer. And you know the answer I got? "Why shouldn't you?" Seriously. I don't need much motivation, so when I started thinking about both sides of the question, I realized that there were about as much reasons to bother than to not bother. And contrary to what you might think, that didn't make me realize I should care about what happens. If anything, that made me realize that I didn't give a flying sh*t about anything that doesn't concern me. What's the point of worrying if you can fix the problem? What's the use of worrying if you can't? There are kids starving in Africa, but blaming myself for it won't make their situation any better. Once I can do anything about it, I will, but for now, I'll just focus on my studies and on having fun. But if ignoring the evils of the world is not your style, then there's the old saying: "Better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness". Remember Hurricane Fluttershy? What was the lesson? No matter how little you can actually contribute, every bit counts.
  8. Receives a can of soda. But it's empty. Insert abstraction.
  9. Receives contract signed by you and the devil. Since you didn't specify, you sold your soul for nothing. Inserts a classic nes.
  10. ^ Nope. Not yet, anyway. > I've been less and less frequent in this site. It's because of all the traveling, I'm sure once school starts I'll be post more here. v Do you like traveling? Where do you wish you could go? What's the best place you have traveled to?
  11. ^ Baby don't hurt me... > I'm gonna make a Let's Play! I think. A Let's Play of... I dunno. I'll definetely do pokémon, but that's not gonna give me an audience. I need to do something a little more unique. v Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?...
  12. ^ XD No, I don't. > I downloaded a Nintendo Wii emulator, and a Super Smash Bros. Brawl ROM. But while I was playing Brawl, it kept going to the Blue Screen Of Death. So, I deleted the emulator and the ROM. v What's the worst thing that happened to your computer outside a Trojan Horse virus?
  13. This thing has been going on for years now and hasbro hasn't said a word. I doubt they'd shut it down, all of the important people in Hasbro are good guys. It's not like Sony.
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