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Ragland Tiger

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Posts posted by Ragland Tiger

  1. Season three was somewhat controversial, partly because it was short (only 13 episodes), and because some things happened in it that did not sit well with some of the fans.  I won't go into specifics here; just keep watching the episodes in order and see what happens for yourself.  And don't forget to share your thoughts and feelings with the rest of us here when you do! :)

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Alright, first off, this isn't our show. Even though it was written with amazing characters great storylines, and all that good shit that makes it appeal to us, it was still made to be a 22 and a half minute commercial to sell toys. Nothing more. This is still a show made to appeal to little girls in hopes to sell toys to them. It gives us nods, and it occassionally caters to us, but all in all, this show is being written for the original audience, like it has always been, and always will be; and if you want them to start writing the show for Bronies, then I think you're just in it so you can be part of the internet trend and not for the show itself. I may have discovered MLP through it being an internet sensation, but believe me when I say I couldn't care less about how popular it is, because I'm in it because I find the show extremely enjoyable, not just so I can be part of the fandom.



    Just for the sake of argument, sometimes I think even children deserve better.  By that I mean something that appeals to those easily dismissed intangibles such as literacy, dignity, and intelligence; things that should apply to children as much as anyone.  Lauren Faust and the crew arguably have come as close as anyone to making a show that truly values those things.  So, when I come across " big announcements" like this, my heart sinks a little.  I have posted this quotation before, and admittedly, it's out of context, but it articulates why I find the pushing aside of these values problematic.



    ...every season Hasbro makes demands. They need a new pink princess pony and for Twilight Sparkle to have a brother. The board wants to see crystal ponies because the buzzword “crystal” anything is popular with girls 4-8 years of age. And now, they want Twilight Sparkle to be a princess, because Hasbro is not like us. Hasbro is not like Lauren Faust and her message of empowerment for girls AND boys. Hasbro is not like M.A. Larson who writes amazing episodes filled with silly mayhem and unique approaches to the tropes of children’s programming. Hasbro is not like actual little girls or grown up adults who love the show for all its smart jokes and fun characters. Unlike all of us, Hasbro is convinced that being smart and capable and open to learning and new experiences- the myriad of character traits for which we love a certain purple unicorn, are unimportant. Their priority is rushing the character into being a princess because retailers don’t want books as accessories with girls toys, they want dresses and flowing hair and weddings and yards of pink material.



    In my opinion, it should be something more than that.

    • Brohoof 4


    Now I know some fans will lose their backbones, if they had any to begin with, but the children who are watching the show, are putting some bronies to shame, they are showing more discipline and acceptance than adult viewers, which will only fuel the haters perception of us. So it might be a commercial, so what? The eighties cartoons and movies were more than obvious about advertising, try watching those you might appreciate the subtly of modern media including FiM, seriously people, grow up, this immaturity about the changes, is becoming embarrassing


    I don't think you're being fair.  I said those things because I remember, all too well, the state of television animation in decades past.  With few exceptions, it was pretty god awful.  These shows were cynically referred to inside the TV industry as " insurance policies".  Do not mistake my concern about the medium stepping back into that rut for immaturity.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Here is my two cents about it:


    I'm actually glad they're doing this. Look at shows like Spongebob. That show has the same old stale characters doing the same thing over and over again!


    But MLP...they're giving their characters new grounds to tackle, new obstacles. In my opinion this can only be good. Adding new actions and new obstacles will let the show grow and grow and make it more fresh.

    Maybe.  But this feels like another case of gratuitous pandering.  A blatant 22 and 1/2 minute toy ad, not unlike the nearly indigestible transformation of Twilight Sparkle into a princess.  I can tell immediately when these hard sells happen simply by how jarringly they are presented.  I'd love to be wrong, but for now, I'm skeptical.

    • Brohoof 1
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