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  • Personal Motto
    What embitters the world is not excess of criticism, but absence of self-criticism.

My Little Pony

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  1. I'd love to imagine her trotting solemnly toward what would be the Ponyville equivelant to single room apartment, cycling through various channels on television, decidingly nibbles on whatever leftover food she retained from yesterday's dinner, then goes to bed prematurely while pondering the weak choices she made in life. Then she'd wake up and the daily cycle would repeat, save for the weekend. On her days off, she probably hits up the local pub (The Prancing Pony?), deciding to drink heavily to temporarily forget her social status in Ponyville . . . wedged in between shopping for common necessities and creating lesson plans for the coming week.
  2. I'd hit you with a . . . Twenty nine and a half foot poooooooole!
  3. I'll add a few notches to your belt then. Okay, Swift Quill, what do you do when you're not Quillin' it up? What are your hobbies outside of what appears to be penmanship?
  4. Another excellent day goes by and the weekend steadily approaches. What new challenges will our favourite antagonist experience as he staggers through the remaining days of the week? Who else will he blatantly criticise and inadvertantly degradate in future posts? Find out next time on the next exciting episode of . . . Thorns! Also I'm interested in having some artist create a pony in my favour. Would anypony be up for such a task?

  5. The worst pain I ever felt. A retrospective. By yours truly. When I was but a wee Thorns, I was fully cognizant of that fact of what a handsome/beautiful young person I was growing up to be. I have strong memories of walking down the hallways in grade school before morning class began. I would stroll on through while flipping my hair back, dramatically cocking my head to one side or the other. Young men tip-toeing at water fountains would turn and stare as I brushed against their Spiderman backpacks; the water would keep on streaming against their face, but they would continue to stare, transfixed at my obvious beauty. Girls would close their locker and turn to me, eyeing me down with cold, jealous eyes as they clutched their pink binders to their flat chests. Teachers would raise their eyebrows as I made my way to my 1st grade English Class. As I passed a custodian exchanging out a light fixture, he let out a small yelp as sparks began portruding from the exposed cyclindrical socket within that small indention in the ceiling. Long story short, I was always good looking. My pain was that I could not legally marry myself. The end. 13/10 on the SCALE OF TORMENT.
  6. This thread raises another important question. Why do people even give a *SQUEE*? Seriously. It's stupid how many times I see this topic being brought up in this community. One day some world renowned Brony will stand on a cardboard box and say; "Hear ye, hear ye! I come bearing good tidings. Bronies no longer to live in the industrial face of oppresion, for my peers and I have developed a philosophy we call: Simply not giving a crap about what other people think about what we enjoy." And then the ponies will wipe their tears from their eyes and rejoice, finally understanding the truth. I have never met a community with members burdened with so many inferiority complexes before. We should be proud of what we're passionate about. And this applies to everything in life. One should never feel ashamed and let down when someone disagrees with what their heart tells them to do.
  7. And I all I wanted to do was to spread misery and discourage acts of this nature. Story of my life. I did receive a good laugh from myself, though. Hope your story turns out well.
  8. @PrincessCelestia I don't wanna trot away, But I can't take it, I don't understand. If I'm not shipped for you, Then why does my fic tell me that I am? Is there any way that I can stay . . . In your hooooo-oooooves. . .
  9. These questions come out of pity. How does it feel to see the threads surrouding this one flourish whereas yours has yet to take off yet? Did you have your name legally changed into Swift Quill after your discovered your hidden talent? If not, then are your parents or someone they know burdened with the abilities of a Sooth Sayer that led to you being named Swift Quill?
  10. Here comes another famous Thorns exclusive. I really love Swedish Fish. They're just really potent stuff. I love'em. They go good with any other treat. They're not sticky so I can work in safety. And gosh darn, they just better my image all around, don'tcha know.
  11. Of course ponies are not more intelligent than humans. I'm living proof of this fact. What's more is that Twilight Sparkle once ordered a Daffodil and Daisy Sandwich. For a Scholar, she sure doesn't know a lot about Poisonous Plants.
  12. I'll date them right now. Let's see, the fellow above me. Hmm. He's so 2000 and late. I got that boom, boom, boom, that future boom, boom, boom. Let me get it now.
  13. I'd hit you with every fiber of my being.
  14. Me? Making a rude and sarcastic joke? Perish the thought, friend. I am but a lonely person boarding the lonely train on my way to lonely town. Choo choo, CadenceDerp, Choo Choo. Make me a pony.
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