*Ziygma twitched.*"Still, not as bad, as the Rift."
*He said. He swung his whips around so that they swung through every part of the room. Hitting any physical object, visible or not.*
*Ziygma got to his feet with a grunt of pain.*"Hah, this is nothing compared to the Rift."
*Ziygma chuckled as his whips began to sprout from his palms.*
*Ziygma was laying on the ground in the hallway. He had managed to defeat the last two guards, but not before he got shot in the shoulder.*
"Damn that hurts."
*Ziygma grumbled*"Frikin armor."
*He re-extended his whips full length with large spikes on them. He sent the whips at the guards with strength that allowed the spikes on the whips to pierce and tear the armor.*
*Ziygma had his whips retreat into his palms, except for the tips of them, and he pointed his palms at the guards and launched spikes out of his palms at the guards, each one hitting the guards in semi-vital areas.*
*Ziygma's eyes grew wide and angry. His whips fully extended and he swung one at Noxus. It wrapped around his neck and sent a supercharged shock into Noxus' body.*
"Hey, what are you doing with that knife?"*Ziygma asked.*
"And why is that woman wounded? Did you do this?"
*Ziygma's whips began to sprout from his palms.*
*Suddenly, a wormhole opened up in the room Noxus was in, and spit out a guy in baggy jeans and no shirt. He had long black and red hair with white bangs. He moaned.*
*He stood up and looked around.*
"Where am I now?"