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About Groovyle

  • Birthday 1996-04-30


  • Title
    Uses brain too much.

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    Live. Just, live. It's not that hard.
  • Interests
    Some-bit of programming. Games (I love Pokemon).
    Really, man, of course I like Me Leetel Pawneeh...I mean My Little Pony : FiM.

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  1. And suddenly the school forces us to be religion fanatics. Dun dun duunnn

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Groovyle


      @Hitpony, Yup, something like that.

      But wait, aren't stories about Muhammad's followers are told 'stories'? I didn't know that there's something about his friend in the Quran.

      @Aerial Stream, yes indeed, writing with a beautiful language is not wrong. But, people took it just literally. No one told me that those are metaphors, so I'm eaten by the belief to take it literally and I didn't think that those could be metaphors.

    3. Kamarat


      @Groovyle There are told ones but also some of them are in Quran as far as I know.

    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Not literally mentioned, by it is said... something like "Those (who follow) Jews, Christians, and the people before them who really follow (because they understand) the orders of God (to live safely), will be save."

      I read the word 'Islam' as 'safe', not as a label, and this beautiful meaning is what I got.

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