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child of the night

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Status Updates posted by child of the night

  1. Haven't been on this website for a good year now and even though I'm not really part of this community anymore I am quite glad the site still exists and looks to be thriving.

  2. Oh a new design for the webpage, interesting.

  3. Going into finals week for this semester of college... Someone please save me, I think I'm really gunna need that after all this studying.

    1. Miss


      Same here. Finally it’s almost time for winter break! Now I could start being productive again.

  4. So I have excessively wide shoulders from my dad. Were talking professional footballer shoulders. However the rest of my body is super feminine and tiny. So my shoulders look weird and make picking out clothing annoying.

  5. Whoever invented the 3 hour 8 am pab should just have never existed. I really just enjoy waking up at 7:20am and sitting for 4h doing nothing

  6. College right now is causing me to have a mental breakdown...

    1. ShadOBabe


      I know THAT feeling. College was AWFUL when I was there. Actually college itself wasn’t tha bad, but the drama I had from the people I was forced to live with made it suck.

      Definitely take advantage of your school psychiatrists.

  7. Since I have been offline I wanted to thank all the people who wished me happy birthday on Saturday!

  8. In animal crossing new leaf you get a chocolate from isabelle on valentines day. Yet you still can't date the characters yet. T.T


    please don't take me too seriously...

  9. I finally drew some stuff on my whiteboard for my dorm room so I'm posting it here because i am a sucker for attention ;320171126_155545.thumb.jpg.b3ea676620a784b5b32ba73660c1efda.jpg

    1. child of the night

      child of the night

      A little info on the text: my dorm wouldn't let us in until 2 but i was dropped off around 11:30 so i couldnt go anywhere and just had to sit there.

  10. I love when people find something out about me that is embarrassing. Then they try to use it to blackmail me and I'm like "do you think I care that much?" One time a person who didn't like me too much learned that I"m kinda bi-sexual and he was trying to blackmail me. He was going on and on so I kissed him and took a picture during it before just flat out telling my friends I was bi within earshot of them. Like really, he was just too easy to mess with...

    1. child of the night

      child of the night

      I just wanted to clarify that this was a couple years ago. On my profile it says I'm female and that's because I went through gender re-assignment therapy.

  11. After 100% completing both Mario kart 8 deluxe and super Mario odyssey. I have turned my eyes to breath of the wild where I just hit 300 korok seeds and full completion on everything else. These darn korok seeds, why do they have to make up 72% of the 100% meter...

  12. Can someone please help me... I can't figure out what the hairstyle this girl has is called: MR-24951-517388-42.jpg

    1. child of the night

      child of the night

      Like where the back is tied up and the front is just sort of free.

  13. I'm having a movie night later, what movie should I pick though?

  14. My physical health has degraded so irregularly that my kinesiology professor is used me to teach her major students. I get to go on tuesday where they are going to examine my fitness level and perscribe a plan...

  15. Lets see... I have a height of about 180 cm and a weight of 56 kilo which means I am underweight. However I need to exercise because I have belly fat and some other subcutaneous fat. So wouldn't I just be making myself even more underweight because I don't plan on building much muscle?

  16. Time to get started... On what you ask? OH well of course on my new phone game, hehehe once I am done with this project it's gunna be a household name you just watch ;3

  17. Ugh i cant stand it. Im going through a transition to chanhe my gender from guy to girl and i kist recently got everyone to start calling me Ria. Then a person shows up that i just cant stand amd they quickly rise to number 5 on my list of most hated people and they call themselves Rai which is too similar for comfort. UGH

  18. I kinda wish there were more girls in the classes that I took and that the class sizes were smaller. Then I could have more people to tease  or at least someone to target and turn them into a lesbian ;3

  19. I wanna take a bath...... like a real bath that i can fully submerge myself in. I havent taken a good fully submergable bath in like 14 years and i wanna take one......... oi dont look at me that way im only 17 so i took ine when i was 3. Im not old.

  20. I was just alerted to how much I don't learn by abstaining from the news. Lets just say that I just learned about the Las Vegas Incident...

    1. Varrack


      wow really? That was a pretty big thing...

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Can't say I blame you though, considering most of the news these days is a showcase of the disaster of modern politics.

  21. Ahh, my college has pushed me to get back into my hobbies of rock climbing and wood carving!

  22. It has been awhile since i last went rock climbing. Time to head to my colleges rock climbing wall and see how much worse i have gotten. Last i knew i could do a 5-11 so we will be testing it

  23. It has been awhile since i last went rock climbing. Time to head to my colleges rock climbing wall and see how much worse i have gotten. Last i knew i could do a 5-11 so we will be testing it

  24. It has been awhile since i last went rock climbing. Time to head to my colleges rock climbing wall and see how much worse i have gotten. Last i knew i could do a 5-11 so we will be testing it

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