"Hah! Me and King Sombra had a 'history'" queen chrysalis said as she shot beams at frost. "The only reason I wanted to be part of this is to get revenge on Wind, that's all."
King sombra disappeared. (Get ready for the reprise!)
"I have to get the Elements!" Wind said as he ran out of the castle. He caught up with applejack and found the sanctuary to where the elements where. They went inside, where there were bunches of stained glass. On one showed the doctor and Wind with the tardis. Another showed Applejack, Connor, and Babs fighting king sombra. And the last one he saw was the elements of harmony. Element of magic, laughter, generosity, kindness, loyalty, honesty, and, of course, time, with their respected ponies.
"Here are the elements are!" Applejack said. She took out the element of time and threw it at wind. He caught it and put it on.