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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by NightOwl

  1. So hyped for season 5! :D

    1. NightOwl


      It comes out this spring, there's a new trailer for it on equestria daily :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Sometimes I usually wonder if people on MLP Forums find me annoying... probably not, but I feel as if I haven't done anything special since I joined.

  3. I really felt like I missed out on a lot of great things during my childhood. D:

  4. Good night, everypony. ;)

  5. How's everyone doing today ? :)

    1. NightOwl


      Yeah, I'm just taking it easy at home today.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. How's everyone doing today ? :)

    1. NightOwl


      I haven't really got much planned, I'll probably go for a nice walk if it's not raining so exciting I know ha ha :)


      have fun at the party! :D

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. How's everyone doing today ? :)

    1. NightOwl


      I'm doing alright, thank's for asking :D


      Any plans for the weekend ?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. can You show me this picture in full res? :3

    1. NightOwl


      Can't seem to find it but if you ask gone airbourne he might have it :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. I found an Encyclopedia Dramatica page of this forum. It's... interesting. :o

  10. Dat Celestia <3

    1. NightOwl


      I still love your fluttershy avatar :3

  11. I'm going to miss Legends of Equestria... :c

  12. Still sick :\ Meh. I'm going to try and set up a doctor's appointment, I think I have a virus or something.

  13. Your avatar and signature are kickass!

  14. Dat avvie and Sig tho!

  15. Oh my gosh! Your signature and profile pic are beautiful!!

    1. NightOwl


      Thank's for the nice comment :D

  16. Sometimes I wish people believe in me when I say I can name every single Pokémon by heart... xP

  17. You're not online! But,still,Happy Birthday!

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