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    The Element of Awesome

My Little Pony

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  1. How do people just turn off their car and get out so easily when a good song is on? I never understood that I feel like most people that listen to music just have it on as background noise and don't really "feel" the lyrics or the beat.

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      I know that feeling! 

    2. Oblivion


      YES! Glad someone understands where im coming from! :kirin:

    3. Pentium100


      Sometimes I'll finish listening to the song. However, more often I'll just rewind to the beginning of it the next time I'm driving. Then again, when I am driving short distances, I'll choose tapes with music that I do not really mind stopping whenever.

      When I am listening to music, it's a bit difficult for me to just do nothing. At the very least I just stare at the spinning reels and the VU meters (good luck doing that if the music is on a CD). A lot of time I read something...

      What's annoying is when I am at work, listening to the radio, there is a good song on and somebody calls. It's not like I can pause the radio, so I end up missing the song...

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