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Everything posted by HailStorm
(Ooc:I never thought about if swiftgrace was boy or girl ...um -flips coin-... coin landed female) Swiftgrace blinked, astonished when yet again toothless sped by. With a shake of her head,swift attempted another stunt,riding behind the dragon to decrease the wind resistance which slowed or threw swift around like a beanbag. Fuelled by adrenaline swift pushed harder to pass toothless despite the advantages he had,larger wings,heavy yet sturdy frame. Swift "woo yeah! now its getting interesting! But you haven't won yet,I still have a few tricks to put you in my dust!" --------------------------------- Runedust took in the sight and sounds of the battle,it was a shame that soon it would be over all to soon and without a single scuff on his beautiful white gold armor. Runedust: "sunrise will be in a few hours,tell me...have we successfuly liberated appleloosa and captured those traitorous girls...tell me we are just cleaning up and I will not be made a fool by being late" Soldier " um..well your greatness...we have recieved word that they have dug themselves in...your forces are finding it difficult to beat them into submission without causing harm to the targets." Runedust " so that's a no...you know I hate failure. How hard is it to make a couple of girls and some lackies give in exactly?" Soldier. "The so called lackies are presumably their body guards...well trained I might add" Runedust: "why am I not suprized...I guess if I want things done right I have to do it myself...ready the cages and follow me...oh and bring the bait,Fluttershy wont be able to sit by and let harm come to a poor defenceless critter. As for rarity...we take her when Fluttershy opens the way to rescue our bait" Soldier "clever plans as always your greatness..." Runedust headed into the wreckage of appleloosa followed by a number of troops who brought along everything they were instructed
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Hail looked back at stronghooves not watching in front of him "Well I can carry you but you will have to leave your stuff behind your choice! Or if you have a better... What the hay!?" With zanthak sudden appearance,hail tried to swerve out of the way only to end up crashing,
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"Ofcourse I can,I'm usually carrying cargo supplies or other heavy objects...now climb on and hold still so we can get going before its to late" Hail had coated himself with dirt to make his appearance darker in the night sky,the scrap plates fastened together to make a makeshift saddle for stronghooves to hold onto during flight.taking a running stance,hail aimed himself down a small trail and dug his hooves in for a powerful start. Once stronghooves was ready,hail extended his wings and took off.struggling to stabilize at first "Which way stronghooves? "
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Snow gave a somewhat sad nod as she began to back track to the cave,leaving hail and stronghooves as she headed back to the cave Hail:" its a long hike there isn't it stronghooves? Runedust moves fast so tell you what get your things and meet me here,I can give you a lift...as a friend aaand my last orders were dragon rock I'm not authorized to partake the appleloosa conflict.i will take you as far as I can" Hail stripped the few pieces of armor that held together after the shadow bolts and the tree wreck.
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Hail turned away,looking up into the night sky Hail: "thank you my friend but you do understand I can't turn my back on the solar kingdom *just yet*...there's still a lot I need to figure out...just promise me you will keep her safe,I wouldn't be suprized if they had figured out one of the Intel ponies have turned by now and they may come looking.I will hold a personal truce with you two for as long as I can...if we meet on the battle field however then I can't promise to keep my truce" Snow "why not take a break,you hated the war from the very beginning for the same reasons I do" Hail "I know but your in good hooves now and well you know me and fair fights,it wouldn't be fair for the solar kingdom to head off against both stronghooves and myself....maybe even that zanthak pony there...am I right?" "I wonder if swift and toothless made it Back yet...if not...I wonder if they went with runedust...hey snow,before you left did you figure out why he wanted to take appleloosa for" Snow "his usual requests stated that the railroads were vital,why" Hail: "no reason,just trying to figure out what front I may be placed when I get back" -------------------------------------- Swiftgrace gave chase,laughing as they soared through the clouds at amazing speeds,knowing that toothless was indeed just as if not faster,swift wanted to give him a challange to void any lingering thoughts of his failure.using such agile movements to Dodge turbulent pockets and ride with the tail winds to zip by toothless in a taunting arial dance Swift "hi captain,bye captain! See ya when I win this race"
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Once stronghooves let him go,hail got to his hooves and stretched his left leg until the pain subsidies. Looking at stronghooves to see the smear of blood,hail felt oddly happy about it but at the same time he felt bad for hitting his best friend. Hail: "stronghooves,I apologize for losing it..." Snow "aaaand" Hail "and trying to kill you,I lost my cool when I got the news...I kind of blamed you for snow turning traitor on the solar kingdom,and things just went down hill from there" Snow: " I no longer fight...well gather information for the celestian way,I gave that up when I got captured and spent time thinking about every thing...and giving every bit of Intel I could recall to stronghooves back at the prison." Hail looked at zanthak,unsure why he seemed more hostile to snow over him. Hail "your the pony who made it into celestias castle without raising any alarms...are you stronghooves friend as well?"
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Hail kept an eye on stronghooves,the hate and fury growing less as it Starts to burn itself out and giving way to logical thoughts. Being trapped,unable to speak,or move he gave a sigh as a sign of his accepted defeat yet again. Snow "o-ok...if you say so...I think hails back to normal now,you might want to let him go before his leg starts to work again...unless you want another go" Finaly snow broke eye contact with zanthak to look up at stronghooves,still unsure of what will happen now ------------------------------------------ Runedust paced angrily,he wanted a fight but found only disappointment. He decided to launch a second,brighter flare which flew higher than the first. Runedust "I grow tired of waiting,all available troops move in for the final blow,full hostile take over.find our girls and take them back to camp and ready them for transport back to celestia...and remember,harm a single strand of their mane and I will kill you....move out!!!" The soldiers salute runedust and started preparing to finaly over run the defences *this place bores me...but I guess the fighting between ponyville and dragon rock has their ponypower for used elsewhere...what a shame,things will only get easier now with the railroads coming to our control*
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Once hail was pinned,his body ceased up.with his left leg out of commission due to stronghooves blow,his attempt to Buck him off again would fail as he wouldn't have enough push to throw stronghooves far enough to make any difference. Snow practicely crawls backwards from zanthak to stronghooves now that hail had been subdued She was lying,she couldn't stop him not with him knowing her fears Snow "this is bad ...isn't it,he's awake and here we all are...a solar airforce officer,an escaped pow and you telling him to stand down" Her eyes stayed fixated on zanthak
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Hail hit the ground hard but he wasn't going to be done in just yet by a single blow. His wings stirs up the dirt as he gave a powerful Buck,throwing strong hooves off of him.getting back up and pouncing onto stronghooves,pinning him down as he headbutted repeatedly. Snow watched horrified,she wanted them to stop but could she turn on her brother as easily as she did on the solar kingdom.struggling with her decision. Snow " S.H. hit his left flank,then pin him by the neck right under his jaw,he will cease up! Hearing snow causes hail to look away from stronghooves at at her,leaving him wide open Hail: "snow!?" Snow looks at zanthak,seeing him awake made her freeze in fear Snow: "i-I....I pulled you to safety when stronghooves and hail attacked...d-don't move or I might have to stop you!"
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As hail hit his top speed, his wings flew open,acting as scoops to whip up a trail of dirt leaves and what ever debris lay in his path. With a leap,hail took a low flight right before the Collision to take out stronghooves legs As hail and stronghooves engaged one another,snow crept from the shadows and went to zanthaks side.cheching the downed unicorn,unknown to her who it was until she got a good look Snow: "it's that pony from the prison!?...how dud he find me?...strong...hooves, hail? This is bad real bad..." Snow looked down at zanthak then Back at the fight. *I hate this Guy but I can't leave him here to get trampled By them...I'm not that kind of pony...but the tourture....screw it! Get this pony out of their range and watch from a distance*
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The sound of strong hooves voice caught hails attention. Hails eyes met stronghooves,fuelling his burning rage. Haulting the bucks against the tree,hail started to approach the pony Slowly at first but with each step his pace increased.not a word left his lips,it was clear by the look on hails face that he was intending to scrap with strong hooves and he planned to win. Every rational thought was drowned out by the urge to make stronghooves bleed
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Stumbling to his hooves,hail was stunned from the collision with the trees and even the unicorn. Be was unaware he even hit.once steady he bucked the tree over and over. Not even realizing the ponies near by. Hail: "OK...that is. It,I don't care how rooted down you are I'm going to break you down! RRRAGH!! why did snow betray the solar kingdom! Why why why...is this your way of getting me Back for throwing you off that cliff..." Hail grew relentless in his bucking until the tree started to make snapping sounds
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Hail switched from one emotion to the next. His mind clouded by anger,hail crashed through the tree line splintering the lumber as a way to release the building rage.slamming into a thick tree, he falls somewhere into the woods
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-------------------------- Swiftgrace: "a captain huh,not an easy ranking in my opinion...the superiors yelling and the rookies,don't get me started there" Laughing to lighten the mood as swift's wings stretched out.with a good flap swift left the ground and hovered. " come on Mr. Captain Let's race! Just so you know,i look up to rainbow dash and I love a challenge just as Much...first one to land in celestia's castle wins,what do you say toothless?" -------------------------------- Soldier: "your greatness! Reports from the front has came in,it looks like two of the three are stationed here,Rarity and Fluttershy...no sightings of applejack though." Runedust:" wonderful! Splendid! I was hoping to find Fluttershy first...easiest to get information from and maybe we can take command of her animal shock troops as well...I heard they ran solus and even this strong hooves pony out.with some refinement they will be perfect for the solar kingdom." Soldier:" still no word of their surrender as of yet sir...I mean your greatness sir shall I order the launch again...until they surrender" Runedust glared at the unicorn soldier,giving him a nod.within seconds flaming rocks flew through the night sky, crashing down all over appleloosa and setting anything they hit ablaze. *something is amiss,it does't see that appleloosa is trying to resist the siege...did they catch wind ...that pony on the mountain,a scout...he must have the primary force out in the desert waiting for us to reveal our encampments or ambush us when we have the element bearers* Runedust " watch your flanks!,the enemy might be coming in from the desert..." ---------------------------------- Hail continued to fly,he didn't know where he was going nor did he care,his emotions to mixed. A traitorous sister,his once best friend now an enemy,and both of them together not to mention his doubts about this war.
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Runedust stood amongst the remaining forces Awaiting to rush at a moments notice. Runedust: "we have their attention now...go ahead with phase two of the siege,send a messager and tell them to surrender the element bearer...if they refuse,push the enemy back to the center then bombard them until they have a change of heart as they say...switch our seige batteries to combustible,appleloosa will be a demonstration to Luna and her followers of what happens when you rebel the higher power" Soldier: " your greatness sir,what if these element bearing ponies aren't here...what's our orders at that point?" Runedust " interrogate the survivors,I want the location but leave no survivors...those three can't get word of my hunt just yet" Soldier "yes sir your greatness...as you wish" The unicorn soldiers nod and start with phase two,coating the rocks with a special oil. Without question one is selected to run the message to the nlr forces in appleoosa ------------------------------------- Swiftgrace's head tilted some,suprized that toothless sudden scence of command over the lower ranking pegasi who followed his orders with a questionable look on their face Swiftgrace "have you ever taken a leadership role before toothless? You seem to have a strong scence of honor and duty" Ooc:been trying to post that all day)
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Ooc: trying to post with my phone at work in hopes it doesn't get DC at midnight bah! Srry if it does) Snow gave a heady yawn,growing tired from the long day —--------------------------------- Hail took flight,worried about the news of his sister *snow,why would you turn sides like that...did strong hooves make you?....I need to figure out what's going to happen...especially if I'm questioned do to family ties* —------------------------------------ Appleoosa —------------------------------ Runedust gave a toss of his head,horn glowing brightly as he fired a ball of light over appleoosa,illuminating the targeted location. With the signal up in the air,they commenced the attack bylaunching huge boulders to smash the defences followed by a hard blots of armored unicorns letting loose their own barrage of spells Runedust" I want appleoosa to be under my control by by Daybreak...i can't take it then I will turn it into a crater" Soldier" yes your greatness"
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Hails eyes grew wide,having a hard time taking in what toothless just told him "Your...your joking! Please tell me your joking? My sister a traitor and in a relationship!? With strong hooves?!"
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Ooc: waiting on me,sorry about that) Snow felt so happy,finaly she managed to reveal just how she felt and without being made fun of by anypony.despite such joy,there was also the looming reality that this was war and they were both apart of it,something could happen to stronghooves or herself at any given moment.snow hid this concern,the nlr needed stronghooves just as much as she did,if snow wanted to live a truely better life Luna had to win Or she was to be sentenced as a traitor and mostlikely killed for her actions that benifit the efforts against celestia. ------------------------------------------------------ Outside appleoosa ------------------------------------------------------ Runedust overlooked appleoosa with war starved eyes.they managed to travel such great distance in record time and already started prepairing for the seage of appleoosa.with the cover of night fall it was easy to conceal their movements until the time to strike *I wonder if one of the bearers of these elements of harmony are here...if I can get my hooves on them then I can learn their secrets and develop something that can rival its power...then I will be unstoppable * Runedust "Send up the flare once our seage weapons are in place...if anypony spots any of the three primary targets,bring them to me alive.! No mistakes..harm them and I will dispose of you myself...send my words to the capitans" Runner "yes your greatness,right away " The pony ran off into the night to deliver the orders given by runedust,leaving him alone Runedust "I will rip and burn this place down to the dirt,I will find you three and take what belongs to me...CELESTIA..."
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(Ooc. I remember that episode! )
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Strong hooves had yet again stunned her, snow had her suspicions but Even so she was unprepared to hear about his crush.nervous,snow started to blush once more. "So..is this your way of asking a girl out? It's a bit strange to ask it during a war...hard to go on a real date...buuut yes,I myself have had a bit of a crush on you too.I was just to shy about asking if you had any special pony" ------—------------------------------- Hail,swift,and the few Pegasus readied for their return trip. One of the pegasi offered to wrap toothless wounds before they took off Hail "snow? A traitor?! What makes you say that she really is" Swift "hail is a bit slow in the air seeing he's as he's so much larger than your usual Pegasus, but you and I toothless are built for speed,I thinker can hurry back at full speeds while hail and the others catch up when they can" ------------------------------------------------------- A scout approached runedust,warning him of a strange pony up in the mountain who could mostlikely spot the large movement of troops he commanded crossing into nlr territory,with a strange demented laugh as he grinned wider. "Let them witness my God like might...the true power of celestias wrath will March into the heart of Luna's territory and squeeze the life out of every single one until every pony remembers who they are to serve...if they refuse then I have new test subjects,this goes for any pony,not just Luna's pions do you understand...March on"
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How secretive are you about being a brony/pegasister and why?
HailStorm replied to Anonymous~'s topic in Sugarcube Corner
Hail "snow..snowglitter? That's my younger sister...she vanished during a nlr raid on one of our outposts...why?"
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They both smiled at toothless Swiftgrace "your. Very welcome i am swiftgrace..or just swift, first year elite pegasus of celestias personal guard" Hail "hailstorm,LT. Second class of the forty first Airborne. long wing squadron...or at least I was until I listened to solus a.d his plans..." Swift "yes it wasn't to well planned...even I knew that.but toothless my new friend we have to leave...I can't be late to celestias castle to see if I can operate here...hopefully celestia hasn't chosen the other general...if she has then we all are in danger of following a madpony by the name of runedust..." Ooc: night eveypony)
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Ooc: I'm going to be gone for a bit,no one wants to help pay the internet bill I will try to hop on whenever I can until I Can afford to pay it myself,keep up the good fights,I look forward to catching up)
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Swift "he died because he was cocky in my opinion ...you may have froze up but he pushed that earth pony to far...if he kept his mouth shut then maybe he would have been let go with the others..beat up and alive" Hail "he may have died toothless but we still need you..don't you want to get back at strong hooves for killing such an inspiring leader...making the ponies swallow their pride of superior...er...realize that your not some push over or something"
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