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Steel Crescent

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Everything posted by Steel Crescent

  1. Banned because I demand you cease your attack!
  2. 8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=uGKCvq-gJrk
  3. I like Twilight the best but i am a Big Fan of Trixie. TPAM got their hands on some sweet apple acre cider.
  4. Yes and No. TPAM just doesn't know what went wrong.
  5. Banned because when you join the banned game you become a life time member of the danger club.
  6. Banned because i cast instant death lvl5 on you.
  7. Banned because your attempting to give him sticky keys.
  8. Banned because i still have another lung left!
  9. Banned for not mixing up you shots and only using headshots.
  10. Banned because you really can't say that being drunk.
  11. Banned because i should have seen that coming.
  12. Banned because you used armor piecing rounds.
  13. Banned because i destroyed your ban gun and any other gun you have..
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