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Midnight Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Midnight Dragon

  1. Ugh, I can't even go on this site without people saying this one cartoon character is a "Grade-A idiot"...and it especially bothers me since the character reminds me of myself...so yeah, those kinds of comments really sting. And I see them EVERYWHERE...

  2. Happy birthday to me! ;)

    1. NothingIsEverything


      Happy birthday! *hugs* :3

  3. Excited for Super Smash Bros!

  4. I'm not dead. (At least I don't think I am...)

  5. I don't feel safe anywhere. The internet, real life, whatever...there's hatred everywhere. And it scares me.

  6. I don't want to be an annoying attention seeker, but I still get very discouraged when nobody notices or likes my work...

  7. I'm feeling nostalgic about a show...a show that nobody else remembers or cares about. :P

  8. I hate school...I hate it so fricking much...I don't learn anything from it at all, so it feels like its only purpose is to cause me stress and a lot of anxiety. -_-

  9. Omg check out this awesome thing my friend did:

  10. If the sound guy on Johnny Test had somehow gotten his hands on another show (EEnE)...
    1. Mr F

      Mr F

      Dam, I love that sound. xD

    2. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      Yeah, but it's ridiculous when it's being used for every single bodily movement...

    3. Mr F

      Mr F

      That is true, but we are talking about Eddy. His movements hardly makes other kinds of sound.

  11. Being in love should be a happy thing. But for me it's more like sitting at the gates of Hell...(because I know I have no chance of being with her.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. )O( Scarlet )O(

      )O( Scarlet )O(



      That's a um.. interesting analogy XD




      Is it one way love, where you love her but she doesn't, or more like something to do with distance?

    3. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      @Scarlet It's one-way.

    4. )O( Scarlet )O(

      )O( Scarlet )O(

      Ouch, yeah I know how that feels.. been there and done that, and it hurts like all hell.

  12. I do weird things sometimes...
  13. Ugh, trying to develop a story is hard...

    1. Dashicorn


      just let your mind free. Write shit down. Then afterwards look at it and work out the kinks.

  14. Ugh, trying to develop a story is hard...

  15. Why is that one tumblr post of mine getting so many notes now? Do that many people besides me ship those characters? xD

  16. I swear, I meant to be working on school right now, but OMG KITTIES <3

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