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Midnight Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Midnight Dragon

  1. Laughed way too hard at this:

  2. Finally...I can post again!

  3. Finally...I can post again!

  4. Sometimes I can't help but think that the whole world hates me...especially the gaming community. People clearly hate everything I've made in that area...and it's making me hate myself.

    1. Remi


      I'm sure this is pretty late, but you have to understand the gaming community is full of idiots, trolls, and annoyances. Just because someone (or some people) don't like what you've created, does not mean you should hate yourself. I used to hate myself for reasons I thought were true, and then I realize I'm hating myself for stupid reasons. Don't hate yourself, learn to love yourself.

  5. Still can't access this site on my computer -_-

    1. Fizz.


      Try resetting your router! Hold it down for sixty seconds, then wait a few hours. It worked for me.

  6. If I'm not active for a while, it's because my stupid relatives put a stupid filter software on my computer, and lately it's begun causing all kinds of issues...and no, I can't disable it -_-

  7. I've been craving sweet stuff a lot lately O_o

    1. ~Squishy Skies~

      ~Squishy Skies~

      Me too. I've been eating sugary cereal as a snack so much lately. It's never enough! I want all of the sugar!

  8. Why am I having such a massive sweet tooth lately? It's driving me crazy!

  9. Can I live in Equestria? I hate the world I'm currently in :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      I've just been depressed and angry lately...


      First of all, people are pretty nasty towards the games I make...not even realizing that I actually worked pretty hard.



    3. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      Second, my aunt won't leave me alone...and she's making me feel really depressed as well. The last time we talked, she just kept pointing out everything she thinks is wrong with me (and most of it is total baloney...also, she seems to be "projecting" the things that are actually wrong with her, if that makes any sense :P)

    4. Away


      @Midnight Dragon if it makes u feel better, I'll play one of your games when I get back home. And don't let your aunt get you down. If you're feeling down, you can always talk to me

  10. I'm almost ashamed to call myself a gamer, considering that most gamers have said really mean things about my games...not even caring about the fact that I'm new to gaming. Seriously, I hate my life; nobody even appreciates me -_-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      Oops, my message got cut off :P I think you should get the idea though, right?


      Also, I don't really have any confidence...I get that I'm not that good. But I'm sick and tired of it being rubbed in my face!

    3. ~Squishy Skies~

      ~Squishy Skies~

      Well, I, personally, lost interest in Sonic. He was great in his early days, but now, he's kinda meh. I do have faith that Lost Worlds is going to save the entire franchise, though. Looks pretty freakin' fantastic so far.


      also, Sonic.EXE is lame. Just gonna say that. Sowwie ; ^ ;

    4. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Some people don't know how to appreciate what they got...I say they should be glad that people put alot of effort and money into these games only to complain like a bunch of children. -_-"

      Sometimes I feel like i'm the only one who actually pays attention to the positives of a game.

  11. Ugh...why is it so hard to get help sometimes?

  12. I hope somepony can help with this, cuz I don't wanna have to post it on any other sites :Phttp://mlpforums.com/topic/66030-story-advice/

  13. I'm crazy. :)

    1. ~Squishy Skies~

      ~Squishy Skies~

      We're all a little bit crazy. You've gotta be crazy to know how to have fun.

  14. Oooh, liking the new forum icons!

  15. I got a painful bug bite on my hand, and I have to try to do stuff with my opposite hand -_-

  16. Just listening to epic trailer music makes me want to make a movie xD

  17. Oooooh, cool banner!

  18. *sigh* My dreams of being a somewhat famous internet person are being crushed more with every attempt...I know I shouldn't give up, but my depression makes me feel that no one will ever like me...I just want people to like having me around and enjoy my hard work...why is that so much to ask? T_T

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. longgone


      You don't need to be famous for people to like you. I'd rather have a small circle of close friends than a large circle of people that are labeled as friends.

    3. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      It's not exactly the fame I want...I guess I just want people to appreciate what I do...

    4. longgone


      Again, you don't need to be famous to be appreciated. I've found that the closer the friend, the more they appreciate you.


      You just need to find a good friend *hug*

  19. Just a little thing I've been working on:

    (Sorry about the watermark :P)
  20. Still a Parasprite...

  21. Listening to pony dubstep...excellent way to chill out. ;)

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