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Midnight Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Midnight Dragon

  1. I put on some dubstep and now I'm headbanging so hard that I'm dizzy xD

  2. I want to do something like the playlist challenge where you write or draw something based on each song...but what if I get to a song that I have no ideas for? D:

  3. Why is shipping so much fun?

  4. I should be doing school but instead I'm just speeding up random electronic songs

  5. Whoa, is that the date?! This year is going by really fast...

  6. I am a very confusing person.

    1. Pinkamena Dianne Pie

      Pinkamena Dianne Pie

      I feel the same, but how do I comment here to let the person what I think. Hmm...

  7. Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually good at anything I do...-_-

    1. Mr F

      Mr F

      I ask that question ever day... for me the ansver is no. xC

    2. Mr F
  8. Sweet Celestia, why am I so stupid sometimes...:P

  9. Sketched this yesterday; spent a few hours coloring last night and today: http://auroraknux.tumblr.com/post/83943332769/cat-edd-faces-by-visigoth101

  10. If I have to die someday, I hope I can at least go out with style. (I have no idea why that popped into my head...)

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      Same here, it will be epic.

  11. Why am I always so nervous when requesting stuff...?

  12. I really want to write some of my ideas, but everytime I get a good story going in my head, I end up getting stuck...

  13. Ah, a 24 OZ bottle of Pepsi is just what the doctor ordered...

  14. Whoop, there it goes. Yep. My brain stopped.

  15. "You guys read, and I'll go kill stuff." (Watching How to Train Your Dragon)

  16. Ugh...my back suddenly started hurting, and I can barely walk because of it -_-

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      You're way too young to start having back problems.

    2. Fluttershyfan94


      By that I mean you should do something about it.

  17. *sigh* I was kind of excited about posting my first tumblr one-shot...but it doesn't look like anyone's read it yet :P (I mean, I'm not that good at writing this particular genre, but it couldn't have been THAT bad O_o)

  18. Well that's weird...I got a friend request, but when I clicked on it, it said the user was no longer active. O_o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shift


      Who sent the friend request?

    3. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      The username was "Amaranternal". (I usually check out the profiles before deciding to accept--but obviously I couldn't, since the account isn't even active.)

    4. Shift


      Well, at least he or she thought Luna was best princess.

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