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Unpredictable Ranger

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Status Replies posted by Unpredictable Ranger

  1. So my baby bro has been to the hospital frequently over last couple months. Mom told me he hasn’t been doing very good today... :’(

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Hope your brother will get well soon, Glimmerlicious.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Bam. Avatar background change. The reason? Exactly.

  3. Starting to get the feeling that I will never be truly happy again.....

  4. I'm pretty tired y'all, i think i'm gonna hit the hay, goodnight y'all! Its been a long day! And thanks for putting up with me. I know i'm a bother sometimes.

  5. So they found a lot of cancer in my eyebrow, even after having two surgeries to remove skin. I think my surgeon may have mentioned a cream I could use instead of chemo, though, so getting rid of the cancer might not be that bad. But, we'll see. Still need to meet with an Oncologist.

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Had chemo, but I think it's takes a toll on me. How did you cope anyway, Spring Storm?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. I hate adults, and now that I've grown into one, I hate myself, I wish I can stop it or end it in the best way possible.

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Thank you for the concern. I'll have to take some time to think and get things get better.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  7. I hate adults, and now that I've grown into one, I hate myself, I wish I can stop it or end it in the best way possible.

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      I had enough of these irl turmoil, I think the best I can do is just kill myself and not face the same thing again and again, though the thought of dying is far-fetched from my better judgement.


      Feel stuck in the middle of conflicts, I just don't know what I should do.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  8. Going to take a small break from the forums and watch some Anime. Sleep is for the weak.

  9. Goodnight... someone.

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Are you alright, Dashey? Anyway goodnight to you then, hope you'll be fine.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. I hate adults, and now that I've grown into one, I hate myself, I wish I can stop it or end it in the best way possible.

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      What do you mean by that, BraveLilPyro -- like, stop it now or something?


      Anyway Sir Lancelot, I wish I can move away from these people but that's inevitable -- I don't want to explain much about it in here, I believe one of my posts in the Life Advice section as a reply to someone else's topic.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  11. I hate adults, and now that I've grown into one, I hate myself, I wish I can stop it or end it in the best way possible.

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Nope, still have to deal with it now because of my size being smaller than other adults. Now with more serious ones.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  12. I hate adults, and now that I've grown into one, I hate myself, I wish I can stop it or end it in the best way possible.

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      I wish I can forget everything, but can't because being an adult is not helping me forget the past.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  13. I hate adults, and now that I've grown into one, I hate myself, I wish I can stop it or end it in the best way possible.

  14. I hate adults, and now that I've grown into one, I hate myself, I wish I can stop it or end it in the best way possible.

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Well, they were mean to me when I was younger and I despised them, so now I feel horrible when I have grown up. It's very confusing for me.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  15. Alright who's better: The Amazing Spider Man or The Superior Spider Man?

  16. Do. NOT change your masked Shining Armor avatar. <3

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Hi ho! Now yaw can lock this status update, pardner!



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. Solo? :3

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Just askin. Pardon me for mah curiosity, pardner.


      EDIT: Haha, ah knew ya aint 22 y o!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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