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Unpredictable Ranger

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Posts posted by Unpredictable Ranger

  1. You are very clueless.... XD

    So... that means that you love donuts more than Nicolas Cage or Jim Carrey? Ah dun get it.


    I mean that if they feminised themselves MINUS their mustaches and beards (and please, wear long socks, I don't want to see those manly hairy legs while you're disguising yourselves as ladies)... 'coz those make me have nightmares!

    I'm glaring at you, @Crispy!

    Hm, no...

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I see. You meant to say that the world shouldn't make marriage as some ticket for tax discounts and medical discounts (i.e.: being politicised by the government as their "excuse" for not offering those specialties to single citizens). Actually they do that to encourage (read: pester) the people to get married instead of living an unmarried life, therefore, making may of the perks unavailable to those who don't have spouses.


    Actually you can quote what was in my post (and in anybody's posts), even the ones that they have quoted from someone else: by highlighting those text and then click on the black Quote button.


    It won't let me quote the rest of your post,
    • Brohoof 1
  3. @, I do not understand the first quote here, can you explain in a more proper way?


    On a related note though, divorce is not always because it was a mistake to marry a certain person in the first place.



    If marriages are not made legal in the first place, there will be many illegally-born children whose lineage are difficult to be traced, furthermore what you're asking will make human no different than other creatures (animals, demons) due to their nature of not having marriage as a necessity for reproduction.


    EDIT: or are you hinting that we should all be reduced to lower level creatures' way of life instead of the more civilised one we have?

    I want to abolish the legal institution of marriage. I don't want legal marriage.
  4. @@Feather Spiral, So many photos, my device can't handle them all........


    ...fine, I'll post something of my own.


    A photo I took of myself when I visited Ancient Rome. Er, I mean the marine biology station.




    And while I'm at it, I'll also post some stuff from there.

    I promise to upload more on my blog as soon as I can, I just have time to pick a few and put them up here.


    There were critters kept in the aquariums building, and some gathered during a low tide excursion on the second week's Thursday morning.


    Starting with the aquariums (aquaria?).


    Ascidians (or Tunicates), the adults are sessile (fixed), but the larvae are swimmers almost identical to fish like amphioxus.

    attachicon.gifB aquar ascidians.JPG

    There were other tanks like this, with crabs and urchins and stuff.


    The main attraction of the building though, was this central basin, with large starfish and these catsharks. Here's one poking its head out of the water, I took over a dozen shots just to catch one like this.

    attachicon.gifE2 aquar shark head.JPG


    Did I mention the lab's sinks? They always contained a couple tanks and a bucket/pot with our study subjects of the day. The taps there actually provided seawater, which allowed the renewal of the water in the tanks/bucket.



    Oh yeah, the wind that made me sick on the first week? This is what it would do to the sea - vaporize the top of the waves into fine mist.


    Getting stared at by a seagull right outside your window can be a rather intense experience.



    Moving on to the low-tide excursion, where we wore rubber boots and carried small pots each.

    Lemme begin with a view of the town.

    Yes, that IS the seafloor you see below covered in seaweed (mostly fucus).attachicon.gifL excursion townscape.JPG




    This one, our guide called it a "sleeper crab" because of how peaceful it was. The hand is mine btw, it counts as a photo of me, so shaddap

    attachicon.gifL11 sleepercrab1.JPG


     Compare that to what he called a "swimmer crab" with flat hindlegs (which he caught and put in my pot), and the one in this photo.

    attachicon.gifL15 lab stubborn crab hold.JPG


    We also found a couple lampreys and "pillow starfish" you see here (along with two amphioxus from our first day there, not from the excursion), as well as many hermit crabs.

    attachicon.gifL16 lab lamprey+starfish.JPG



    There are five videos as well, like one of that "swimmer crab" I was talking about, but I can't upload them.

    So, that's it.

  5. Using that pony name generator, the fave pony type's name is Cursed Betrayal


    Hmmm. Not bad. Then I tried to see my name as a Female Earth Pony. Sugar Sprinkles


    And finally, as Male Pegasus, my name is Slim Shady Thunder Crasher

  6. The reason why I quit being Fluffle Puff is because pink hurts my eyes and further weighs down on my sanity.

    @@Idyll Wisp, .


    Then I suppose this is how I would look like in the opposite gender:




    The forums would asplode shall I post them in here.

    Oh, IT'S ON. BRING IT. Show us how handsome you are.



    • Brohoof 1
  7. @, nobody gets married to plan break-ups, if you look in the East side of the world, they learned a lot in life to avoid things go sour between the couples (spouse) and there are many counselling bodies/institutions that offer assistance in maintaining marriages.


    It is true that in non-marital relationships, you can break off anytime and not face much obligatory processes because the difference between that and marriages is that marriage means COMMITMENT. Let's say, a staff is committed to his job and works with the same company for many years, loyally. The perks for this commitment reaps good results: raised salary, getting promoted, offered more company benefits, etc.; compared to staff that jumps from one company to another company within short term of working under the same company(s) -- same goes for anything else, even relationship. Commitment and patience gives back positive outcomes in return.


    And, sorry to say this outrightly: the government hates single people. Don't believe me? Read this: http://www.cracked.com/article_17063_5-reasons-being-single-sucks-even-more-than-you-thought.html

    • Brohoof 1
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