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About Thrashy

  • Birthday 1988-11-11


  • Title
    Element of Aggression

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My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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  1. Hm. Would you peg me as a Social Anxiety Disorder or Bipolar Disorder kind of guy?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      "I have a lot of trouble initiating conversations with people, mostly because I operate under the assumption that if nobody's talking to me, they don't *want* to talk to me."


      Holy shit, that sounds exactly like me.

    3. Shanks


      I have struggled for many to socialize and make friends, I used to be worse than Twilight was in the beginning of season 3. This was in large part due to having Autism which I am not saying is the case with you but I never had Social Anxiety Disorder or Bi Polar Disorder. Certain things are still difficult for me like I am painfully shy around girls and sometimes miss certain cues and still sometimes inadvertantly making an ass out of myself but I have improved greatly over the years. Disorde...

    4. Shanks


      ...Disorder or not you are a very intelligent and thoughtful person and don't you forget it.

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