I would like it to be digital because It looks more professional that way. I like the look of digital more than hand drawn. And when Its done (If you do it), just feel free to message me it ^.^
Can somebody draw my OC pony for me. It has to be digital only. Here is a picture of my OC. Also, I do not want the picture in 3D. This is just an example.
Yes, I do support Twilicorn. She is my favorite pony. I was sceptical at first. I knew it was going to happen from the start. I like Twilicorn and for all u haters, back of. She is more adorable as an alicorn.
What ever you would like... but I would prefer flying, but its your choose!
NOTE: Every pony can try to draw my OC, i don't just pick one! LOL
No, no... Go ahead and do my OC! Everypony can try! I don't pick one and close the whole section down! Remember: Try your best and don't ruch! lol
Urkelbot, yes... That is EXACTLY what I am. Rainbow Dash (in MLP) is my best friend! We do everything together, so if you want to draw me with Dashie... That's ok! All you have to do is draw me! More like a... Flying state.
Well, if you want a personally, he is VERY fast... like fast as lightning coming down from the sky. He isn't as fast as Rainbow Dash but they like to have races ALL the time... Rainbow Dash and Lightning Spark are great friends, best friends. They love to pull pranks on other mares and colts.
Pleace, can you animate my OC pony. His name is Lighting Spark, his mane is sky blue (maybe a bit darker), he has a purple coat, red eyes, and a yellow lightning bolt as a cutie mark. His mane and tail .yle is Vinyl's.