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Dark Moon

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Status Updates posted by Dark Moon

  1. Tired

    1. Zygen


      Yeah same here, bout to hit the hay soon.

  2. I'm a new day rising

  3. Alone...listless, breakfast table in an otherwise empty room

    1. Thunderchild


      Young Girl. Violins.

      That's all I can remember without looking it up-and I can't be bothered.

    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon


      Center of her own attention, mother reads aloud, child tries to understand it, tries to make her proud. The shades go down, it's in her head. Painted Room, can't deny there's something wrong. Don't call me daughter, not fit to. from memory

  4. I feel like changing my OC, again

    1. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      why not keep one, and make a new one? so you won't have to discard the old one

    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      that sounds like a plan, now to see if I can remember how to draw a pony :/

  5. Vector art I made on PowerPoint years ago, I used to be really good. Maybe still am https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/995511_3449281088178_705393943_n.jpg

  6. Permanent is back

    1. Zygen


      But aren't you permanent, therefore always here?



  7. I feel like I've been forgotten :/

    1. Zygen
    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      On the forum, but it will pass.

    3. Zygen


      Well idk, i guess maybe alot of people are just busy.


      I know i've been kinda busy to reply to every status anymore, or hardly any for that matter.

  8. Remember that poke war I was talking about a month or so ago, it's still on going -_-

  9. I've finally decided to destroy one of my reserve conquests, time to play Oblivion for the first time

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      Yeah. :|

      Who would've thought you'd be entertained in a place called shivering asles, huh?

    3. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      I like to leave some mystery out there, paths that I haven't yet charted

    4. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      Pack all 12 lockpicks, mate.

  10. I really hate school pride when it comes to sports and the whole we're better than you mentality -_-

  11. I'm back everybody.....da furk happened to the website, I leave for three days and this happens

    1. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Apparently no one likes me anymore :(

  12. Holy shit i used to make really good vectors on powerpoint, ill have to find a way to upload them

  13. Lol been lazy of late, need to check out the last CD the Smashing Pumpkins released

  14. Ah yeah, I've got a newish band that I can follow, Tame Impala

  15. He could of tuned in, tuned in, but he tuned out, Nothing could save him.

  16. Like a rolling thunder chasing the wind, I can feel it!

  17. Strange things are afoot

  18. Lol, everyone's pointing fingers, but they're all responsible for the shutdown

    1. Shanks


      It's all part of the game, pretend to fight in public but laugh at the suckers that voted for them in private.

  19. I think the only thing that can fix the American government now is starting from scratch

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Shanks


      The supreme court can and has also abused its power so just because the supreme court says something is constitutional dosen't always mean it is. Violating the 4th amendment with searches without probably cause, spying on American citizens without warrants is grounds for impeachment. Violating the 5 and 6th amendments by indefinitely detaining people without charges and torturing prisoners is grounds for impeachment. Violating the 8th amendment by torturing prisoners is grounds for impeac...

    3. Yamato


      No, it isn't. It may be unconstitutuional, but it is not grounds for impeachment in Congress. SHOULD it be is another question entirely. If it was, the list of congressmen impeached would be very long. Unconstitutionality is not a felony. The maximum punishment for it still remains a slap on the wrist.

    4. Shanks


      If that is really the case than perhaps that should change, I am sick and tired of certain people being above the law simply because they have authority.

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