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Dark Moon

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Status Updates posted by Dark Moon

  1. Struggling to stay afloat in a sea of insanity

  2. Man I feel like shit today

    1. Diamond*


      I feel like that every day

  3. That strange moment you get on FB, after going to do your laundry, to find two friend requests from two people you've never met

  4. Nearly felt like I was going to have a break down today

  5. I send this smile over to you

  6. 10 am and I've already taken an exam and a quiz, but on the bright side I'm done for the day

  7. hammer. Hammer! HAMMER! HAMMER!!!

    1. Yamato


      That reminds me of an old YTP...

  8. Damn you youtube, taking down all the links for Wish You Were Here

  9. listen and be converted
  10. some days you just want to watch the world burn

  11. I literally have no urge to get GTA V

    1. Thrashy




      ...J/K. Never even played a single game in the series before, so I have no such desire either.

    2. Dark Moon
  12. The year of the feels, someone I used to work with, before I left for college, died in a car wreak today :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Really shitty thing is my mother and sister saw the wreak. My sister knew him as well.

      Got hit by a semi

    3. Frosty V

      Frosty V

      Oh God, I hope he didn't suffer

    4. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      Sorry to hear that. Rest in peace to him.

  13. Haha people who ask me at least once a week if I'm a real PF fan, I've got a shirt that isn't of Dark Side and that you can't find in a conventional store :Dhttp://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=360734382726&ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:US:1120

    1. Rockymoo


      Fake PF fan is fake.

    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      I'm a mega PF fan, but people keep asking me because of an apparent epidemic of fake fans who wear Dark Side shirts

  14. What have we found? The same old fears

  15. Waiting for that day I run into someone who also likes Pearl Jam/Pink Floyd/Radiohead/Alice in Chains as much as I do

    1. Frosty V

      Frosty V

      I only know two of those groups

    2. fimdash


      A bunch of people really love those bands, right? I bet you'll meet some people soon enough

    3. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      I know there are people out there that love one or two of them as much as I do, but I'm waiting for that day I run into the person the loves all 4

  16. Don't judge a book by its cover, a common but sadly not very well followed phrase

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