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Dark Moon

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Status Updates posted by Dark Moon

  1. I dislike anti-bullying organizations. None of them are actually fixing anything.

    1. Soundgarden


      Exactly. I never understood what they do with the donation money they get

    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      0_o I never even thought about the donated money they get.......


  2. Am I the only person that dislikes Angry Birds and everything associated with it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      You're not alone, never got what was so great about it.

    3. Dark Moon
    4. Moonlight


      I played it, thought it was dull, quit it and went to play a regular video game. It's just so damn dull.

  3. Got a 100% on my first quiz, ah yeah!

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea


  4. My gerd...someone is playing Bon Jovi on my floor, some people.....-__-

  5. Your avatar is, wait for it.......Legendary XD

  6. so much reading....

  7. A bowl of rice for lunch it is

  8. Ah yeah, done with classes for the day XD

    1. Zygen


      *Gnaws on rubber chew toy* Who you callin an animal!?

    2. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      I'm actually a plant, you racist. ;-;

    3. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Just had to pull the race card on me didn't you XD

  9. Everybody can calm down now....I'm back :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Moon
    3. Harmonic Revelations
    4. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      College has had me pretty busy, but I think my activity will slowly increase in the next week or so

  10. Just finished my first day of classes

  11. I can barely remember who I was back in April.....

  12. Yesh, all of these threads about copyright laws

  13. Is it weird to feel happy while listening to Radiohead?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      It's strange though, since Radiohead is dark/depressing, yet I'm in a really good mood

      Feel like I could go running or something

    3. Homura Akemi

      Homura Akemi

      I'm only really familiar with one RH song...

    4. Le Kvlt Dawn

      Le Kvlt Dawn

      Nah man Radiohead's good stoof.

  14. My past is fading and the future shines brightly before me, College is going to be a really great experience :)

    1. mehguy22
    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Good luck to and whatever is before you as well

  15. Man I've been busy the last couple days, sorry bout not being very active

    1. Princess Periwinkle

      Princess Periwinkle

      I feel ya man. Hang in there. :D

    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      So many orientation events....

  16. What an interesting day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Better late than never :P

      First I picked up my textbooks

      Then I had to buy the textbooks that somehow got cancelled on me :P

      Then I did nothing for about 2 hours

      Then my roommate came back and I proceeded to do nothing for the next five hours

      At 5 pm I went to an orientation type program where a bunch of clubs show cased some stuff

      At said thing there was a club for Larping, which had people actually doing mini battles in the middle of the thing, I tried it, was...

    3. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      actually pretty fun

      Then at 7 we packed into an indoor stadium for till 10 for an pep rally type thing with some speakers, I about died of dehydration :P because I wasn't able to get a drink after the Larping and had to wait till after 10

      And that was about it :P

    4. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      It sounds fun man! Glad college is going good!:D

  17. So this is dorm life eh

    1. Thunderchild


      Don't really remember much of college apart from the bar. I guess I did have a room somewhere-I just usually crashed out wherever I happened to be at the time.

  18. And I'm back :D, dear lord this dorm has no air conditioning and it is like 90 degrees out D:

    1. Thunderchild


      Damn-that sucks. Go out and buy a fan at least-you'll never get any sleep otherwise.

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