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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Dark Moon

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Status Updates posted by Dark Moon

  1. Like a rolling thunder chasing the wind, forces pulling from the center of the earth again

  2. this song seems to have become more relevant in our time
    1. Thunderchild


      Ain't it the truth. More ways to communicate with each other than ever before, yet so much loneliness.

  3. I have returned to you, at the turn of the tide......but yeah I'm back :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zygen


      Yay welcome back!

    3. Thunderchild


      Moon The Loon is back, ladies and gentlemen!

    4. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Moon the Loon eh......:D

  4. Well good night everyone, probably won't be back on till tomorrow night, got a cousins wedding I have to attend.

    1. Zygen


      Goodnight Dark moon! Enjoy the wedding! Congrats to your cousin!

    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Thanks, I'll try

  5. Cream Puffs.....so good....

    1. fimdash


      i want some now :( lol

  6. Xbox Live is giving away Dead Rising 2 for free, woot

    1. Circadian


      I guess Live is trying to provide a proper alternative to Plus.

  7. Quick somebody give me an idea to draw something

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Almost done with pinkie pie

    3. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Wow, who would have thought the piece of paper would be the most difficult part -_-

    4. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Done, now to scan this sucker

  8. Rainbow Dash Pink Floyd shirt finally came in the mail XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thunderchild


      Ok-so, where's the link to the pic of it? Come on man-play the game already!

    3. Dark Moon
    4. Thunderchild


      O.k-that might just possibly be the coolest t-shirt I've ever seen. Damn.

  9. Oh my gerd, I'm the Antichrist, I must be because of my number of posts 0_o

    1. Thunderchild


      Don't worry. One more post and you'll be Jesus again.

  10. Pull me out the aircrash, pull me out of the lake, I'm your superhero, we are standing on the edge

  11. I can't get over just how cool this song is:

  12. The dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. T.E. Lawrence

    1. Rockymoo


      I don't get it.

  13. I found this entirely too entertaining

  14. I think all get off the forums for the night, good night everyone

    1. Ruddboy Olaf

      Ruddboy Olaf

      Night, Dark Moony!!

    2. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      night moon pal of mine

    3. Jackleberry
  15. This time, I feel my luck could change

  16. Packed just about everything I will need for college today, whew!

  17. My debit card fell inside my car door through the window slot today.

    1. Thrashy


      Betcha $10 that when you tell the people at your bank why you need a replacement card, their response will be something along the lines of "This is the third time this week we've gotten a claim like this!"

    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Don't worry, I have recovered it. :D

      Car door panel was a pain to get off

  18. I think I might start drawing on my tablet again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      I burnt myself out last time

    3. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves



      I'll make sure to have some water near by next time, give it another chance. You can do it! :D

    4. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon


      Nice XD

  19. Curses, I slept in till 2:30 and I have to go to work at 4

  20. You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need

    1. Thunderchild


      Gotta sleep on your toes, when you're on the street.

      Animals is one of my all time favorite albums.

    2. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      Mine as well

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