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Everything posted by Krys9

  1. Hey there! Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your time here and meet lots of great people! Everyone here is super nice so don't be shy! Feel free to look around and see what topics interest you. Well have a good one.
  2. Krys9

    New Guy

    Well, well looky here I spot a trollface in our midst! The Trollface is a black and white drawing of a face with a large mischievous grin that is meant to portray the expression someone makes while trolling. Posting a Trollface image into a forum thread is often used to claim that someone was being fooled or intentionally angered. The face commonly appears in rage comics indicating that the character is being mischievous in some way. Anyway I am glad that you watched the show man! That's pretty funny that you started watching under the assumption that it was supposed to be really screwy. LOL Anyway I hope you enjoy your time here and remember to chillax and have fun!
  3. Krys9

    hiya ^^

    Hey there and welcome to the MLP Forums! Everyone here is really nice and helpful and I hope you meet lots of great people aswell. Feel free to take a look around at the many different topics of discussion and don't be shy to post your thoughts! I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope to see you around more often on the forum! Ciao!
  4. Hey there and welcome to the site! That's cool that your from California because I am too! I hope you enjoy your stay here and meet lots of cool people here. If you don't already know there is a place for RP in the "Roleplay World" section. LOL Since you are already a muffin I shouldn't have to tell you that the people here are extremely nice and well-spoken but don't take my word for it just check out the different threads to see what I mean. Have a great one!
  5. Hello there and welcome to the Forum! I am very surprised that you have been a fan for so long and haven't been on this site before. XD Anyway I am pretty sure you will enjoy your stay here. There is a ton to do and lots to discuss so don't be shy and get on out there and talk to people. The users here are very nice so feel free to open up and talk to your heart's desire. I hope to see you on the Forum more often! Have a wonderful day.
  6. Why is this in the "Welcoming Plaza"? It really doesn't belong here. :S
  7. Oh my gosh your profile pic is adorable! Haha Anyway welcome to the forums! Feel free to peek around at the many topics of discussion and have a chat with fellow bronies! I am really glad you decided to join this awesome site and I hope you find your time here enjoyable!
  8. Hmm you do bring up a good point on how it is unnecessary to call yourself a brony because if your a fan than your a fan. Brony is just a term used to describe people who are fans. If you don't like the term then you are free to just refer to yourself as a "fan". Nothing wrong with it at all and now I think we should move on.
  9. Coolio! Hello and welcome! I see that you got some posts in before you came here, that's fine. Atleast your more experienced than an average blank flank. I hope you enjoyed your stay here so far and hope to see you around more!
  10. Yo welcome to the coolest place on the interwebz. Haha Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay and get in touch with alot of great minds out there. Well, have a good one!
  11. Oh jesus christ why do you have to go and mention cupcakes? Seriously it's not my cup of tea to be honest. It's really pointless and it just made me want to poke my eyes out. I don't know why anyone would like it. I would advise you not to watch it because it is super lame. Anyway welcome to the forums! XD
  12. HAHAHAHA Heavy Weapons Mare?! Pinkie with huge Gatling gun? What is the world coming to? lol Oh but in all seriousness welcome to the forum fellow brony! I hope you enjoy your stay. Everyone here is ultra super duper nice and respectful so I am sure you will meet tons of people and just have a smashing good time here! Ciao!
  13. Krys9


    Well since you have not really talked to alot of other bronies before this then this place is a great way to start. There are alot of cool members here and everyone is really nice. Feel free to open up to people because everyone loves discussion. If you love drawing you should check out Octavia's Hall, for it's the place for all the creative people to go to. I hope to see you around more often on this site and I am glad you joined. Remember to relax and have fun!
  14. Howdy! Welcome to the forums! I am really glad that your here! Feel free to take a peek into the different topics of discussion and remember to relax and enjoy your time here!
  15. Yeah I agree. Many of the fans that I know are girls and they prefer the term Brony aswell so your not alone. lol
  16. Brony is most commonly referred to as Bro+Pony=Brony. However this meaning as changed from a gender name to just a name to classify a fan of the show. Female fans are called Pegasisters but you can call yourself a Brony if you would like. Doesn't really matter in the long run. XD
  17. Haha no problem! I am glad you are enjoying your time here. On this forum what goes around comes around! (friendliness, compassion and care) lol
  18. Krys9


    Ouch that does sound to be a problem. Well rest assured that this place is much better and usually has way more people online too. Everyone here for the most part has been ultra nice and friendly. I am a newbie to this site aswell so don't be nervous to check out the other threads here. I hope you meet lots of great people and have a wonderful day!
  19. Yeah with all the descriptions you told in your post you do sound to be an awful lot like Pinkie Pie. Not that it is a problem though since she is mostly happy and always trying to brighten up people's days. Anyway welcome to the forum! I am really happy you decided to post so that we can finally meet you! Feel free to look around and find different topics of discussion here. I hope you find lots of great people to talk to and I hope you have a wonderful day!
  20. Hey and welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your stay and meet lots of great people! Fluttershy is very adorable. Octavia and Vinyl Scratch are awesome aswell.
  21. Yeah I am pretty sure it would go there in the non-pony artwork section of Octavia's Hall, they have a place for non-pony fanfiction and writing there. Like you I am pretty new here. I guess we can learn this site together. Haha
  22. Hello there! Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay here and meet lots of great people. Cool OC btw.
  23. Haha nice man jump in head first! I have not created anything for the community yet either so don't worry about it. Anyway welcome to the herd and to the forum! Feel free to peek around and see what sparks your interest. I hope you enjoy your time here and meet loads of great people!
  24. Woah your a videographer? That is sweet! You got an interesting story to tell and I agree with Rarity being an awesome pony. If you enjoy writing fanfiction try Octavia's hall because it has what you are interested there. Well I hope you enjoy your stay here on the forum and meet lots of great people!
  25. Krys9


    Hello and welcome to MLP Forums! Feel free to look around at all the marvelous topics of discussion and find a place that suits your interests. I hope you have a great time here!
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