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Everything posted by Krys9

  1. Hey there welcome to the forum! SInce your a muffin atm I know you have already went around and posted on the forum. I hope you enjoyed your time here so far!
  2. Hello there! Nice to see fresh faces here on the forum! I hope you enjoy it here! Everyone here is really nice so remember to have no worries!
  3. Hey there! That's cool that you already have a sibling on the forum! I hope you enjoy your time here and have a great day!
  4. Hey there newcomer! Welcome to MLP Forums! We will greet you with open arms and appreciate your presence here! Feel free to look around at the different topics of discussion and I hope you have an amazing time!
  5. Wow that is really unexpected! That makes me feel special I guess. Haha I am at least happy knowing that there are people in CA at least I don't know anyone IRL who is a Brony.
  6. Yeah I can relate to this because I had an instance where I barely got any sleep the prior day before a huge test I had to take and I was very tired and extremely stressed. I tried my best on the test and got a decent score but nothing to brag about. I was so exhausted and sleep-deprived that I was kind of lashing out at my friends and they advised me to just go home after school instead of hanging out with them seeing how I was acting weird. When I got home I wanted something to watch to hopefully put me in a better mood and I turned on MLP and my attitude changed a full 360. I felt happy and energetic, I really can't explain it but it really did help me.
  7. I live near Sacramento Ca, nice place to live, lots of sunshine and the winters aren't so cold, I hope you have a good time with your move!
  8. Uhh I would have to say no to this question. The other generations just didn't appeal to me as much as G4 and like many others I wouldn't be a Brony if it didn't make a complete 360 and actually make it entertaining and fun to watch. After I got into FIM I did try and watch some of gen1 and some of gen3 and gen1 wasn't bad but not all that enticing and gen3 was something I hope to forget. I think it is best that I keep to gen4 and move on from there.
  9. Krys9


    AS YOU SHOULD! Haha But yeah don't worry about a thing while your here because it is a very cool group of people on this forum. But don't take my word for it go explore it!
  10. Krys9


    Hey there and welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here aswell. Feel free to look at all the topics of discussion if you haven't already I'm sure you will find some that are interesting. Have a good one!
  11. Bravo! Bravo! You have moved up a rank! Man they sure do grow up so fast!
  12. Hey there! Welcome to the site! I actually had to tell another user that it is probably just people going through their daily lives that keeps them from posting. Maybe it's just sheer bad luck that at the time that you posted you didn't get an insta-greet. Regardless I welcome you and so does Berrycord here so please be happy. I hope you enjoy your time here in the forum and I hope to see you more often on here. Take care!
  13. Hey there! Welcome! People here are probably over on other topics thus explaining why you had to wait so long but I digress. I hope you find this an enjoyable place to be at and meet lots of cool people while doing so. Peace!
  14. Hey there newcomer! I do hope you enjoy your stay here! People here are really nice so if your having second thoughts don't fret. Haha Well see you around!
  15. Hey there and welcome to this marvelous forum! Everyone here is respectful so don't by shy! I am sure you will have a great time here!
  16. Erm in all honesty I didn't even know that people claimed to be a Brony without watching the show because that is essentially why we are called Bronies in the first place. If people don't watch the show but create/appreciate the fanart that comes our way and it is good I don't see why we should shun them.
  17. Hmmm between Dusty and Grey I like Dusty just a little more. He looks really cool. I also like your "doodles" so please don't stop! LOL Welcome to this here forum my friend! As you have been doing (which is a good sign of an active member) posting in the other discussion threads is a good idea and remember to check through all of them to get a good feel of what places you like to go. I really hope you enjoy your time here. Feel free to drop a FR by me or ask any questions if you need help and I will try my best to answer. Have a great one!
  18. Krys9


    Aw bless your heart! That made me a little teary eyed just reading it. Your Pinkie cosplay is rather cool I still don't know why they were giving you weird looks. Even if I didn't watch the show I would think it was awesome! Welcome to the forum btw! As you can see the community here is really nice and caring. I hope to see you post on here more often and enjoy it here! Have a great one
  19. Aw Smile Smile Smile....where ever I go I seem to always bump into it sooner or later. Anyway I am glad you finally found the forums! Welcome! I can see that many other fellow members have already greeted you but that won't stop me! You definitely found a place here if you can create great music like the one in your introduction post. Hope to see more of you in the future!
  20. Wow that character you got there is freakin amazing! Oh my apologies for the delayed welcome but in any case welcome to the forum!
  21. Hey there! Yes the show is super good! I am glad yet another person reads between the lines and is able to notice how great it is! Your one of the very few people I found to be so interested in the whole "Brony" phenomena so early after discovering and watching the show. So, good for you! I hope you enjoy your time here and get to see a lot of great material and meet a lot of great users who reside here!
  22. Welcome to the forums! I am very happy you enjoy the show! Since you are still on the first season you have a lot of episodes waiting for you. Haha I hope you find this place to be a real treat to visit. Everyone here is really nice so feel free to post without fear. Have a good one!
  23. Krys9

    Hi everyone!

    Hey there! I am really glad that you finally were able to make an account and start posting! Welcome to the amazing MLP Forums! I hope you enjoy your now honorary stay here. Have a good time posting!
  24. Hmmm interesting. Haha I turned out to be Rarity which I am really confused by right now. LOL
  25. Hey there! Welcome to MLP Forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here. There is a ton to do and lots of people to meet! Everyone here is really nice and you should fit right in. Pretty cool OC btw!
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