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Lord Sprixx

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Posts posted by Lord Sprixx

  1. I'm not sure, to be honest. I don't play ranked very often, because I don't do well in places other than mid, jungle, or support, and sometimes I get shoehorned into top. I also don't like the people in ranked - it's very stressful (my heart starts pounding when my health goes below even 70% and they haven't taken damage). I also lag horrendously at my house, so I dropped into Bronze 1 due to inactivity...it makes me feel like a bad player, honestly. I know I shouldn't care, but I do care that I'm in the shit leagues when I honestly feel like Silver 2 material.


    My friend who's in Platinum 4 right now was in Gold for the longest time. He always likes to jungle as someone who can annihilate anybody 1v1, like Shyvana. He's told me that when he jungles, he essentially controls the game. It is on his terms that his fellow laners win or lose, and it is up to him to decide which of his lanes win that game. So, my advice is to try out jungling and see how that goes. Be the guy who helps out your laners instead of the guy who desperately needs the help of a jungler who will never come, even if it means being very intimidating and yet not doing anything (I have done this before with great success).


    I've been playing Zac recently, since he's stupid OP right now. I like him a lot - no problems clearing the jungle, great ganking potential, especially in mid or through the tri on top, and he has great utility in teamfights with not one but two knockups. I like Hecarim too, and Vi was my first ever jungler that I bought myself, but Zac is in such a good spot right now, it's hard to even get to pick him in most games. If not Zac, I've also had fun with Nautilus. Not as great as Zac, and has a slower start, but he's a juggernaut that can peel like a baus. Also, SpiderNaut is funny. I've gotten away from a Kayle literally by just hooking terrain all the way from top blue inhib to the middle of top lane.


    I hope that helps...god knows I'll need some to get out of Bronze again  :(

    Yeah I know how you feel about wanting to be higher. I duo queue with a friend of mine who is currently Plat 5 (Thanks to me, our combined mmr helped him avoid Gold 1 entirely :) ) and that has helped a bit, know that at least one other person is on the same page as me. As far as jungling goes, if I can get into the jungle I will. Naut, Mao and Voli are who I've taken to recently. Just champs that can choose a lane and say "I'm snow balling this lane now". I also like duelists a lot, champs that can go into a 1v1 and even a 1v2 and come out on top (for this I go Malzahar or Shen) and I have had some really positive results with that. 


    And one last thing, good luck if you try to get outa bronze again. I believe in you and everyone else who is moving up the latter :)

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Alright so I haven't made any posts here for a while, but I thought I might as well share some cool stuff. First of all I AM FINALLY OUT OF SILVER! Sweet jesus Being stuck in silver because we had a GP that just HAD to counter Wukong top...  I swear I'm not bitter. But through a massive nearly 12 game winning streak, I cleared Silver 1 and jumped up to gold 3 (I actually flat out got promoted from 5 to 3, never saw 4). But that's the good news! My actual point is that for everyone that are stuck in bronze or silver(Fight for Platinum, I believe in you!), be thankful. I'm in gold 3 but my mmr queues me with plat 5 and gold 1 people regularly. Gold 1 is a dark place.... I have seen some really bad players going up from the bottom of silver but gold 1 is unreal. 1 troll, 1 afk, and 1 toxic player every game bare minimum and I am not joking about that. So in short, one does not simply leave gold. Well now that my little rage induced rant is done.

    I've been trying to think of sure fire strategies to win at solo queue consistently, being polite and filling the roles we need have got me pretty far but lately it hasn't been working as well. Playing as a good split pusher has been a really good strat I find but isn't perfect. 


    Does anyone else have any thoughts on the current state of solo queue, or cool ideas that you think could win a game all on its own?

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Man I love this thread, haven't made a post here for a while, but I have a winner for sure. So what do you get when you cross metal and jazz influenced saxophone? A crazy band called Shining.




  4. Believe me. The road to Silver is a long one. There will be many things in Bronze that will piss you off. But never give up. Good lucI 

    I agree that silver is pretty hellish. There are so many people in there that raise the question "What are you doing in silver?!". and I mean that on both ends, I've had a pantheon on my team literally just tookthe game on his back and won it completely on his own. on the flip side, you have people who think GP is an amazing champ right now and think that feeding 10 kills before minions have spawned is a pro strat! In short, Silver is a really awkward place to be, I am constantly shifting between s1 and 2 and its driving me batty!

  5. I guess, I just can't get anywhere right now, kinda frustrating. Even more so i'm playing with some bronzes. Doesn't help me feel good.


    I'm also just hard on myself, I rage and stuff at myself, I guess its better then my team but yeah :P. Doesn't help me do well.


    I just do alot of dumb mistakes, and I don't feel like I make alot of progress sometimes.


    I'm pretty decent with support, I use to main it, but I don't always do that great, and even then i don't really think i'm that good overall.


    I doubt i'll get much higher then where I am frankly. I think I belong in low silver, maybe even bronze, might be hard on myself though.


    I just need to get a little more confidence, I guess. Maybe I'll get somewhere someday idk. Its very frusterating sometimes going from win to lose to win to lose over and over.


    And thanks :P, I love Xerath, but positioning him correctly is difficult sometimes, expecially if the other team has lots of stuns and gap closers, or your team just doesn't setup in the best of places to fight.


    Lulu is just a real versatile support, and has alot to bring, so I can pick her for any type of champ pairing, which works well in ranked.


    Also dunno if you have me added, but my usernames Zygen360. I'd be down for a game sometime maybe!

    Okay, here's my 2 cents. You need to have enough confidence to play strong till the end, but you need to be humble enough to not stroke your ego during a game. I have lost many a game because of someones massive ego. I'll say "I want to mid" and I'll see a ww jungle and a lack of wave clear and think "Malz is a great pick here! Lots of cc and push and synergies with Caitlyn!" and they go Teemo mid and feed, doesn't ward, and blames the jungler (kind of a theme right there) =/.


    Anyway, I might have a suggestion to help your ranked situation. At the start of every game say hello and politely say the positions you can't play. Figure if you have 3-4 champs (that cover different roles) and you focus on those champs only, that can you to the high end of gold. Counter play is pretty minimal down here. That and no one knows what actually counters what and why. So being really good with Xerath and getting mid a lot could help, or being support and winning bot lane with excellent Lulu support.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Well i've been playing league a bit more often recently, not exactly been getting much of anywhere, I guess technically I finally sucked it up and played ranked and got into silver 3 from placement matches, of course I ended up losing a whole ton and dropped into Silver 4, I still feel like I'm doing pretty terrible for how many games I have honestly, but eh. 


    Been playing alot of Mid Xerath when I can, and alot of Support Lulu, with a few others while playing ranked when needed.


    Hopefully I'll actually make some kind of progress eventually. I have like 1400 games played total, I feel like I should be doing better frankly. 


    Although then again I think I suck at LoL and always kinda have so idk xD.


    Also new load screen is cool, feels a lot cleaner I guess. And summoner icons feel actually useful now.

    Heh, don't feel so bad. I've been trying to fight my way into gold. and ended up losing my foothold in silver 1 and found myself middle of Silver 2. It happens, just can't give up. Maybe trying a different approach. Granted, if you look at my ranked stats, you can see how many games I get forced to support and sadly I can't just win a game like that. i wish the stats screen how a measure of how many wards purchased/destroyed. Regardless, don't give up. Also, I like your picks :). I like seeing Lulu and Xeraths. My picks have been Malz, Taric, and Volibear. As a side note, my friends list is REALLY flooded right now, are you on my friends list? Maybe we could have a game :)

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I only just recently started playing, and I kind of suck at the moment. By suck, I mean I'm lucky if I get one kill on an AI game. *laughs*


    Thus far I've mostly played Corki, who is incredibly adorable, but I've also been playing as Zyra and Graves. My friend has let me use his account and I've been working on Cassiopeia, Diana, and...yeah. *laughs* That's it so far, really.

    Next I want to try Quinn, LeBlanc, and Morgana.


    Does anyone have any good ranged recommendations? I don't care about anything else so long as they aren't melee.


    I'm always looking for people to play with, so if you're interested PM me and I'll give you my name. XD


    I play LoL quite a bit, a little too much if you ask me :P. Anyway, as far as a good ranged champ is concerned, Draven, Caitlyn, Kayle (okay, kayle's melee... Sometimes, but she's amazing), or Nidalee are all really fun. If you wanna add me, feel free. I don't mind messing about in AI games or whatever. I think I've said it at least 50 times in this thread alone, but the summoner name is "Lord Sprixx". Much luck to you ON THE FIELDS OF JUSTICE!

  8. So just a bit of random thoughts that are League related. Firstly, I am glad to see that Shen is still the best thing ever. Rolling over top lanes, and having everyone say "OMG SHEN OP!" Which I guess is true, but I still haven't faced a Shen I couldn't beat in top lane. Guess that's the advantage of playing Shen since he's been bad xD. Also, who else has been absolutely loving this new ARAM mode? My only problem with it so far is that some people are taking it a bit too seriously since it has the word "Normal" next to it.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. and sooooo super irritating!

    you cant believe how many noobs ><

    yesterday someone in a game bragged about being pro cause he has a skin ._.

    But Didn't you hear? Skin=skill no exceptions! :P But in all seriousness, I can't find the words to describe some people xD.




    how the hell can this thing happen in 32:28 minutes?!

    that must have been the best, or the worst game ever! XD

    i love the fact your ADC has the worst KDA in your team >w<

    Also, that was an ARAM so nothing to lose sleep over. In fact, as far as ARAMs are concerned, that looks pretty tame.

  10. Oh my. I haven't seen you in months! How've you been old pal ^^?



    Keep playing that Voli. He's super stronk and eats his greens like his mother told him to :3

     Soup buddeh! Glad to see you're still around! I was playing Voli when he was mediocre at best, and now he's really good now! That made my day for sure. What are the standard bans for ranked now? I'm used to Amumu, Blitz, and Shen banned every game so naturally, I am a bit lost when I have to ban.

  11. I am a nerd. No doubt in my mind, and I love every moment of it! I play video games very often since I was a little kid with a SNES. My favorite comic is "The Death of Superman" (Not a DC fan, I just REALLY like that one book). I even used to go to tournaments for card games (Magic the Gathering more specifically). So yes, I am a nerd :)

  12. Hey, hey, hey! Guess who's back... Again. I really need to stop making a habit of leaving xD. Regardless, I am back playing LoL again and I might even try to poke around the forums here a bit more to! 2 months of no games and Voli is apparently meta now. My first ranked game back and Shen wasn't banned! Strange world. Guess I should throw up a score or something... and I have nothing new except a 2/0/22 Shen game that I didn't screen cap -.-. 






    I'm rather new to this game, but I enjoy it a lot.

    I mostly play Dr.Mundo and Voibear.

    I am as of this moment, suffering from a three day ban because my brother disabled the hotspot on my phone while I was in the middle of a match. (And doing quite well, mind you.)

    And for you, feel free to add Lord Sprixx when you have a chance. I'd love to play a game with you :)

    • Brohoof 2

    That's a very nice build! Good Cs, a lot  of damage all that jazz, but you forgot something, ENCHANTMENT FOR YOUR BOOTS LOL. That's pretty must very important now in season 3 cos it allows a lot of new things. Recommend Furor for Ezreal cos of his Q so you can kite more.

     I knew I forgot something! Boot enchants haven't quite sunk in just yet. Granted kiting wasn't my problem, I was kiting a Teemo and a Jax at the same time. It might have helped but I think the karthus singing at me pretty much sealed my fate =/. Home Guard all the way by the way :P. Thinking back on it, that would have been a good way to spend my 7k gold I had left over at like the 45 minute mark xD

    • Brohoof 1
  14.  So, I have been playing around with a few weird build ideas since these new items came out and I have finally got a good one for Ez. The  build is safe, damaging and just all kinds of wacky fun. I had a game just today actually and I had a amazing score, great farm. The full build and could kite forever and nuke anyone on their team... Now if someone could explain how I lost that'd be great! :P (Well it was the fact that Volibear literally threw Karthus at me that lost it but still xD)



    • Brohoof 3
  15. I play league of legends and am semi good at it but my summoner level is only 12. I live in the U.S. but I think that we may still be able to play together if you would like to play!

    I'd totally play a game with you biggrin.png I even have a lower level account you could add. Main account is Lord Sprixx (duh) and the low level account is GlowingLotus


    HEY EVERYONE! I've been MIA for quite a while I think. Well my first semester of College is coming to an end so I've had some free time again smile.png. So what better way to get my posting started than right here. I finally hit my goal of being 200 positive for wins to losses biggrin.png. So how are all my LoL bronies doing?



    • Brohoof 1
  16. If you ban morg you better give me a good reason >.< My normal bans are Jayce, Rengar, Malphite. Shen if the enemies don't ban him. And of course the occasional Alistar.


    Well lets be completely fair, SOMEONE is going to ban Alistar, that's just how it is. Last month he was banned in 95% of all games man. 95%! All of the alistar hate. One of my personal bans right now is Ez, Thankfully him and Rengar are getting nerfed soon so that'll be good for business. I still need to practice Jayce, gotta be proficient with all the OP as it were :P
    • Brohoof 1
  17. Must... Fight... INACTIVITY!!! Jeez, I haven't posted in too long. Inbetween college and trying to get gold I have had no time. I had a bit of a bad streak in ranked, just over 1400 now. There is still hope though! In addition, when did Eve become the new OP champ? Seriously, she replaced Morg for being banned all the time. I actually tried her a bit (and Jayce but I haven't figured him out yet) and I kinda see why she's been getting banned. Eve going mid, getting banned. What has LoL come to?! :P

    • Brohoof 1
  18. @@Whiteshade,


    I got Anivia and I gotta say, her Q is very nice. Nice, long range, and a stun too IIRC. It sucks to miss the walls (which glitch sometimes and people go through them :/ ), but she has at least some survivability with her passive and slows.


    Urgot is pretty nice too. His missle and knife combo can hit an extremely long range. His ult is also hilarious.


    Unsure of Nidalee except, yeah, dat spear.


    I swear you have a habbit of buying the hardest to play champs xD. Get Syndra and Orianna since you're already on that kind of a roll! :P Anyway, I like Anivia too, Egg baiting and having 2 1 to 1 AP ratios (The snow ball and the icicle both have .5's but they both have methods of doubling the damage) and her ult in a team fight.


    Side note, I have the new name for those players that get you so angry, so rage and hate filled you just say "I hope you are banned AND set on fire!". Oh yes, I have the perfect title for these jerk faces. I call them now "The Human Condition". Still working on my ranked score, its looking good. I actually made some progress in solo queue with Riven and Morgana. I just need to get more games where Blitz and/or Morg don't get banned... Wishful thinking i know.

    • Brohoof 1
  19. Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry if it seems I've been playing with you guys less lately. Since the changes to the rating system and with the rewards revealed, I've been trying to get my ranked ELO up 1500. I think I can do it and I have a good friend of mine Duo queueing with so I think we'll make it. I've also taken to playing with some of the people I go to college with, but I promise you, I will be playing with my fellow bronies again more often than them now, they are no where near as fun :). Wish me luck in ranked, we all know I need it.

    • Brohoof 1
  20. Karma is hard to play and hard to fit into a team comp. She needs a lot of micromanagement of Mantra to be an effective support or mid. I'd recommend against her.


    I'd recommend Lux or LeBlanc, and they both have their uses (Lux with that crazy AoE potential and LeBlanc with her ability to instagib carries from nowhere near a team fight breaking out). I'd recommend Lux, if only because you're more comfortable with pulling wins with her. Then save up another 3150 IP worth of wins and buy LeBlanc.


    The options you have presented me annoy me... Lux is really lacking as a late game champion. Her early game has potential, but there are too many champs that just flat out stomp her. I cant tell you how many Lux have shown up to mid with the hope of getting a kill or even some minion kills... LeBlanc on the other hand still lacks late game, but can assassinate with extreme ease and actually does counter most common mids. Granted you mentioned Gragas and Cass in that list. Yeah counters for them don't really exist. Hell, Cass can walk all over Kassidin and he's the counter mid of counter mids xD. I say LeBlanc just because she can snow ball with just a few kills, and really doesn't need to farm to make herself powerful.
    • Brohoof 1
  21. I just felt an ice storm shoot down my spine >.<, maybe i could make a new account on LoL, and skpye, and MLP forums and get a voice change in order to play without being judged :P


    Oh come on... I'm not THAT bad... Right? :P either way I have some news. I just got a penta kill, in a live game on NA as... You'll never guess. Teemo! That's right as on hit Teemo. I switched my build half way through so I could carry better however I had my whole on-hit set up when it happened. I have a screen shot showing the multi kill and I am going to upload the recording of it. You should have heard my victory shriek!


    Posted Image


    Thanks for the reply :)

    I already have Shen and Udyr. I hear GP is easily countered and outclassed by other solo tops.

    Also,I thought Olaf and Pantheon fall late game


    Olaf can be fairly strong in the late game, though yes he falls off. Pantheon does the same thing, however he can rule a laning phase. His lane presence is insane and he can do serious damage out of no where. GP is in a weird place I'd say. I really don't know where he falls, but he can face down a lot of different top lanes with relative ease.
    • Brohoof 2
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