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Lord Sprixx

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Posts posted by Lord Sprixx

  1. How viable do any of you think Renekton Jungling could be? I know he is an amazing lane/solo top champ but I am also considering trying jungling with him.


    What are your thoughts on this?


    Not terrible, his laning is vastly superior but I can stand a good Renekton Jungle.
  2. So... It has happened again. My idea's have reached their limits! I tried a different kinda hybridish build on Fizz, which works great I might add, 3 shoting Kat made me happy. Anyway, this game we tried to carry hard enough (me and Kiloz) to no avail, too much Amumu focus.


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  3. Huzzah! I finally made it to gold!


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    So much Grats! If only I wasn't such a Pansy I did more ranked, I could get there I think.


    I kind of have mixed feelings about this game.. I enjoy it because it is fun sometimes to play with friends, and I like the idea that they had with the game. However, I dislike how rude the community of LoL can be sometimes and there are some parts of the game that I feel needs improvements. But it's a f2p game, so I can't really complain awfully too much about it.


    I'm still quite new at the game, but it seems like the server is down alot lately. Anyways my name is Mutei on the game, if anyone wants to add me. I don't know if I will get on often though xD


    I can't say I like the community, full groups are the way to go, ignoring the enemy team xD
    • Brohoof 1
  4. Nice thread i found out


    My Username is Sanick20 (suprise) add me if you want but just tell that your from the forum so i know ( I have labels friends, My IRL friends and online friends)


    I play on north and east EU servers


    i play mostly ad caitlyn , ashe extc.. characters and support characters (Janna, soraka extc..)


    i like to play long games so mostly i play pvp normal or intermediate bot games


    This is odd, I can't seem to add you =/ Add Lord Sprixx on North America when you get the chance please :)


    I now have it, yay. Oh great, even after turturials, I suck at it...


    You should add Lord Sprixx too :D. I would be happy to take you under my wing more or less xD
  5. Just played Draven... wow. Are you saying that as long as you catch the axes, the Spinning Axe buff applies indefinitely? Also, splash with slow, speed/atk boost, and infinite range ult to snag runners. Not bad, not bad at all...


    He's got some power that's for sure.
  6. OH.




    One of the best redemption I've ever had, even if I did feed. -.-"

    Yes, please, FOCUS THE TANK.

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    I remember that game! It was today xD. 1v2 top lane made for some interesting exchanges, starting things off 2/0/1 because they put their pants on their head >.<. Lots of get over here, stay here, and lets discuss this VIOLENTLY! :P lots of fun. WE HELD THE LINE!
  7. So for those who have not heard of it, FanExpo is a Canadian convention for gaming, sci-fi, horror, anime, and comics. It's really big and lots of fun, I personally go every year with a few friends. However the friends I would normally go with have other priorities and can't make it as per usual. I would like to see if this interests anyone as a kind of make shift Brony meet up could be really fun (Not sure if I am getting a hotel or anything yet). It's August 23-26 and I am certain you can find something interesting if you're a nerd of any flavor. Here's the link for the website http://www.fanexpocanada.com/.


    So please post if this interests you or you are going, I know a few Ontario bronies that might be making the trip already so we could all actually see each other :D


    This seems like something that would be in media discussion as it is essentially a MEDIA Convention but I could be wrong on that so...

  8. And the powerhouse that is Blitz top lane continues with a 1v1 lane against Akali. Also Skyman wanted me to post this because he wants to share his Shen exploits, only his third game :D. Seriously, I was fighting their whole team solo and able to get a kill or 2 and leave.


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    • Brohoof 1
  9. Continuing with my solo top lane Blitz Crank idea, here are my results.


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    Seriously, Maw is the best item ever on Blitz, is actually kinda blows my mind just how often this DOESN'T Happen! This is a really solid idea I think, funny against Olaf, true damage all of the mana shield now!



    Share some of your wacky build idea's! LETS GET SOME AP CORKI ALL UP IN THIS! :P

  10. If you look at my match history at the moment, all of my Soraka support (there's one AP one!) games are terrible. :( :( :(


    Last 2 AD carries didn't know how to last hit. Unfortunately, as support that means I go down with them. And people flame a lot.


    So in conclusion, I refuse to support any more games from now on until I know that my AD carry is competent. Final deal. I am nerd raging hard right now.


    Welcome to my world good sir. I just don't even bot lane anymore because I hate dealing with the off chance of a bad lane mate. Unless it's a graves and I am Blitz, that is kinda hard too screw up xD
  11. Don't remember, but I believe my summoner name is Veiled Enigma.


    Usually when I play a match I try to balance my defences out, but even when I stack armor I still get destroyed lol. But the slows sound like a good idea, guess I should use Mega Adhesive more and get Rylai's Scepter when against him.


    Singed? Frozen heart, you need more frozen heart xD.
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