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Lord Sprixx

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Posts posted by Lord Sprixx

  1. I am starting to think I am only allowed to play Hard carry mages. Jungle tanks just don't cut it, can't carry at all. Watching teams fall apart is really depressing.


    Was able to find a Pony name that wasent taken "Lord Twi" *Flutter yay*!



    Dont do Hon LoL flame war now.


    Sorry about that Sprixx. My internet loves to troll me. :(


    Oh and dont worry about that, shit happens.
    • Brohoof 2
  2. So I was going to post my last couple of Annie games but I'm not going to bother >.<. I haven't gone under 20 kills in the last like 5 games with her. Is Annie overpowered? I don't think so because I can seem to stomp he in a lot of situations but I just seem to be pretty unstoppable with her. Thoughts?

  3. My feeble mind has buckled under the weight of indoctrination. I signed up yesterday, SunlitVoid, NA server (Whiteshade and his mother was already taken, so this was name choice B), I use Veigar 97% of the time, but I've played with Ashe and Sokara before, and I picked up Alistar today.


    As of right now I'm active, and miraculously didn't ragequit permanently yet.


    ADDED! I only see one issue with your match history. you don't buy boots xD. I shall take you under my wing good sir :)
  4. Not-so-cute/Toast.


    3/10 -- I've seen you a few times. I might have to report you, though. You stole my friend's avatar and signature. You didn't even have enough sense to change them -- dirty hacker!


    Oh really? Totally reported for being a meany!


    And person above me is 6/10, my memory is a bit rusty right now, Bad state of mine.

  5. Lobstaarr/10... Yes I can do that shut up! HueHueHueHueHueHue!


    Cute... You're funny. Don't make me start Round 2 of you know what!


    Also above me: 4/10 you're fairly new and I welcomed you :D. But you're still cool so its k.

  6. Well, Spitƒire is my name on League of Legends (US).


    I have accounts of EU as well (GambitsEnd), but I don't play those often.


    Really, the only way to get a hold of me is to contact me outside of League and then demand I play ... because I will rarely be in the game client since I don't have people to play with. Sometimes, I'll play Co-Op just because I'm bored to tears though. Otherwise, I never play solo.





    Its not that I don't have friends on League ... its that I just don't have friends. At all.


    You has friends. In fact, I am now your friend, DEAL!
  7. League of Legends is a terrible game.


    Game balance is pretty much non-existent.


    But why do I catch myself still playing it? T_T


    Although I haven't played in quite a while. One of those games I don't play without friends ... and I don't have friends.


    Okay first of all, when I started reading that post I was like "Why are you posting here then?" And then I read the rest of it and was like "Oh... Y u call game terrible then?". anyway, you don't have friends on LoL... How is that even possible? You have an entire thread of people to choose from! YOU CAN CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS! :P


    Also that game with Kiloz, I still don't like Jax very much. I was actually going to jungle Voli but well that was out of the question.

  8. Welcome to the forums! I hate being late for these welcoming ceromonies, did I miss the cake? Oh well, Have a good one and I am sure you will have an awesome time here and be a regular forum guy in no time, perhaps you already are and don't even know it!


    PS. Don't even get me started on Manestream! :P

  9. Even though all of your champ choices were awesome, I'm a bit too hipster for all of those. :P


    Seriously though, I'm considering trying Renekton when he's free. Or Nasus, but I think I have enough Q farming for ages with Veigar....


    Opinions on Renek?


    EDIT: Renek costs 6300 IP :( I'm far too lazy to get that much IP. At the moment I'm thinking about Nasus, Mundo, and Jarvan; who should I try to get first?


    With some practice Renek can wreck. He invented the AtMogs build so that has got to count for something right?


    Also, Mundo. Nasus gets countered too easily and Jarv makes a better jungler.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I have recently begun playing as gragas, and find him quite enjoyable :) I get really thirsty during matches now though x_x


    On another note: Sorry i couldn't play with you earlier Sprixx, had to go to Gamestop and run some errands with my dad :( We really seem to have the worst timing when trying to play together :P


    It's true, WTB better timing. Also... GARGAS!!!!!
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