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Lord Sprixx

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Posts posted by Lord Sprixx

  1. Saw that kog maw was on sale and grabbed him. I only had time for one game, so I did a custom game, just me and 9 bots. Went 11/9/3, and couldn't decide if I wanted to build AD for spamming auto attacks and having fun with his W, or AP and some mana regen and have fun spamming his ult :/


    So how viable is AP kog maw in dominion? I mainly just play dom unless I'm screwing around with friends in custom games.


    AP kog is semi Viable, the last game is a bit lack luster but it can have some solid match ups and makes a good counter in some games. In Dom though... Hmm, Couldn't say, I don't play Dom enough but I don't say why not. He could make a solid bot defender.
  2. Draven early game is annoying due to his axe bleed and the fact that you can throw it and make it bounce backwards really far to safety. Mid game he's annoying because his damage output picks up. Late game his Q can do 600+ damage a hit per axe, so if he has two spinning at once plus his W and manages to catch them a lot then you die really fast. He's very squishy though which is nice :) I really only find his Q and W useful though, never really bother with his E. His ult doesn't do a lot of damage either (compared to his Q) so i find it useful for just trying to pick off runners :(


    He is an AD carry... He hurts. But he is a bit tankier than other AD carries I notice (Similar to Graves) but it's not enough to survive the Annie/Veigar combo
  3. Draven seems... Interesting, I don't know why but I want to build a bruiser out of him >.> then again that's coming from the guy who wants to build a bruiser out of Kassidin so you know take it with a grain of salt. Also I think Darius is kinda... Bad. He has some really solid early game and damage and what not, but if the game has gone past 25 mins I have yet to see him be able to carry, just bully.


    As a side note, I have been having way more fun with Veigar than I should be I think! pewpew splosions!

  4. Posted Image


    Once again, this sums up what happened:


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    Sprixx was in a 1v2 lane and he still dunked them(after I ganked for him at the beginning to help him kill both of them, and then came and helped get another kill later). It helps that their Morde...wasn't exactly good.


    Hey I remember that game! :P It was today xD. Malphite and Morde top, I was actually a bit worried but then Morde just played like a complete idiot and Malph thought he could have a punch off with me.
  5. So I played Veigar today... And well lets just say: I don't always play Veigar, but when I do, I sell my boots because I have 5000 gold!

    It was completely nuts, I one shotted multiple people with an ult that dealt over 2000 damage (Aprox 1400AP). Also, DFG was dealing 81.8% of their current health.


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  6. I love the new log-in music... Also Dravens fun to play as imo :) I haven't been able to try him in a real game yet though, just custom. Need to work on my spinning axe catching :P Thoughts on if you should use spinning axe almost everytime you can as long as you think you can catch it?


    I'd have to say no, because it can get you into a bad situation, and secondly because you'll push a minion wave far too quickly making you a very gankable target. I'd say use it only when getting aggressive. I was actually using it when I playing with him to hit a minion, catch it to get the speed boost off CD to dive towers >.>
  7. Posted Image


    This match only lasted 10 minutes.. But we crushed them so hard >:3


    Darn, I wish someone screen capped my last Dom game. It was over in 8 minutes xD. We held a 5 cap for the whole game!



    Claims to not have friends, hates trolls and feeders


    I AM NOW YOUR FRIEND! DEAL WITH IT NEW BEST FRIEND! I also promise I am no feeder, a bit of a troll, but not many can say they've trumped mid with a Soraka xD
  8. I havnt played since Nautilus was released. Is Brand still amazing? Also is Soraka still overplayed?


    Soraka is over played too the point of being banned in some ranked games xD. And Brand got nerfed pretty hard, he's okay but his match ups are just not the same.
  9. Posted Image


    Sprixx, I think we can carry hard enough, especially with Renekton. :P


    How do I let you guys talk me into jungling Twitch is beyond me... Counter jungled with the force of a thousand suns! Something you all need to try, AD jungle Cho Gath. Not kidding at all, Wits End, Atma's, Frozen Mallet, Wriggles! It works wonders. Also Soraka Mid, I did that earlier today, Got my E to half someones health.. .That poor EZ!
  10. My real first impression of you was "This guy and me are going to be friends. If not just so I can just yell his name a lot. LOOOOOBSTTTAAAAAARRRRRR!" True story.

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