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About BlueScouti

  • Birthday 1994-12-07

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  • Interests
    I like gaming and the colour blue

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  • Favorite Forum Section
    Equestrian Empire Roleplay

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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  1. Hey there! I checked out your deviantart, and I gotta say your sculptures are fabulous! Dr Whooves looks great. Oh and of course, welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you etc. etc.
  2. Gmail is by far the best, I find. Not because I use any of the other Google features, because I don't, and I sign into youtube under a username rather than a G+ name. I just think the UI of gmail is easier to navigate, everything I need it to do it does and does it quickly, and I can access it easily from the Google homepage. It also has a ridiculous amount of storage!
  3. Summer means picking up an extra job or two (my current one doesn't pay enough for me to keep up my car insurance), and I think I can get a night shift at a nearby factory pretty easily, as well as retail work in the city that I'm moving to in September. I'll also be out running a lot, catching up on my various gaming/reading/tv/anime backlogs, probably going out with my friends a lot more after exams are over, and practice my languages (fluent in some, starting in others). I imagine I'll also be doing a lot of prep for moving out too, and I wanna pick up some extra skills. Oh, and maybe I should tidy my room in that time.... nah
  4. Looking forward to Thor 2 and Hobbit 2 (though the first Hobbit film was a bit wtf-ish having read the book, it was written before LotR but the movie acts as a faithful LotR prequel... wat??), After Earth and Hangover 3 look pretty good (Ken Jeong!) and I really wanna go see Hunger Games 2 as well. Oh, and does anyone know the UK release date of Monsters University? Since our group will be splitting up to go to uni this year, we're all (hopefully) going to see it before the end of August togeter... It's gonna be kind of heartbreaking.
  5. No problem! Tescos seem the best right now, the blind bag ponies are £2 and there's a guide right here if you need it. Btw, Welshpool? Hello fellow Wales pony person! (Though, I'm a bit far away from you!)
  6. Some real pretty ones there, you got them in 1680x1050 or higher? For those Mass Effect fans out there, here's my desktop;
  7. Dashie & Tank, all the way. Sure the other pair-ups may be cute or they may complement each other well, but the relationship between RD and Tank had a whole episode to form and we've seen awesome little interactions with them since. Maybe not the best combo, but definitely the best duo dynamic.
  8. RD's theme was truly awesome, maybe because her character fits well into the whole 'fighting game' thing, or maybe because she's just a cool pone Fluttershy's theme was great and probably my second favourite, but I do love Pinkie's theme - it's not really suitable for a fighting game, but it's adorable all the same.
  9. Mirror's Edge appreciation! That game doesn't get anywhere near enough attention as it deserves, it was well balanced gameplay wise (often forcing you to avoid combat but still giving you the choice to engage, so it felt like more of a 'pure' free running game) and the visuals were stunning, as well as the setting being multi dimensional (those little messages in the lifts were fantastic). Nice top 10 and nice afterthough too Don't see many people hot on the Skate. games, even though they were really great. Admittedly THPS3 will always be the best skating game to me <3
  10. Sometimes I'm just reading a post or writing a reply on here and I catch myself grinning like a fool. Nice community feeling here

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Princess Periwinkle

      Princess Periwinkle

      <3 (I see you are trying... but you will not overthrow my #1 position!)

    3. Blue Moon

      Blue Moon

      Noone shall defeat me! :) Just kidding, you'l get there soon enough. Plus, you seem to enjoy these forums so far which is good motivation for posting.

    4. Blue Moon
  11. It would sure be awesome if she could make that sound naturally, but sadly, I don't think that's physically possible In other VA trivia, did you know that McLain also voices the Announcer for TF2, and that she's married to the VA of sniper? Also, though you may not notice it at first, Freeman and Chell share the same voice actor...
  12. Don't judge a show based on it's toy line! Heck I mean, some of the ponies are still pretty bad if you look at them from an outside perspective, but we love 'em all the same. I think it's hilarious when people around here are so quick to judge, when that's the thing we've been tryign to tell other people to stop doing for ages to watch pones. Not too keen on the look of the toys myself, I only buy the little ponies because they're cute and they fit on my desk, but I hope they release miniatures or just smaller versions.
  13. I was hoping for a website where I could buy them I've been meaning to buy a 3DS to catch up on all the handheld goodness I've been missing, so I'll add these to my list of games... 24 different endings though Q_Q Please tell me they're modular, else I might explode.
  14. That's something awesome I have to check out, I'm always up for some pony! Though, just one favourite? How will I ever choose between RD, PP and Rarity? Is it a stand-alone extension or does it run through something like Stylish?
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