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Everything posted by Wolffie

  1. I like the way you entwine our sweet, juicy posts. Welcome here! I love you guys. For no particular reason. Just knowing you're all here is comforting.
  2. Was Cena on ECW at that point? Is Hulk Hogan's hair fake?
  3. How did they get away with language like that? Parents all over the world would shit their pants if it was on Raw or Smackdown.
  4. Oh yeah, they are crazy. Redneck as it gets. You're awesome.
  5. They use capped wire sometimes. During Mick Foley and Triple H's matches it was usually switched out. Mick Foley is a cool dude. That guy can take a beating, he is probably pretty fucked up physically at this point.
  6. The barbed wire is typically real. The blading is substituted for the wire.
  7. They need to bring it back. Keep the main shows PG if you like, but give us some blood, cursing, and Edge pinning a girl by humping her!(that's how the match ended)
  8. I'm watching the six way tag match on ECW with Dreamer, Funk, and their chick (can't recall her name), against Edge, Foley, and Lita. Holy shit, ECW is hardcore. They're like cursing and talking about masturbating and blowjobs, then beating eachother with barbed wire lit on fire, I meam, wow.
  9. I definitely like the scruff. I don't like AJ Styles appearance now. He just looks generic. He used to be this daring badass, streamlined for efficiency.
  10. Aww, man! Now I like him a lot less. I guess it's the TNA writers fault. I like him as a heel, but I remember he used to be a huge coward when a heel, which I don't like. Haven't seen him wrestle in a long time.
  11. I'm super behind on the TNA storylines, I had some DVR issues. Aces and Eights seems pretty fucking stupid. Anderson is charismatic. Does he still do his own entrance introductions?
  12. it doesn't start until later where I am. ouch. Being suplexed into thumbtacks looks like no fun Do you like Mr. Anderson?
  13. I'm watching his hardcore match with Mick Foley right now. TNA isn't on for a while. Are you going to watch TNA tonight?
  14. Censorship is evil. I love when Edge cashed in Money in the Bank on Cena right after the elimination chamber.
  15. Ah, I've seen the live sex scene, just didn't see it back in the day.
  16. I wasn't watching back then. Right now, I am to that feud. Lita cheated on Matt with Edge in real life, that was the basis for the feud.
  17. I'm watching the Edge Decade of Decadence DVD right now. The man was amazing, always gave it all in the ring. Wish he didn't have to retire. I also wish Randy Orton wasn't always constrained to the same attack sequence. It's two clotheslines, a powerslam, a rope hung DDT, then a failed RKO. That's the exact sequence in like, the last two months. I miss the inverted backbreaker and his perfect dropkicks.
  18. I want Cena gone. I'm tired of him constantly winning the WWE title. He's just not fun to watch.
  19. Oh well. Everybody is sexy, beautiful, and sensual except you, then. I don't quite care for Daniel Bryan. His character is so silly, and rather ugly in my personal opinion. He can be fun to watch. I think him and Randy Orton are the worst matchup ever.
  20. What is it this time? WWE is too tame now. They need to bring back the explicit ratings. TNA is a bit more violent
  21. You guys know the blood in professional wrestling is real? They carry around knives and cut themselves when needed.
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