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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Wolffie

  1. Y u no finish TwiCad batteries? I would have used the meme generator, but I'm currently on my phone and don't want to go through the trouble.
  2. Outside is horrifying. There are people out there.
  3. That would be awesome! Mmm, electricity. I think I want to write something. Not about ponies, more of a story of the mind of a rich dictator as he loses his sanity. I may attempt writing it.
  4. You should write a Twilight X Cadance fanfic. A short one. I've never actually seen one.
  5. Write a story about a man who falls in love with a vulture. It has a poetic meaning to it. No matter how much you love something, a scavenger will still pick over your heart when you perish.
  6. I normally wouldn't care, I'm just trying to be nicer so my best friend takes me back.
  7. That seems a bit mean. They should speak their mind.
  8. Does anybody remember that "Cupcakes" fanfiction? I remember reading it and being traumatized.
  9. That's a good way to put it. I have bad experiences with love.
  10. All I know is that I am totally not reading a clopfic. *wink*
  11. I think I would enjoy have some of them color contacts, one blue, one green. Heterochromia is sexy.
  12. I just started reading an excellent story. Think I will watch House now.
  13. I'm making a deep fried pancake burger for lunch. It's a burger dipped in pancake batter and fried.
  14. I love blending up lemonade and ice to make slushies.
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