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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Smarts

  1. Never thought I'd see the day where I have to sign up to a porn site just to play a game.

  2. Know what this place needs? More gyrating voodoo heads.

    1. That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      Not a big fan of the whole shrunken head thing... umm...


      I think a definite maybe is in order here.

    2. Jeremiah


      vodoo? count me in

  3. Played Don't Starve Together and died five minutes in to a steampunk giraffe. Much success.

  4. I challenge my fate! ...Later

  5. I find it weird how I dislike ponies like the plague, but like the humanized versions. My brain operates strangely.

    1. honk friend

      honk friend

      I personally disliked the plague too, I mean I guess it wasn't TOO bad but it did end up wiping out 1/3 of the human population. :/

    2. Smarts


      It's only mild dislike.

  6. Necromancy shouldn't be banned.

    1. GenderIsAnIllusion


      Cannot ban what's not possible. xD

    2. 1111


      is it even banned?

    3. Smarts


      Necromancy is totally possible. Quit dissin, mang! D:<

  7. I'm not OMG HYPED!, but am a little excited about Fairy Fencer F's steam release. Looks fun.

  8. Played some of the Harvest Moon games I had again. I forgot how engaging those games are.

  9. Welp, I've done it. I've gone full IF. http://i.imgur.com/O5owtDw.png

    1. Smarts


      I'm not obsessed.

  10. I don't care how good Windows 10 could be, this muffled sound is very annoying. -_-

    1. Jeremiah


      you gave feedback to dem?

    2. Smarts


      In the nicest way possible.

    3. Jeremiah


      well then... do you know why its doing that?

  11. The smug is real.

    1. Dust Caper
    2. Smarts




      Got to back it up.

  12. Excuse me, do you have a moment? I'd like to talk about our one true lord and savior, Mileena.

  13. Okay, I'll admit it. I did have fun playing a few games online with other people.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Monsoon


      I know someone on here with steam if you want to get in contact with him his username is code

    3. Smarts


      Maybe one day.

    4. Monsoon


      Yep the options there

  14. I find something fun about earning achievements. Maybe it's the sense of satisfaction or challenge that interests me.

  15. Master of shitposting.

  16. Anyone play 100% Orange Juice? I might set up some lobbies this week if time permits it. I'll most likely make an announcement via status update when I do it.

  17. Suguri avatar because why not? Suguri is cool and stuff.

    1. Smarts


      And has a zipper like no other.

  18. Hold up, there's a new HN game, and IF is the star of it!? TAKE ALL MY MONEY!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A Black Circle
    3. Smarts


      HN = Hyperdimension Neptunia

      IF = Name of best girl


      In conclusion, best girl gets her own game.

    4. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Oh, that's what it means. I see.

  19. Spooky is the cutest murderer ever.

  20. Dat Terraria 1.3 update. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

  21. You may call me Sasss because I'm bringing the sass.

  22. I really find it annoying when northerners assume all southerners are inbred rednecks. Good to see northerners still have their heads shoved right up their own rear ends.

  23. Three more days until that Terraria update. ;_;

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