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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Frenzyhero

  1. Gonna ban you twice because my headphones were on and up. Not to mention I don't read backwards R.
  2. Banned because I can't tell if "captain" was purposely misspelled. Banned because [insert generic ninja excuse here].
  3. Banned because I know what it means and I explained it in the proper thread.
  4. banned because ur2metal4me Your stuff is metal, right?
  5. Banned because this is one of the most beloved and longest threads here.
  6. Banned because I'm bored and was jk anyway. In the Colo, what'd you expect? Lol.
  7. Not banned yet because how you gonna watch it if you're banned? Seriously, watch it. Skip the majority of the Endless Eight though.
  8. Banned because you need to make a move, brah. Do it, she digs you.
  9. Banned because The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is basically the biggest and most popular anime ever made. Nagato Yuki. Original name: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu!
  10. Banned because you're a Dashian/CrazyRandomPony fanboy and will go down with your ship, lol.
  11. Banned because.. uhm... excuses instead of finding a solution!
  12. Banned because why don't you guys use the "Show Me" button when new replies are added? Protips.
  13. Banned because redundancy. Banned for being ninja.
  14. protip: explain how it's gonna work. Like, do we explain something they did? If so, then this is my post. Sent me their nails. On the other hand, this could get either very creepy or very hilarious, very quick. .
  15. I finally watched Regular Show, since it was on Netflix. Seems like someone should abridge it somehow. On a slightly related note, is Adventure Time any good?

  16. Don't you guys just love it when people act like jerks when they don't get the right "constructive criticism" when they just want you to agree with them?

  17. If you can't handle any constructive criticism or being civil, then I propose you try another forum.

  18. But it's easy to be a bigot.

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