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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Frenzyhero

  1. Banned because Cortez from Timesplitters wants some love.
  2. 600x100 OC on the left, top part of body showing (cut it at the bottom of the wing). Sovereign in the middle stretching to the right of the signature, preferably in this font, or something similar, in grey text outlined in white. Background lavender, and fade it to grey-white near the left. Thank you in advance.
  3. Banned because he isn't poor if he owns a mansion. Not to mention all dem coins from their house parties.
  4. http://puu.sh/39RST.png Don't you just love it when even the forum doesn't acknowledge your existence?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frenzyhero


      I don't think I logged in as anonymous.

    3. AmarisNsane


      How strange... I'm not sure if that's really ever happened or not. ;o; Perhaps the forum has a secret personal vendetta against you! >:T EVIL FORUM.



      Even when you're logged in as Anonymous your name will still show up with an asterisk right next to it.


      I'd suggest relogging or checking out the Tech Support section of the forums.

  5. Banned because his mansion doesn't have insurance.
  6. WHERE! IS! THE REMOOOOOOOTE!????!?!?!?!!?? ninja'd Surprise! What blood-type are you? Juan said AB is going for 2g. Lemme just feel up them kidneys!
  7. 'Purently birds can TYPE!

  8. First off, I wonder where the hell I got a bed. I sleep on the floor on a bunch of blankets. Second off, I wonder just how much I drank.
  9. Banned because he made sense of your post and you aren't able to understand.
  10. Tap water seems to taste much better than most bottled water, in my opinion. I don't know why, but I think it's gotta be how they purify it or something... ...has anyone else ever drank from the shower-head?
  11. What a hero of metal. 7.8/10, by looking at the rank and post count. Ugh, first time in awhile I haven't been ninja'd, these things are a frenzy.
  12. Banned because the four of us have dominated the last few pages of this game.
  13. Video Game: Probably COD4. One of the best online experiences in my life, and while I enjoyed FF1 and LoZ1 and LoZTP, COD4 had that replay value that really made it #1 for me. Movie: My tastes change too often for me to nail one down. Maybe Swordfish? Blitz? Face/Off? Band/Artist: Hard to say. For groups, Fall Out Boy probably gets this accolade. I mainly listen to EDM though, and each new track just sounds so much more awesome than the last, so... no clear winner. Anime: Tie between Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu and Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai. TV: Psych is good, and isn't anime covered by this? Pokemon: Protip: Not everybody likes Pokemon, but I do. As a GenWunner, Vaporeon is easily one of the best. Super high HP and def with good speed and movelist made him a serious threat. Not to mention looking badass was one of the only ways to play the game. Book: The Legend of Drizzt. Series by R.A. Salvatore. Weapon: What kind of question is this? No comment. Pony: Princess Luna Drink: Cherry Dr. Pepper Superhero: Batman don't need no fancy superpowers. Cartoon: Isn't this covered by TV? Maybe American Dad or Regular Show. Vehicle: I want a moped. Celebrity: John Travolta Food: Shrimp. But try sausages wrapped in pancakes that's wrapped up in bacon, then cover it in syrup. Really good.
  14. Banned because I dislike Fluffle pony. What is this, Amsterdam?
  15. I really like mint chocolate chip and peanut butter ice cream. TPAM does not like most forms of cake.
  16. I have more than 122 pictures of Nagato Yuki.

    1. Frenzyhero


      Sorry, I mean exactly 122.

    2. Soundgarden


      Welp, I better start gathering some Chiaki pics :V

    3. Frenzyhero


      just go find a thread on 4ch and download the entire thing. Your comp should sort them out based by file type.

  17. Very little chance of it happening. I don't think we would have good chemistry even if I did roll that way.
  18. hooray for being nocturnal in the summer.

    1. ProjectRKA
    2. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      I'd like to take this time to irrelevantly say that Yuki is badass and so is TMOHS as a whole, I guess what I'm trying to say is nice icon.

    3. Frenzyhero


      i've got tons more yuki if you want. the pics are fairly small, avatar size, but tons more.

  19. If I go on 4ch, I'm going only for /c/ board. So easy to just download an entire thread's worth of pictures. Honestly, I have hundreds of pictures of the character on the right I can use as my avatar just from one thread. I went to /mlp/ board once, and it wasn't really a good experience. The people that posted on my thread either were not bronies, or just wanted clop. While not the worst board on 4ch, it's barely any good.
  20. Welcome, welcome! Have a nice time! And stay...FOREVEEEEEEEERRR.
  21. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOO Do you not realize what you just DID? You have broken the UNIVERSE!! Everything will collapse upon itself, bringing upon the end of days!
  22. RINGADINGADINGADINGALINGA, we have a winner. Your prize is here somewhere... lolnopejk life is unfair, no reward for you. I dunno, I guess 16 years of age. @Zero.
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