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Tech Reel

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Blog Entries posted by Tech Reel

  1. Tech Reel
    A random little reminder to check out my channel, Diddle Box. Games, music, art, etc. Some already there and more to come
  2. Tech Reel
    Hey guys!
    I'm doing a cover of the Steven Universe song "Peace and Love(On The Planet Earth)"
    What I'd like for the ending verses of the song is a few random people to sing the last lines
    "Life and death and love and birth and..."
    "Life and death and love and birth and peace and love on the planet earth"
    "Is there anything that's worth more?"
    So if you like the song and would like to be part of the video, just PM me a video of you singing one or all of the parts in the song(live action video would be preferred, but if you'd rather put a pic of your oc that's okay too).
    Hope to see some replies, and hopefully I don't run out of parts before you enter yours(I only need one of each of the lines I mentioned).
  3. Tech Reel
    Some days I'm not quite sure who I am.
    In my past I've felt like a different person for each friend I'm around, due to the fact that I try to blend in with groups to avoid standing out and possibly being abandoned. It must be because I haven't talked to as many humans in the past two years as I have in these past two days. Among these friends I feel like I'm acting different ways when certain ones are around. The differences are much more subtle than they used to be, but I can still definitely feel them.
    I feel like I try too hard to impress people. I tend to think that if I'm boring for even a second then the friend or friends I'm with will get bored of me. So I end up being more of a character than a person, consistently trying to be entertaining.
    I'm not saying that I'm a boring person or that I don't like being random or entertaining through conversations. Although, I feel like there's a bit more of a serious or perhaps chill side to me that I don't show much. There's just a divide in my brain that won't allow it to appear in front of people, kind of like stage fright.
    All I want is to feel like one person, the same person. To be the same alone as I am around people. Whether it's being silly, or chill, or excitable, or the Doctor. I just want to know who I am. I don't know how to achieve that, or how long it will take, but it's my goal.
    To learn how to be a little more human.
  4. Tech Reel
    I really hate what keeps happening to me. I'll be in the mood to talk, and I'll go to a profile of a forum friend, and I'll consider messaging them to start up a conversation. But every time I chicken out and just don't do it. There are three people I feel comfortable messaging. One is on the forums and the other two are on Skype. I try to make friends and it very rarely happens. Then someone seems nice and we friend each other, but I just can't work up the nerve to message. I always stop myself when I realize I have nothing interesting to say, and I'm not entirely sure the appropriate reasons or protocols. It sounds like I'm really overcomplicating the whole "talking thing", and that's because I am. Overthinking is a thing I do. I just hate this. Coupled with the fact that I'm only able to talk to the three friends I mentioned about once a week as of recently :/
  5. Tech Reel
    Hey everyone, I'm back.
    Yes, it's only been a few days, but I feel quite a bit better.
    Yay! XD (Wish I could think of more to write)
  6. Tech Reel
    Hey everyone.
    My name is Tech Reel, and this is my goodbye.
    Now I don't know how long I'll be gone. It could be months, it could be a year, or maybe even just a week or so. I really have no idea. I just need to get away for a while.
    Why? I've been down lately, really down. There's been so much on my mind and being here hasn't helped. In fact, certain circumstances on here are only reminding me of events I'd rather forget. Not only that, I've come to realize that I have no significant role here anymore. I post once in a while, and I talk to a few members, but not enough to satisfy me right now. I'm barely responded to, and I have many friends on my list that I either don't know or don't hear from. On top of that, I feel like I've developed bad habits caused by the features of this forum. Namely, refreshing a page thousands of times on end just waiting for either a response to see if a member's status changes to online. I continuously do it, and it just doesn't feel right. I need to distance myself, then hopefully when I return I won't do it nearly as much.
    As I said, I do plan to return. This is not me leaving forever. This is just me stepping back for a while, so I can take some time to work out my personal problems. And let me just say that these aren't super serious problems. I'm not in any kind of trouble and I don't have any people forcing me to leave. It's just bad memories and a little paranoia, nothing big or important, so there's no need to worry about me.
    For now, thank you all for being here for me at different moments in my time here up until now. This is the only forums I've ever been on where I feel like I'm part of one big community. Thank you Forums, thank you members, and a big thanks to the friends I've made here(You have my Skype, and we'll continue talking over there).
    Until I return, goodbye everyone.
  7. Tech Reel
    Hey there!
    Why over here? Cause over here is where my channel is!
    I'm Tech Reel, and I have a channel named "MethODDical".
    A random little channel comprised of some analysis, some commentary, and some things that just make you say, "Wh-what's this guy's deal?".
    New video each Monday! Come on over and check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ6EsAEckiRg3MJrXi2_srw
  8. Tech Reel
    Recently I've been sketching all my feelings down onto paper. Here's the result.

    While the images aren't exactly happy, they were fun to draw. It felt nice to channel my thoughts and feelings into these, making my slight sadness into some fairly nice sketches
  9. Tech Reel
    Hey everybody!
    I just need a quick little opinion on something.
    I'm starting a Patreon, and I've struggled a bit with coming up with rewards.
    I have a few here, and I just would like to know if they seem alright.
    $1 gets you access to my "Patron Only" stream. Over there I'll be posting some exclusive content that you can only see if you donate!
    $5 will get your name put in an end screen at the end of my next video, showing the world that you're helping out and I'm super grateful! This includes the previous reward.
    $10 gives you the opportunity to make me say whatever you want. Give me a message, a shout out, a movie quote, or anything that you want to hear come from my mouth. I'll say it in a video for your entertainment! Of course, this excludes any profanity or "R rated" content. And the previous rewards are also included with this one.
    Let me know what you think
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