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Tech Reel

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Blog Entries posted by Tech Reel

  1. Tech Reel
    Who here remembers Oreo O's? An amazing cereal from my childhood and many others. Join me and maybe by showing the demand for it we can bring it back! https://www.facebook.com/restoreoreoos/
  2. Tech Reel
    Tech sat quietly in his room, browsing the internet on his computer. Meanwhile, inside his mind he was banging furiously on the inner walls of his imagination. Throwing any fictitious item he could think of as tears poured down his face. Destroying nearly every fiber of hope that was left after years of mental exhaustion caused by loss and failure. Every once in a while he'd stop and look through the files of his memory, causing thoughts of old friends to flood. Friends who left a mark on his soul and a permanent tattoo on his subconscious. Knowing there was nothing he could do to cease any of this from happening, he continued browsing. Distracting himself from the horrors of his mind for a short while, hoping it would help him to forget for a day or so. Even for an hour would be sufficient. He dreamt of a day where he could finally relax his thoughts, subdue them. A day where his worries and fears would be less prominent. Such a day would feel like heaven for him, if only it would come.
  3. Tech Reel
    There are people I've lost, some for good and others only for now. Ones I've loved and still do love. Brilliant people I still can't stop thinking about to this day. After a while people just don't feel the same, at least temporarily. For some time everyone just feels like an extra in a movie or television show. Just there to fill the space, no real impact, no relevance to the plot. And it hurts, because no matter how many people I talk to in a day it just doesn't feel like anything has changed. Until I speak to that one person, the one who makes you feel again. That person changes all the time for me. It depends on the day and the mood. Until I find that person on such a day I'm stuck in this mood. This feeling of lonliness in a crowd.
    And this is why shouldn't type at night, or when I'm in a bad mood..or at all.......God I need a hug.....................
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