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Rainbow Eclipse

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Everything posted by Rainbow Eclipse

  1. 32152 *removes the squirrel's battery* Not so powerful without this, are you?
  2. 32146 *a metal clanking sound is heard when the bat hits the squirrel which is unharmed and stays there*
  3. 32144 Be VERY careful Angel, get the aim wrong and you'll hit the air, then you'll look like a fool.
  4. 32139 *decides to wait until Rilenala becomes official*
  5. 32132 *tries to think up Cassimentia scenario*
  6. 32119 It worked for me... *forgot to take the lens cap off*
  7. 32114 *takes photograph of resuscitation*
  8. 32110 Angel, are you talking to Equerio for typing in a foreign language, or me for what I do with the potential future OTP?
  9. 32103 Later, Paspie! Translation, Equerio?
  10. 32091 *is the only one who knows how to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation*
  11. 32083 Great! But it's a bit confusing... nah, just me. *pretends to faint so that Anala will perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation*
  12. 32078 Hey there, Retro! *landmine only sprays silly string*
  13. 32074 *landmine is not switched on*
  14. 32068 *accidentally steps on landmine that is in the closet for some unknown reason*
  15. 32054 *get locked in closet together*
  16. 32044 I'm not stopping you, Angel.
  17. 32041 *kitten is possessed and nomming on it expels the demon*
  18. 32036 It's okay, you two. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS38rPDNU0___qWIkmxgQ-qTVKtuxbSppNkldtIMAxibm7es3ou_KrfC2U
  19. 32030 Nah, kidding, Aunt Swirl. *hugs*
  20. 32027 *resists urge to unfriend Aunt Swirl*
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