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Everything posted by Acnologia

  1. Apollo sighed as he laid on the upper deck. It has been a while since he had a chance to relax and silently watched Gale and Midnight from the shadows. "Those two were made for each other." He thought, before a few memories of his mother sprung up in his mind. The dragon then laid his head down and closed his eyes.
  2. @Illiad Easle "If Heinrich wanted Blitz dead, he would've told me to kill him. He needs him for something, that I'm sure of." Kyubi said, thinking about a few possibilities. "As for your armor, there should be a forge in town that you can use." To be honest, the more Kyubi thought about it, more pieces kept popping up that didn't add up. Blitz didn't seem to be a strong magic user and yet she had to look for him for years in order to go home. There was also the question as to why he had saved Gale in the first place and why he was so accepting of Apollo being in the group. Even his named seemed strange, Blitz Ryu. She wasn't adept in certain languages, but there was little doubt that it wasn't modern. "You wouldn't happen to have any books on ancient languages, would you?"
  3. @Illiad Easle Kyubi thought for a moment about what she would say before continuing. The dark elf didn't know how he would take the new theory, but now was as good a time as any. "We aren't really sure if it's true yet, but Blitz thinks that Heinrich may be plotting to kill our king and was the one who killed my family."
  4. @Illiad Easle @Yoshikupo Kyubi sighed as she thought about what could be done about the children when they reached her home.The dark elf then turned her attention back to the kids. "Last time I checked, Blitz was in the eating area. As for the others, they're probably on the top deck." She said, before turning to the black knight. "That being said, I need to talk to you about something Blitz and I discussed."
  5. @Yoshikupo @Illiad Easle Kyubi nodded slightly and thpught for a moment before responding. "The safest thing for them to do would be to stay on the ship." She said, before turning to the children. "As for your question, you are correct. I needed to take care of something before we continued on our journey."
  6. @Child Of Darkness Apollo sighed as he watched Blitz leave and could smell Shana's scent. He slowly made his way to her and looked the Neko in the eyes. "You may want to check on Blitz. He's been acting strange lately." He said, before noticing that he could still smell the kids on board. The dragon have a low growl before turning his attention back to Shana
  7. Kyubi nodded slightly, understanding the dark knight's reasons. "That seems logical. I don't know many places we can drop them off in my home, though." She said. Apollo climbed up to where Blitz was and looked at the neko. "Everything alright?" He asked, showing a slight amount of concern.
  8. Kyubi shrugged slightly as she walked out of the shadows. "To be honest, it would probably be best if they stayed with us for now. At least we could ensure their safety, then." She said. "Besides, they would probably find someway to stick with us." It didn't take long for Apollo to find enough fish to sate his hunger, and he also had enough for what he planned for Gale. "This'll teach them not to call me a softie." He thought as he swam behind the ship.
  9. Kyubi nodded and sighed. A lot was going through her head and she needed time to think. "I guess I'll see you later, then." She said, before heading out of the area. The dark elf then noticed Edward talking to someone. "Somehow I knew those kids would find a way on board."
  10. Kyubi nodded slightly and smiled, remembering when she first said those same words to him. "Thank you." She said, before giving him a quick hug. The dark elf then moved back and blushed slightly. She then noticed the bandages and was slightly curious. "What happened to your arm?"
  11. Kyubi's eyes widened in abject horror. "Are you saying that Heinrich may be plotting to kill the king, and was the one who killed my family?" She whispered. The pieces began to add up in her head, but she didn't quite see the full picture. As soon as Apollo was as far as possible from his sister and Midnight, he heard his stomach growl and sighed. The dragon then flew off the boat and dove into the water. "There has to be some fish out here." He thought.
  12. To be honest, Kyubi felt like she was going to puke when Blitz mentioned her family, but she tried to suppress that urge as he began to ask about Heinrich. "Yes. He was a governor and advisor to the king when I left. What does all of this mean?" She asked, hoping that it wasn't what she thought. She had a few secrets to hide, and this was one she didn't want to expose just yet.
  13. Apollo growled slightly and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." He muttered. To be quite honest, he wished Gale hadn't brought that bit, but he figured it probably would've shown eventually. "Anyway, have fun you two love birds." With that, the dragon moved to a different part of the ship that was noticeably farther away, leaving his sister and Midnight alone. Kyubi was slightly surprised and nodded. "Ok, what do you want to talk about?" She asked.
  14. To be quite honest, Apollo was angry at himself. If it hadn't been for his own stupidity, then he probably would've been able to save his sister. He was just happy that Blitz saved her. Now that he thought about it, he did find it strange that he would do such a thing. "Maybe not all humans hate dragons." He thought. Kyubi heard her stomach growl and sighed, before exiting her cabin and heading to the eating area. She didn't expect to see Blitz without his armor, but didn't let her mind wander to far. "Hey. I didn't know you were here." She said.
  15. @@Drago Ryder To be quite honest, Apollo didn't know how Gale would react if he told her that he had revealed the fact that they were siblings. Eventually, the dragon decided to step up and tell her the truth. "I know you're probably going to hate me for this, but I told Midnight we're siblings."
  16. To be quite honest, Apollo had to laugh a little at Midnight's reaction. "I don't know how to explain it, but it's like I could feel Gale's presence even when I was an egg, and we were both raised by the same human so I would assume he hatched us. Either way, family isn't about who you're related to. Family are those who genuinely care for you, no matter what." He said, before sighing and looking out over the sea. The dragon didn't know how his sister would react to the fact that he told Midnight what he had.
  17. @@Illiad Easle Apollo nodded slightly. "I guess you could say the same for dragons. As far as I know, Gale and I are the only two dragons left, and it doesn't really surprise me that you would say that. She's always been the most optimistic when it comes to others, while I'm basically the polar opposite of her." He said. The dragon knew it would complicate things, but he might as well shed a bit of light on his past, along with Gale's. "Our mother died before we were even hatched, so we relied on each other and the human that raised us as his own to survive. The last time I saw either of them, Gale and I had a bit of a fight. I haven't really been able to talk to either of them for a long time and seeing Gale hasn't been helping either. Heck, I don't even know if she consider sees me her brother anymore, which is probably why she didn't tell you."
  18. @@Illiad Easle Apollo smirked slightly at Ckay's reaction to Midnight talking. "Well, that was entertaining." He said, before turning his full attention. "So, how did you and Gale meet? I can tell you two are close and a relationship between a dragon and pony doesn't really happen that often." Kyubi sighed as she looked out the window and into the horizon. Images of her past flashed in her mind, causing her to shake in fear. "That's all in the past." She thought.
  19. Apollo smirked at Clay's reaction, before he watched Gale fly away. He trusted that she wouldn't do anything to dangerous. There wasn't really much he could do, so he went back to sleeping on the deck. Kyubi nodded and sighed. "Ok. I was just curious." She said.
  20. Apollo watched as the dragoness took off into the air with Blitz in tow, before smiling slightly. Of course, he was also listening to Lamce and Clay's conversation. "What are those two talking about." He thought. Kyubi watched Ratchel interact with the group and still felt strange. The fact that she had been watching each member of the group scared her the most, but it didn't seem like she knew of each member's entire life. "If I may ask, is there anything we should know about Blitz? A lot of people have attacked us and all but one seemed to be looking for him." She said, referencing the woman on the docks and Blaze.
  21. Apollo rolled his eyes and motioned to the other side of the ship. Of course, he wasn't expectong the ship to move so suddenly. If you still want to get off, I could always throw you off." He muttered, as he went back to sleeping on the deck and just so happened to be a few inches from Gale. Kyubi watched Rachel and shrugged. "I guess I can accept her if the others do as well." She thought, before she felt the boat move. To be honest, she was nervous about going home after so long.
  22. Kyubi glanced at the dryad and smiled. "Glad to see your ok." She said. "Aside from us being attacked by some random person, nothing much. We also met Clay for the first time, but you'll probably meet him later." To be honest, the dark elf didn't exactly know what Rachel was talking about and she felt weird around her. "I'm sorry, but do you mean Apollo?" Said dragon noticed the kids and silently snuck up behind them. "I hope you know what you're doing. The others may not have realized this, but dragons have enhanced senses. Long story short, I smelled you before you even got on." He said, not really amused.
  23. Kyubi sighed as she entered one of the cabins on Clay's ship and laid on the provided bed. "It's been so long since I was home. I wonder if anything's changed." She thought as she stared at the ceiling. Apollo's nose twitched as he smelled something familiar. "Looks like one of those kids from earlier is trying to sneak on." He thought to himself.
  24. Kyubi nodded slightly and headed into the boat. She was worried about Blitz, but she didn't really know any healing spells. Surprisingly, the dark elf wasn't the only one concerned. Apollo cast a worried glance every so often to the Neko on Gale's back, before taking the woman who had attack them in his talons. "I might as well dispose of her." He thought. The dragon dropped her off in the grass outside the port city and sighed. "I suggest you tell whoever it is that sent you that Gale and I will be of no use to you." He growled, before flying back to the others. He landed on the deck of Clay's boat, before curling into a ball and falling into the bliss of sleep.
  25. Kyubi was stunned to say the least. She had never seen Blitz like this and noticed Shana crying. "He'll be ok." She said, putting a hand on the neko's shoulder. Apollo glared at the woman, before backing off. "I don't know." He said. "Not that I would tell you anyway."
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